Chapter 4 - Business level strategy Flashcards
Business strategy is a part of “strategy content”. What is strategy content?
Strategy content refers to the question of what the strategy should be. We’re talking about what course of action the firm should follow
Strategy content cares about 2 kinds of “fits”
1) The fit between the firm and its environment (external consonence)
2) Internal fits between various parts of the firm (internal consistency).
external consonance and internal consistency differ in terms of how the organization might perform
External consonance, recall that it is about the alignment between a firm and its environemnt, is in danger of not meeting the demands of the environement. This cause underperformance.
Internal consistency problems is more about the efficeincy in which the organization can operate.
why is so difficult to adapt to environement, and align current stnegths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats with that of the environemtn?
Mostly due to the competitiveness of the environment.
A firm needs to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals
What is this chapter about?
How firms should create a sustainable competitive advantage in each business they are in
elaborate on the core issue of this chapter
The core issue is “the issue of competitive advantage”. Naturally, this issue is about how firms need to have some sort of competitive advantage over its rivals to succeed.
Porter 5 forces is very strong here. Ideally, a firm needs to have a competitive advantage as it will:
1) Counterbalance the demands of suppliers
2) Counterbalance the demands of buyers
3) Outperform rivals
4) Discourage new firms to enter the industry/business
5) To fend off the threat against substituties.
This is essentially porter five forces. The issue of having competitive advantage is paramount.
What is a competitive advantage?
Can by anything. it depends largely on the business model the firm has developed.
abstractly speaking, business model is a function.
X -> f(X)
X is the inputs, such as resourcs.
The function itself is a transformaiton of activities that does something to the resources.
Finally we get the output.
the business model is the way the firm intends to create value for its customers.
The idea of competitive advantage means that the firm must have a way to create superior value (at least on some area) as compared to rivals.
elaborate on the entirey of business model
As already defined, business model is the way the firm intends to create value for its customers. It is paramount and a very important part of the firm, because it defines the very nature of the competitive advantage that the firm has (or has not).
We define a business model as a an abstract function of resources that are applied with some activities, which result in product.
Therefore, the business model is an interplay between the firms resource base, its activities (value chain) and finally the product offering.
It is the entire relation between all of them that defines the business model, and ultimately the compatitive advantage that the firm has.
At the very basis of the competitive advantage: The products must be superior in some way. Superior in the sense that they must be more hihgly valued than that of rivals products.
The very first things we should note is that it is generally not advisable to go broad. There are good reasons for this, such as low economies of scale, slow organizational learning, unclear brand image, unclear corporate image, high organizational complexity.
A crucial insight is regarding the delineating of industries. We must be able to define an industry, because this is our basis of competitors. This is crucial because we have to decide what businesses to be in, and to do that, we need insihgt into how the industries appear.
The simplest way to describe an industry, is by product. However, this is not that good. As strategists, we like to consider industries from the perspectives of the value, or the need, that they satisfy. Ancient example: Is a watch really a watch, or is it fashion/jewelry. Is it status?
THe next thing we need to do, is the segmenting of markets. Same product, but differnet market, is differnet business. For instance, air travel at different routes.
Next up is the term “business”. Business refer to the competitive arena where companies are offering similar products serving similar needs against one another for the favor of the buyers.
Given a selected business, the task up ahead is positioning. Positioning refer to how we place our products/services against other rivals’. Porter: positioning is where and how to compete. what we determine here will lay the foundation of our competitive advantage.
Accordign to Porter, competitive advantage cooks down to two things: cost vs differentiation. Differentiation includes everything from image, quality, features, availability, relations etc. The reason why porter has this definition of competition, is that they are almost impossible to achieve simultaneusly.
That wraps up the product offering. This is sort of the idea-stage where we figure out some needs in the market or whatever, and develop an edge. however, we still need to be able to make it.
not really that intersting, difficult to conceptualiuze. Core idea: Activities that facilitate everuything.
we make the disinction between tangible and intangible resources.
elaborate on the paradox, the demands, the issue and how to deal
We start by the issue: the issue is about the competitive advantage. We know what it is based on: Creating superior value proposition. This comes from the business model.
The issue is how we should go about to develop that edge. We know that the business model consists of resources and activities and value proposition, and we know that we are targeting someone with our value proposition.
we can say that there must be a fit between the organization and the environment. We can use SWOT to highlight thus. The SWOT however, drags in opposite directions. The streangths and weaknesses of the organization pulls towards using the current set of resources and acitvities, while the opportunititeis and threats will most likely go the opposite way. So the issue is: What should we do?
In essence, we are talking about the demand for market adaptation vs the demand for resource leveraging.
This leads us to the paradox. Building new competence, or exploiting the current one.
We have the outside-in perspective, which takes the side of the market adaption.
the other perspective, the inside-out consider an approach where the current resource base is the foundation for future decision making.
Define business model
business model is the configuration of resources, activities, product/service offerings intended to create value for customers. It is the way a firm conducts its business.
A competitive adantage can be achieved only if a busness modekl creates superior value for buyers.
What is the first step/element in a successful business model?
A superior value proposition.
This is about needs. We are talking about eahc element in the firm’s product offering to be targted at a particular segment of the market and have a superior value attributes (price, availability, reliability, etc).
Given a superior value proposition, what is next to gain competitive advantage?
Actually being able to develop it
generally speaking, elaborate on the distinction between focusing on a limited set of product-market combinations vs focusing on many
Firstly, there is great temptation in going wide. However, this has significant drawbacks. Generally, these drawbacks are so large that it is not possible. We want to be extremely focused in our decision to pick a certain limited number of businesses and within each business focus on a limited group of custoemrs and a limited set of products. The focus should not be arbitrary. This is THE great challenge.
If we go too broad, we risk the following:
1) Low economies of scale, inefficient core
2) Slow organizational learning. Building up specific knwoeldge is crucial. Probably like evolution.
3) Unclear brand image.
4) Unclear ocrporate image. lack of identity.
5) High organizational complexity. Shit load of divisions.
6) Limits to flexibility.
What is “the” business level strategy challenge?
Strategizing managers must understand what businesses are structrally attractive and how their firm can gain a competitive advantage within each business, by offering specific value propositions to selected customer segments.
Define industry
Group of firms making a similar type of product or employing a similar set of value adding pricesses or resources.
Basically: Supply side simiilarities.