Chapter 15- Exercise Technique For Free Weight And Machine Training Flashcards
WHich of the following exercises requires a spotter? A. Lat pull down B. Wrist curl C. Power clean D. Step up
D. Step up
DUring which of the following exercises should a spotters hands be placed on the athletes forearms near the wrist? A. Bench press B. Incline DB BENCH PRESS C. Upright row D. Lying barbell ext
Which of the following is the correct foot patter in the step up?
Step up right foot, step up left foot, step down left foot, step down right foot
The primary movement during the second pull phase of the power clean is?
A. Hip flex ion
B. Hip extension
C. Knee file ion
B. Hip extension
Two common grips used in resistance training are?
A. Pronated (overhead grip)
B. Supinated (underhand grip)
Two less common grips are?
Alternated grip ( one supinated one probated)
Hook grip (mainly for power exercises Ike the snatch)
____ grip is when thumbs are around the bar.
Closed grip
___ grip is when thumbs are NOt wrapped around the bar
Open or false grip
For most exercises the hands are placed shoulder width apart, should all be balanced
There’s a clean grip and snatch grip that are a little wider. They are also hook grip
Seated or ___ (lying face up) exercises require a specific posture. The athlete should position the body to achieve the FIVE POINT BODY CONTACT POSITION.
- Head is placed firmly on bench
- Shoulders and upper back are placed firmly on bench
- Buttocks are places evenly on the seat
- Right foot is flat on the floor
- Left foot is flat on the floor
Exercises performed during standing typically require that the feet be positioned ______ with heels and balls of the feet in contact with the floor. Seated or supine exercises performed on a bench require a five point body contact position
Slightly wider than hip width
When the entire _____ is covered during an exercise, the value of the exercise is maximized an flexibility is maintained or improved.
Reps performed in slow controlled manner increase likelihood of full ROM but power or quick exercises like power clean or push jerk should be made to accelerate the bar to maximal speed while still maintaining control and proper form through the exercise
Full rom
The most strenuous movement of a rep- typically soon after the transition from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase is referred to as the ______ point
Athletes should ____ thought the sticking point and ___ during the less stressful phase of the rep.
Exhale through sticking point
Inhale on less stressful part
The sticking point of the bicep curl occurs midway through the upward movement phase (concentric elbow flex ion), the athlete should ____ during this portion
There are some situations in which breath holding may be suggested. For experienced trained athletes performing structural exercises (those that load the vertebral column and therefore place stress on it) with high loads, the _____ ____ can be helpful for maintaining proper alignment and support.
Valsalva maneuver
Even a very well trained individual should not extend the length of the breath holding phase (1-2 seconds), as blood pressure can quickly rise to triple resting levels
Dizziness, disorientations
The use of ____ ___ may help maintain intro-abdominal pressure during lifting.
Weight belts
It is reccommended that weight belts are used during exercise that place stress on ____ and during sets that are near maximal
Lower back
A drawback to weight belt use is that wearing a belt too often reduces the opportunity for the abdominal muscles to be trained.
Weight belts are NOT needed for exercises that do not stress the lower back
A ___ is someone who assists in the execution of an exercise to help protect the athlete from injury.
Free weight exercises performed over the head or with a bar on the back, racked anteriorly on the shoulders or on the clavicle or over the face are more challenging and fun therefore should involve a ___
___ exercises should not be spotted
When spotting over the face barbell exercises, it is important for the spotter to grasp the bar with alternated grip, usually more narrow that the athletes grip.
Establish a solid, wide base of support with the feet
For DB exercises it is important to spot as CLOSE to the DB as possible.
SPot at the FOREARM near the WRIST instead of the elbows
The number of spotters needed is largely determined by the ___ being lifted.
____ is the responsiibility of the athlete and the spotter.
The term ___ refers to moving the bar from the upright supports to a position in which the athlete can begin the exercise
Knowing how much and when to help the athlete is an important aspect of spotting.
At the first indication that a rep will be misse, the athlete should quickly ask or signal the spotter and the spotter needs to immediately attempt to provide the amount of assistance needed