Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is the Cold War? How long did it last? /2
A political and ideological stand off/feud between the USA and the USSR (Soviet Union )
From 1946-1990
What disagreement did the USA and USSR share? /2
Both believe their model of society is best
Capitalist vs. Communist
How did the USA and the USSR fight each other? /2
NOT DIRECTLY: no physical war against each other
Fought through proxy wared
What are proxy wars? /2
Wars where the USA and USSR support a side that represents their world view (model of society).
Supported by giving economic and military strength
Ex. Vietnam War, Korean War
What was the purpose of the Cold War?
Both the USA and the USSR trying to impose their influence/control on the world
How did the Cold War impact Canada?
Québec iron was in high demand
Increase in exports
- To build military weapons and nuclear weapons for the USA
- To reconstruct European cities that were demolished due to WWII
What are the consequences in Québec due to the Cold War? /5
New cities are built
New railway built to Gagnon
American investment in Canada increases
Increased exploitation of Canadians natural resources (ores & metals)
Development of regions:
- Côte-Nord
- Nouveau Québec
What is Keynesian economics?
Federal government intervention in a country’s economic affairs
Since 1930s = Great Depression
How does Federal government intervention increase in the economy?
The Canadian government passed a legislation that only the federal government can collect/levy income tax
Why does federal government intervention increase in the economy?
He federal government needs to pay for war effort
I.e War effort = Victory Bonds
What consequences come from the economic intervention of the federal government? /2
Due to the legislation imposed that only the federal government can collect income tax…
Certain provinces do not support the legislation because it threatens their jurisdiction
Takes away the power the provinces were guaranteed under the BNA Act in 1867
What is a jurisdiction? /2
Official power to make legal decisions and judgments
Power/authority over an area
What did the government give to those who agreed to their new legislation of income tax? /2
The provinces that agreed received subsidies
Shared the costs (income tax collected) with the federal government
What are subsidies?
A sum of money granted by the government
Who is Maurice Duplessis? /10
The premier of Quebec between 1936-1939 and 1944-1959
La Grande Noiceur
Head of the Union Nationale Party
A conservative and traditionalist
Introduced the Rural electrification program
Refused subsidies from the federal government
Had a close relationship with the church
Supported decentralization
What did Duplessis do to increase Quebec’s autonomy? /4
Introduced the fleurdelisé
Re-introduced provincial income tax in 1954
Rejected federal government involvement (jurisdiction)
Rejected federal subsidies to Québec universities
What was economic development under Duplessis rule as premier? /2
Based off economic liberalism
American businesses taking over Quebec’s economy
What is economic liberalism? /4
Economic theory that defends liberal practices (free trade)
Little government intervention in the economy
Private owners drive economic development
Freedom of action for business people
What is the relationship between Duplessis and American businesses? /2
Duplessis exploited American businesses by
charging them access to Quebec’s resources
Attracted American businesses with low fees and taxes on mining resources
What was Duplessis hoping to gain from giving American businesses access to Québec? /2
Quebec’s economy would benefit from the high demand for raw materials
Create more jobs
Why did Duplessis modernize agriculture? /4
He was a conservative and traditionalist
Concerned about Quebec’s rural economy and population
Believed the Province should be able to depend on its agricultural sector for this development
Placed importance on rural life
How did Duplessis modernize agriculture in Québec? What effect did it have? /2(4)
Over 90% of farms had electricity in 1959
|-> farms with electricity produced more
|-> less labour is required
What is clericalism?
An ideology that supports the involvement of the clergy in politics
How was education under Duplessis rule as premier? /3
Duplessis built the schools, BUT..
Schools were run with the help of government subsidies
Most schools only had one classroom composed of children from 5-18 y/o
Why did the Union Nationale and the Catholic Church have a supportive relationship?
Both are:
The Union Nationals party favoured clericalism
What issues came with the church teaching education? /4(5)
Has issues teaching due to small staff and shortage in financial resources
Children were not being taught proper education (math & science)
|-> only being taught what was needed (cleaning, making meals, making clothes, farming)
Educational services were lacking by the late 1950s
Schooling among Francophones was lower than that of Anglophones
How was healthcare under Duplessis rule and premier? /4
Duplessis built hospitals, BUT…
Hospitals were run/built with the help of government subsidies
A health insurance program was never established
Not everyone has access to health care since it was unaffordable
What institution oversaw most of Quebec’s education and health services under Duplessis rule as premier?
The Catholic Church
According to Duplessis, who should be primarily responsible for the province’s industrial development?
