Chapter 4 Flashcards
What issues does Québec face regarding their political status in Canada?
Some believe Québec should be independent politically from Canada
What is the Referendum of Sovereignty-association 1980? /3
A referendum organized by René Lévesque
The referendum meant that Québec should be independent politically, but tied to Canada economically
Opposed by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Liberal party
What did Pierre Élliott Trudeau propose as an alternative to sovereignty-association? /2
Renewal federalism
If the NO side won, he would reopen the constitutional debate to better define Quebec’s place within the federation
Even though the NO side won the first referendum, why did Pierre Élliott Trudeau host a second referendum? /2
Since the results of the first referendum were so close (No: 59.6% and Yes: 40.4%)
He couldn’t ignore the close outcome of both results
What decision made by the Pierre Élliott Trudeau and the other premiers led to the federal government attempt to please Quebec’s demand of being recognized as a distinct society? /5
Could be a connections paragraph on the exam…
Decision was: The Patriation of the Constitution 1982
Prime minister Trudeau sets où to amend the Canada Constitution since the British Parliament still held power over the Dominion
Pierre Trudeau attempts to unilaterally patriate the constitution (a decision reached without consultation)
Provincial premiers meet and negotiate BUT the final agreement was reached without René Lévesque
Results in the Constitution Act 1982 to not recognize Quebec’s uniqueness
What is the Patriation of the Constitution 1982? /6
Canada is now constitutionally independent from England
Canada can now change its own constitution without going through the British Parliament
Introduced the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Did not define Quebec’s status within Canada
Signed in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II
The British North America Act becomes the CANADA ACT
What is the Meech Lake Accord 1987? /4
Formed by the Progressive Conservative Party hBrian Mulroney)
Proposed negotiations in an effort to reconcile with Québec (its your fault Trudeau!)
Robert Bourassa is the Premier during the Meech Lake Accord
Stated Québec would be recognized as a distinct society
Why did the Meech Lake accord 1987 fail? /2
Manitoba and Newfoundland refused it
Indigenous people are complaining on why THEY didn’t get a distinct society
What is the Charlottetown accord 1992? /5
Premiers meet to discuss constitution once again
Included federal government, provincial government, Indigenous representatives, and territory leaders
Discussing Quebec’s demand to be recognized as a distinct society
All Canadians were asked to give their opinion of the accord during the referendums
The accord is rejected by 56.7% Quebecers and 54.3% Canadians
What is the cause of the referendum on sovereignty 1995? /2
Quebec’s status in Canada was still a issue
Quebecers continue to considered the sovereignist option
What effect did the referendum on sovereignty 1995 have on the Quebec population? /2
Heated debates focused in Quebec’s economic and territorial issues
The referendum clearly showed that Quebec’s political future divided Québec society more than ever
What is the Post Referendum Action? /3
Federal government passes the Clarity Act to ensure any future referendums are clear to the public in 2000
Stephen Harper passes a motion in the House Of Commons declaring Quebec is a nation within Canada in 2006
Constitutional talks have been on the back-burner (referendum fatigue) since 1995
What issue is seen between Bill 101 and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? /2
Alliance Québec said Bill 101 denies the rules of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
|-> in fact Bill 101 denies freedom of expression
What is Bill 178 and Bill 86? /2
Bill 178:
Introduced by Premier Robert Bourassa
Required all outside signs to be French only in Québec (is passed)
Bill 86:
Allow both the English and French language, BUT French has to be the majority
What causes Indigenous people to take a more political approach in the 1980s?
The Canadian government has yet to respect indigenous rights
What is the Constitution Act 1982? /3
Recognizes the ancestral rights and treaty rights of indigenous people
Recognized Inuits,First Nations, and Métis as indigenous people
Several indigenous nations in Canada allied in the courts to ensure that their ancestral and Treaty rights are respected
What is Bill C-31 1985? /2
First Nations women married to non-indigenous men regained their Indian status, as well as their kids
Eliminated enfranchisement clauses still present in the Indian Act
What effect did Recognition of the Indigenous Nations and this rights by the Quebec government have on First Nations 1985? /3
Allowed indigenous people to negotiate agreements with the Quebec government
Québec recognized the existence and rights of 10 nations and the Inuit
They have a right to…
- autonomy with Quebec
- preserve their cultures, languages and traditions
- own and manage land
- manage wildlife resources in their territory
- participate in Quebec’s economic development and profit from it
- develop as distinct nations with their own identities
Identify the cause and effect of the Oka Crisis 1990. /6
Land dispute in Oka between the Mohawk and provincial and federal governments:
The town of Oka wanted to expand a golf course onto un cèdes Mohawk territory
Mohawks of Kahnesatake protect the Pines and set up a barricade to stop the construction crews
Sûreté du Québec officers intervened and an officer is killed
Canadian army takes over the situation from the Sûreté du Québec, the fight lasts 78 days—ends in September
The Pines have not been developed
What agreements were shared between the Canadian government and Indigenous people? /4
Commission on Aboriginal People’s 1991
Creation of Nunavut 1999
The Paix des Braves (Peace of Braves) 2002
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 2008
What is the Commission on Aboriginal People’s 1991? /4
Studies the relations between Indigenous people, the federal government and the Canadian society
Propose solutions to problems undermining these relations
Recommends that indigenous people be able to participate in policies that concern them and that they be granted powers for self-determination
Some of these recommendation required amendement, so they were not fulfilled
What effect did creating Nunavut have in the Dominion in 1999? /3
It was the first time a country changed its domestic borders at the request of an indigenous people
Inuit make up 85% of this territory and governed it autonomously
Created by the federal government
What is the Paix des Braves 2002? /5
An agreement signed between the Grand Council of the Crees and the Quebec government
Recognized the Cree’s ancestral rights to land in northern Quebec
Québec government agreed to pay $70 million a year to the Cree communities living in this territory (northern Quebec)
Designed to facilitate the establishment of hydroelectricity dams, forestry and mining industries
Promote economic development in northern Quebec while encouraging the participation of Cree businesses in development projects in the territory
What is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 2008? /4
Inform all Canadians about how 150 000 children suffered in residential schools
Work towards reconciliation with indigenous people across Canada
From 2008-2014, there were 6000 testimonies from Inuit, Métis and First Nations who attended residential schools
To help Canadians move forward and rebuilt the relationship with the Indigenous peoples
What is a recession?
