Chapter 4: endocrine responses to resistance exercise Flashcards
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: Growth hormone
anterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: adrenocorticotropic hormone
anterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: beta-endorphin
anterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: tyroid-stimulation hormone
anterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: follicle stimulating hormone
anteirior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: luteinizing hormone
anterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: prolactin
anterior pituiary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: antidiuretic hormone
posterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: oxytocin
posterior pituitary
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: thyroxine
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: calcitonin
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: parathyroid hormone
parathyroid gland
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: insulin, glucagon
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: glucocorticoids
adrenal cortex
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: mineralocorticoids
adrenal cortex
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: insulin-like growth factor
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: epinephrine
adrenal medula
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: norepineprine
adrenal medulla
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: proenkephalin fragments
adrenal medulla
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: extradiol
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: progesterone
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: testosterone
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: atrial peptide
heart (atrium)
Endocrine glade responsible for this hormone: renin
stimulates I-GF1 secrtion from the liver, protein synthesis, growth, and metaolism
stimulates glucocorticoid secrtion from the adrenal cortex
adrenocorticotropic hormone
stimulates analgesia
stimulates thyroid hormone secretion from the thyroid gland
thyroid stimulating hormone
stimulates growth of follicles in ovary and seminiferous tubules in testes, stimulates ovum and sperm production
follicle-stimulating hormone
stimulates ovulation as well as secretion of sex hormones in the gonads
luteinizing hormone
stimulates milk production in mammary glands: maintains corpora lutea and secretion of progesterone
increases contraction of smooth muscles and reabsorption of water by kidneys
antidiuretic hormone
stimulates urerine contractions and release of milk by mammary glands
stimulates oxidative metabolism in mitochondria and cell growth
reduces calcium phosphate levels in blood
increases blood calcium: decreases blood phosphate: stimulates bone formation
parathyroid hormone
reduces blood glucose concentrations via promotion of glucose uptake by cells: promotes glycogen storage: suppresses fat oxidation and gluconeogenesis: is involved in protein synthesis
increases blood glucose levels
catabolic and anti-anabolic: promote protein breakdown and inhibit amino acid incorporation into protiens: conserves blood glucose concentrations via stimulation of conversion of protiens into carbohydrates, suppress immune cell function, promote fate oxidation
glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone, and so on)
increase body fluilds via sodium-potassium retention
mineralocorticoids (aldosterone, deoxycortisoteone, and so on)
increase protein synthesis in cells
increases cardiac output: increases blood sugar and glycogen breadown and fat metabolism
has properties of epinephrine: also constricts blood vessels
enhance immune cell function, have analgesia affects
stimulates development of female sex characterisitics
stimulates development of female sex characteristics and mammary glands, maintains pregnancey
anabolic and anticatabolic: promotes amino acid incorporation into proteins and inhibits protein breakdown: stimulates growth and development and maintenance of male sex characterists
regulates sodium, potassium and fluid volume
atrial peptide
regulates kidney function, permeability, and solute
normal fluctuations in hormone levels through out the day
diurnal variations
GH is an example of this type of hormone
testosterone is an example of this type of hormone
IGF is an example of this type of hormone
the more muscle fibers recruited for an exercise the greater this
the extent of potential remodeling process of the whole muscle
4 ways to increase serum testosterone concentrations
large muscle group exercises
heavy resistance (85-95% 1RM)
Moderate to high volume
short rest intervals (30-60 seconds)
2 ways to increase GH concentrations
use workouts with higher lactate concentrations and associated acid-base disruptions (high intensity, short rest)
supplement diet with carbohydrate and protein before and afterworkouts
how to optimize response to adrenal hormones
use high volume, large muscle group, and short rest periods to expose the body to adrenergic stress. Watch for symptoms of over training