Rural populations
What Québec regions benefited the most from American investment in the exploitation of natural resources? /2
Nouveau Québec
What economic sector were Duplessis measures designed to modernize?
Which interest group had conflicting relations with Duplessis’ government
Why was there opposition between unions and Duplessis’ government?
Duplessis was notoriously ANTI-UNION
Ex. Asbestos Strike, Murdochville, Padlock Act of 1937
Who else opposed Duplessis ‘ government? Why? /2
Many artists and intellectuals
They supported secularism
What is secularism? /2
An ideology based on the separation of church and federal government
The authority of the church is limited to the religious sphere
What is the Refus Global? /2
Publicly protest against social conservatism of the Duplessis government and a Catholic Church
A public declaration written by artists that oppose the church’s control over the Province
What is the birth rate increase after WWII called?
Post WWII demographics
The baby boom (1946-1960)
What consequences emerged in the 1950-1960s due to the Baby boom? /4
Cities become overcrowded
Urban sprawl occurs
Young families need more space
People move to the suburbs
What is the Baby Boom?
Dramatic and rapid increase in the birth rate
What province joined the Canadian confederation in 1949?
Newfoundland and Labrador
What is urban sprawl?
the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas.
What continuity can you identify regarding the emerging of consumption?
Consumption emerges during post-wars
Ex. WWI= Roaring 20s, WWII= consumer society
What led to mass consumption in the late 1940s? /6
Wages increased
Influence of American society
Many goods became affordable
Growing variety of goods became available
Development of leisure society
Rapid increase in advertising (American influence)
What are the consequences of the consumer society? /7
Mass consumption emerges
People working decreases
Time devoted to leisure increases
People had the ability to purchase most of the goods they needed
Credit became more accessible
Advertising became popular
Exposed to American culture
How did advertising play a role in mass consumption?
Relationship between advertising and consumer society
By encouraging consumers to buy products further increasing consumption
Identify the continuity regarding immigration to Canada between WWII and WWII? /2
Discrimination between blacks, asians and LGBT immigrants persists
Canada’s immigration Act of 1952 still favours immigrants from Western Europe and the USA
Why did immigration to Canada increase after 1945?
Due to the demolition of European cities caused by WWII
Who did Canada’s immigration act discriminate in 1952? /3
Mental disabilities
Physical disabilities
What is the Quiet Revolution? /15
Jean Lesage is premier
Affirm Québécois identity
Predominance of the French language
Economic nationalism
People start calling themselves Québécois
State intervention increases
Working conditions improve
Introduction of birth control pills
Main immigration wave
Expo 67’
Retaking control of the province’s economy from American businesses
Welfare state
Who is Jean Lesage? /3
Premier of Quebec between 1960-1966
Wanted to modernize Québec FURTHER
Increases state intervention
What is welfare state? /2
A state that intervened socially and Econ
Objective of improving the well-being of the entire population
What is welfare?
Money given to someone to meet their basic needs
What is anti-welfare?
Social benefits given by the government, BUT…
HIGH TAXES pay for those benefits
Identify a change regarding education and healthcare between La Grande Noirceur and the Quiet Revolution? /2
The federal government takes over education and healthcare from the Catholic Church
The Catholic church’s influence in the government decreases
How was education under Jean Lesage’s rule as premier? /9
Parent Commission established to study education in Quebec
Math and Science are now taught in school
Free public education for all children regardless of social class
CEGEPS are introduced in 1967
Comprehensive high school are stablished
Co-education to promote girls’ education
Department of Education created in 1964
Children must attend school until the age of 15 y/o, then they can drop out
What is secularization?
The process of removing religious influence from institutions
What role did the Lesage government wan the state to play?
What was the consequences of the Lesage government’s secularization of social services?
The church’s influence in the government decreases
What important measure did Lesage’s government implement in 1964 to modernize the Quebec education system?
Department of Education
How was healthcare under Jean Lesage’s rule as premier? /3
Wanted health care to be more accessible to all citizens
Set up a hospital insurance program in 1961
Administered board doctors
What is the hospital insurance program in 1961?
Québec ère can be hospitalized at no cost
What is the pension plan of the Quiet Revolution? /4(6)
Collect a percentage of the wages of all workers
|-> contribute to their pension while working
Upon retirement, the pension gains value over the years
State pension cheque’s every month
|-> when you die, you lose your pension
Manage pension money using the Caisse de Dépôt et de Placement du Québec (CDPQ)
What is economic nationalism? /2
ideology that favors state interventionism over other market mechanisms
State becomes the driving force of economic development
How does economic nationalism affect Quebec? /6
State wants control of exploitation of Quebec’s natural resources
Hydroelectricity becomes government owned
State founds Crown corporations
Hydroelectricity is nationalized in 1962
Encourages Francophone entrepreneurs and investors to play a more active role in the business world
The construction of the metro!
