Chapter 12: principles of Test selection and administration Flashcards
4 main reasons for testing
assessment of athletic talent
identification of physical abilities in need of improvement
set goals
evaluate progress
a procedure for assessing ability in a particular endeavor
test used to assess ability that is performed away from laboratory and does not require extensive training or expensive equipment
field test
the process of collecting test data
the process of analyzing test results for the purpose of making decisions on training
test administered before the beginning of training to determine the athletes initial basic ability levels
test administered one or more times during the training period to assess progress and modify the program as needed
mid test
periodic reevalutation based on midtests administered during the training usually at regular intervals
formative evaluation
test administered after the training period to determine the success of the training program in achieving the training objectives
degree to which a test or test item measures what it is suppose to measure
the ability of a test to represent the underlying construct and refers to the overall validity or extent the test actually measures what it is suppose to measure
construct validity
the appearance to the athlete and other casual observers that the test measures what it is purported to measure
face validity
assessment by experts that the testing covers all relevant subtopics or component abilities in appropriate proportions
content validity
the extent to which test scores are associated with those of other accepted tests that measure the same ability (often estimated statistically)
concurrent validity
the extent to which test scores are associated with some other measure of the same ability
criterion-referenced validity
evidenced by high positive correlation between results f the test being assessed and those of the recognized measure of the construct (gold standard).
convergent validity
the extent to which the test score corresponds with future behavior or performance(in sport)
predictive validity
the ability of a test to distinguish between two different constructs and is evidence by a low correlation between the results of the test and those of tests of a different construct
discriminant validity
measure of the degree of consistency or repeatability of a test
statistical correlation of the scores from two administrations of a test provide a measure of this
test-retest reliability
a lack of consistent performance by the person being tested
intrasubject variability
also refers to as objectivity or interrater agreement. the degree to which different ratrers agree in their test results over time or on repeated occasions, measure of consistency
interrater reliability
a lack of consistent scores by a given tester
intrarater variability
a tester can administer up to this many nonfatiguing tests in sequence to an athlete as long as the test reliability can be maintained
when administering this, tests should be separated by atleast 5 minutes to prevent the effects of fatigue from confounding test results
test battery
order of testing least to most fatigue inducing
nonfatiguing tests agility tests maximum power and strength tests sprint tests local muscular endurance tests fatiguing anaerobic capacity tests aerobic capacity tests
doing this can increase the tests reliability
general and specific warm-ups performed before a test