Temporary downturn in economic activity
What happened during the 1980s recession? /9
Continuity from the Great Depression
United States imported fewer raw materials and products from Canada (exports decrease)
Unemployment increases
Government pumps money into the economy (Keynesianism) to help the debt/recession
Provincial debt increases
Gross Domestic Production
Primary (raw material) and secondary (using the raw materials to make something) sectors are greatly affected
Increased the gap between the rich and the poor class
Workers’ purchasing power weakens
Consumption of goods and services decreases
What is neo-liberalism?
An ideology that advocates a laissez-faire economy and challenges state intervention in the economy and society
Why is neo-liberalism adopted in the 1980s? /3
Multinationals and finance circles wanted to increase individual responsibility
That the population becomes less dependent on the services provided by the state
|-> Reduce state intervention
Why did Canada sign free trade agreements in the late 1980s? /2
To allow Canadian businesses to trade on equal footing with the business of partner countries (ex. USA, Mexico)
Reduce or eliminate trade barriers (custom duties, quotas)
What is N.A.F.T.A 1992? /7
North American Free Trade Agreement
A free trade agreement between Canada, United States (1989) and Mexico (1994)
Eliminates custom duties in most of the production traded
Allows Canada’s exports to increase = increase in profits
Job losses in some sectors in Canada
Similar to National Policy
Effect of neo-liberalism
Why does Canada lose jobs in some sectors?
The USA benefits more since the USA has a bigger population than Canada resulting in more production
What is a consequence of N.A.F.T.A on trade between Canada and the USA?
Imports from the USA and Mexico increase, as well as, exports to those countries increases
Increase in the value of trade among the three countries
What is devitalization? /4
A socio-economic phenomenon by which a municipality simultaneously experiences a declining and aging population
Shrinking investment
Local services decrease
Youth leaving due to lack of local jobs
Why are communities outside of major cities facing devitalization?
Large cities are expanding often to the detriment of rural communities
What are single industry town? /2
Town where the economy depends on the exploitation/processing of ONE natural resource by one or a few companies
Fluctuations in the economy can have a major impact on single industry towns
How can devitalization be prevented?
By diversifying a town’s economy
What effect does devitalization have on the youth? /4
Working age people will leave in search of work
Move to big cities to go to school
Do not return to their town due to little chance of finding work
Population shrinks/ages
Identify the cause and effect of Devitalization of Rural Communities. /6
Demand for resource decreases or the resource is exhausted/depleted
Unemployment increases
People leave to find work and education
Remaining population is aging/young people leave
Closure of local services (schools, businesses, etc)
What effect does the falling birth rate staring in the 1960s (birth control + women’s education) have on the economy? /3
Will result in a lack of workers
|-> working age population is decreasing
The number of people 65 and older years of age is increasing
The population is aging
What is a financial issue (consequence) the Quebec government is going to face regarding the aging population? /2
Healthcare and social services costs increase
More government spending
What is the family policy? /4
Child care services are funded by the government (Daycare)
Introducing child support (tax credit)
Financial support for low income families
Measures are adopted for families with special needs
Introduced by Pauline Marois
Identify the cause and effect of the aging population. /2(5)
Birth rate dropping
Number of Quebecers 65 years old or over is increasing
Many baby boomers become seniors resulting in an aging population
People live longer due to increase in life expectancy
Family policy is introduced
Identify the cause and effect a multicultural society in Québec. /2
Due to immigration our society is more diverse
Why does Québec encourage immigration in the early 1990s? /2
If birth rate can not fill the labour gap, immigrants are the alternative