Chapter 4 - Automatic Flight Flashcards
After lift-off, the A/T remains in THR HLD until:
400 feet Radio Altitude
When control wheel pressure is released during CWS roll operation, the airplane will roll wings level when the bank angle is:
6 degrees or less.
The Automatic Flight System (AFS) consists of:
the autopilot flight director system (AFDS) and the autothrottle (A/T).
In normal operation, what provides the A/T system with N1 limit values?
The autothrottle:
- moves the thrust levers with a separate servomotor on each thrust lever.
- the A/T can be manually overridden.
- the A/T will reduce thrust toward idle at 27 feet RA.
During a dual autopilot ILS approach, the FLARE mode should engage at:
50 feet RADALT
Which A/T modes permit manual thrust changes without A/T interference?
Which mode must be armed before the second autopilot can be selected?
If the TO/GA switch is pressed below 2000 feet Radio Altitude during a single autopilot ILS approach:
- The autopilot disengages.
- The A/T (if armed) engages in GA mode.
- The A/T (if armed) advances thrust levers to a reduced go-around N1.
(don’t go round)
What pitch mode annunciates after takeoff when the autopilot is first engaged in CMD?
What is the minimum altitude for selecting CMD on the second autopilot during a dual channel A/P approach?
800 feet RA.
VNAV is terminated by:
- selecting a different pitch mode.
- capturing G/S.
reaching the end of an LNAV route.
Level change climbs and descents white using the autoflight system are made at the airspeed
displayed on:
the MCP
With VNAV engaged, the AFDS pitch and A/T modes are commanded by the
If the pilot overrides the autopilot with control column force pitch input, the following occurs immediately?
The autopilot changes to CWS P.
Which A/T modes permit manual thrust changes without A/T interference?
Minimum speed reversion is not available when:
- The A/T is OFF and the AFDS is in ALT HOLD.
- G/S capture
The use of aileron trim with the autopilot engaged is:
LNAV automatically disconnects when:
- the HDG SEL mode is engaged
- upon VOR or localizer capture.
- reaching a route discontinuity.
A/T engages automatically when following AFDS modes are engaged:
- V/S
- G/S capture
Changeover between IAS and Mach occurs at:
Approximately FL260
Underspeed limiting symbol:
Overspeed limiting symbol:
IAS/MACH displays blank when:
- VNAV mode engaged
- A/T engaged in FMC SPD mode
- during 2 engine AFDS go–around
IAS/MACH displays:
100 knots when power is first applied
N1 Switch - Engage
- engages A/T in N1 mode if compatible with AFDS modes already engaged
- illuminates N1 switch light
- annunciates N1 autothrottle mode.
N1 Switch - Disengage
- deselects N1 mode and extinguishes switch light
- engages autothrottles in ARM mode.
SPEED Switch - Engage
- engages A/T in SPEED mode if compatible with engaged AFDS modes
- illuminates SPEED switch light
- annunciates MCP SPD autothrottle mode
- maintains speed in MCP IAS/MACH display.
SPEED Switch - Disengage
- deselects speed mode and extinguishes switch light
- engages A/T in ARM mode.
Speed Mode engages automatically when:
- ALT ACQ engages
- ALT HOLD engages
- V/S engages
- G/S capture occurs.
Before the A/T is armed, it requires:
the OAT on the N1 page to be present.
A/T disengagement is caused by:
- moving the A/T Arm switch to OFF
- pushing either A/T Disengage switch
- an A/T system fault is detected
- two seconds have elapsed since landing touchdown (dual channel)
The MCP speed is selectable from:
- 100 kts to Vmo and
- .60M to Mmo
The IAS/Mach window will blank when:
- 2-engine go-around
THR HLD will continue on takeoff until:
After passing 800’ and 18 seconds have elapsed.
For climbs using LVL CHG or V/S, the A/T cannot command climb thrust higher than:
the FMC computed limit.
MCP SPD engages automatically when:
ALT HOLD engages or G/S capture.
For a dual channel approach, the A/T retard mode engages:
2.5 seconds after initiation of the FLARE mode or at 27’ RA, whichever is first.
The A/T G/A mode is armed:
When the aircraft descends below 2,000’.
Pressing the TO/GA switch once will:
Command a 1,000’ to 2,000’ per minute rate of climb at a reduced thrust G/A setting.
Pressing the TO/GA switch a second time will:
Command max N1 limit thrust for the G/A.