Chapter 4 Flashcards
Absolute Threshold
The minimum amount of physical energy needed for the observer to notice a stimulus.
Aesthetic Experience
A term used to identify the feeling of pleasure evoed by stimuli that are perceived as beautiful, attractive and rewarding. Also refers to displeasure evoked by stimuli that are perceived as ugly, unattractive and unrewarding.
Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
The general name for phenomena that are different from normal waking consciousness and include mystic experiences, meditation, hypnosis, trance and possession.
Behavioural Environment
A mental representation that orients people to dimensions such as time, space, and the interpersonal world.
The subjective awareness of one’s own sensations, perceptions and other mental events.
A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake, especially of the fulfillment of whishes or hopes.
Depth Perception
The organization of sensations in three dimensions, even though the image on the eye’s retina is two dimensional.
Difference Threshold
The lowest level of stimulation required to sense that a change in the stimulation has occured.
Storylike sequences of images occuring during sleep.
A quiet and relaxed state of tranquility in which a person achieves an integration of emotions, attitudes and thoughts.
The process that organizes various sensations into meaningful patterns.
Perceptual set
Preceptual exprectations based on experience.
The process by which receptor cells are stimulated and transmit their information to higher brain centers.
Sensory Adaptation
The tendency of the sensory system to respond less to stimuli that continue without change.
A nonwaking state of consciousness characterized by general unresponsiveness to the environment and general physical immobility.
A sleeplike state marked by reduced sensitivity to stimuli, loss or alteration of knowledge, rapturous experiences, and the substitution of automatic for voluntary motor activity.