Chapter 4: Anermia: Diagnosis and Clinical Considerations Flashcards
What is the criterion used to make a diagnosis of anemia?
Decreased Hgb
Decreased Hct
Decreased RBC
What are some causes of anemia?
dietary deficiency
decreased RBC production
Increased RBC destruction or loss
What are the most common clinical signs of anemia
fatigue, weakness, dyspnea, and pallor
what is the most commonly accepted method for measuring hgb?
conversion of hgb to cyanmethemoglobin, followed by spectrophotometric measurement
how is hct measured on automated hematology instruments?
calculation MCV * RBC count
What is characteristically found on a peripheral blood smear in the case of anemia?
Basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, and papenheimer bodies
cabot rings and Heinz bodies
What is the diagnostic value of the reticulocyte count in evaluation of anemia?
Determines responses and potential of the bone marrow
When interpreting bone marrow aspirate smear what should be considered
the maturation of red and white blood cells
M:E ratio
Estimate of bone marrow activity
Adult hgb for women
Adult hgb for men
Where is erythropoietin produced?
ration of hgb to hct
hct for women
42% +/- 5%
hct for men
47% +/- 5%
HCT * 10 / RBC
HGB * 10/ RBC
HGB * 100/ HCT
Anemias can be classified as give fL and %
normocytic 80-100 fL and normochromic 32-36%
microcytic less than 80 fL and by-chromic less than 32%
macrocytic greater than 100 fL and norm chromic 32-36%
Reticulocyte count normal
Macrocytic/normochromic possible causes
megaloblastic anemia
liver disease
normocytic/normochromic possible causes
bone marrow failure, hemolytic anemia, leukemia
microcytic/hypochromic possible causes
IDA, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia, lead poisoning