Chapter 4: Anomie & Strain Theory. Flashcards
Embrace success, but turn to illegitimate means.
Maintain outward conformity to the norms of governing institutionalized means, but not the goals.
Relinquish allegiance to both the cultural success goal and the institutionalized means (are in society but not of it)
Not only reject but wish to change the existing system.
Anomie and deviance are
mutually reinforcing
Strain theory was theorized by…
Crime increases when we become.
More innovative/creative.
Most people in society…
Conform/do not commit crimes.
Lawlessness. This occurs when people choose not to conform.
Delinquent boys and the culture gang. Delinquent gangs and the subculture values they embrace are concentrated in urban slums.
Opportunity Theory
Cloward and Ohlin.
Agnew’s _____ ______ theory
General strain
Agnew argued that
Merton’s strain theory was too narrow. More than just economic strain. Added child abuse, neglect, death & victimization.
Strain theory became most popular in the…
Institutional anomie. Occurs because everyone is dependent. Institutions
are interrelated. Everyone needs money, so that creates the opportunity for crime.
Messner & Rosenfeld.