Chapter 4: HR metrics and measurements Flashcards
Kaplan and Norton Balanced scorecard (BSC) 4 dimensions
- Innovation and learning perspectuve: Can we continue to improve and create value
- The customer perspective: How do customers see us?
- The internal business perspective: What must we excel at?
- The financial perspective: How do we look to our shareholders? ** considered as the most important
key performance indicators
hard outcome measures
labor productiviry, efficieny ratios, labor costs, sales volumes, net profits
soft outcome measures
employee satisfaction
which outcome measures lack reliability and costruct validity
strategic balance theory (SBT)
high performing orgs show above average HR, org and financial outcomes
Paauwe’s notion about unbalanced orgs
a - high on employee interests and low on employer interests or
b - low on employee interests and high on employer interests - can restore balance
HR accounting (HRA)
now called HR metrics / HCValuation
popular technique to measure and rate employees
+ : improves the quality of info with regard to human capital ; personnel costs are interpreted as investments, provides info to stakeholders, optimize decision-making processes
-:not ethical, numerous measurement complications, humans cant be treated as assets
HR scorecard
framework for mapping all assets that are directly linked to the employement relationship in an org reflecting human, social and org capital
early HR scorecards
main focus on the HR function perspective;
- HR roles and competences
- HR systems in place
- HR practices in place
Becker et al. 5 key elements of their scorecard
- Workforce success
- Right HR costs
- The right types of HR alignment
- The right HR practices
- The right HR professionals
Phillips et al scorecard
emphasizing evaluation planning, data
collection, data analysis, and the calculation of the return on investment (ROI), the intangible
benefits and the general programme costs. They identify 3 potential user groups: HR
professionals, senior managers and consultants (or evaluation researchers). There is no clear
linkage between HRM and strategy in this HR scorecard.
4 dimensions of workforce scorecard
(1) the mind-set and culture of the workforce;
(2) workforce behaviour with specific attention paid to
the leadership team;
(3) the competences of the workforce, in particular for the core employees;
(4) the workforce success in achieving strategic goals.
Paauwe 4logic HRM scorecard
- A professional logic - expectations of the line managers, employees, etc.
- A strategic logic - expectations of the board directors, CEOs, shareholders, financiers
- A societal logic - exp of WC, TU, government
- A delivery logic - cost-effectiveness of HR departments, line management, teams
Starovic and Mar define intellectual capital in terms of
1 - human capital
2 - relational capital
3 - org capital
Dyer and Reeves 3 types of outcome
1 financial
2 org
3 hr-related
org citizenship behavior
When employees are willing to go the extra mile (willingness to put extra effort into their job without
additional rewards or payments)