Why was Hydroelectricity nationalized? /2
To ensure a more reliable supply of electricity to remote regions
Maximize profits from the production of electricity
What are the consequences from nationalizing hydroelectricity?
Québec government undertook the construction of a number of large dams to harness the potential of hydroelectricity
What are foreign relations?
Relations with foreign countries
Why was foreign relations established in the 1960s? /2
The Québec government placed greater importance on its relations with foreign countries.
Established relations with Francophone countries in order to increase the number of Francophone immigrants to Québec
How did modernization increase in the state? /3
Many civil servants were hired in government departments and crown corporations to provide public services
Hiring of academics and professionals to the standard of quality in civil services
New labour code adopted in 1964
What is the New Labour Code of 1964?
Allows civil servants the right to unionize
When were CEGEPS first opened?
In 1967
What are the consequences of the Quiet Revolution? /4
A more education population
Unionization rage among state employees increases immensely
Increase involvement of Francophones in businesses
Greater openness to the world
How was the population more educated? /2
Increased schooling, particularly among Francophones
More pronounced education for women
How has the involvement of Francophones in business increase? /2
The creation of many small/medium-sized enterprises
Led by Francophones entrepreneurs
How did Québec have a greater openness to the world? /2
Quebecers traveled abroad more often
EXPO 67’
What is Expo 67’? /3
A world fair
Allowed Quebecers a chance to discover the culture and identity of many countries
Allowed foreigners to discover Québec and Canada
What is Québec neo-nationalism? /3
Stronger than traditional nationalism
Majority of Quebec Francophones shared a stronger sense of belonging to the Quebec territory.
Redefined identity by calling themselves “Quebecois” instead of French Canadian
What are consequences from the rise of Québec neo-nationalism? /2
Some quebecois believed Québec should separate from Canada
The rise of a sovereignist movement in Québec
The birth of 2 new political parties:
Parti Quebecois
What is the Parti Quebecois? /3
Founded by René Lévesque
One of the first separatist groups
Supported Québec becoming a sovereignty country
What is the FLQ? /5
One of the first separatists groups
Supported Québec becoming a sovereignty country
Stands for Front de Liberation du Québec
Cause of the October Crisis 1970
Terrorist group
What is the October Crisis? /6
FLQ kidnappes James Cross and Pierre Laporte
FLQ uses violence (kidnapping, bombing, etc) to gain power
FLQ manifesto (list of demands) references the War of 1837-1838 = Patriote=Rebellions
Pierre Trudeau invokes the war measure act
In the end, the kidnappers are arrested and the FLQ loses the election
Laporte is found dead
What is the war measures act? /3
Invoked by Pierre Trudeau during the October Crisis in 1970
Allows the army/police to arrest and search people,without a warrant
Close to 250 people are arrested
What did the FLQ and the Parti Quebecois disagree on? /3
Disagree on how one is to gain power
FLQ: violence
Parti Québécois: democracy & politics
What is Bill 101? /2
Designed by the Parti Quebecois in 1977
Designed to protect and promote the use of the French language
Why was Bill 101 created? /2
Immigrants are coming to Canada
Immigrants are choosing English schools fro their children
Did anyone expect the Parti Quebecois to win the 1976 election?
What is the relationship between the state and Québec?
The federal government is worried about growing nationalism (Québec neo-nationalism) in Québec
What is the cause and effect of the relationship between Ottawa and Québec? /2(3)
Determined inequalities between Anglophone and Francophones
(Reported by the Commission)
Prime Minister Trudeau passes the Official Languages Act
|-> makes English and French two official languages in Canada (1969)
Why does birth rate fall in the early 1960s? /3(4)
The Catholic Church’s influence decreasing
Women are carrying out their education and their careers
|->able to carry out transactions
Birth control pills are introduced
What is the consequence of the falling birth rate in the early 1960s?
Child-bearing years decrease
What is the Act on Legal Status of Women in 1964? /3
Gives women legal status
Women can sign legal documents WITHOUT their husbands
What is the cause and effect of feminist demands in the 1970s? /2(5)
Women still face many injustices regarding the same rights as men (reported by the Royal Commission)
- Pay equity (equal pay for the same amount of work)
- Right/access to abortion
- Maternity leave
- Child servies (daycare)
Identify a change in the presence fo women in the workforce acte the 1950s?
Women’s participation in the workforce increases
Who is Robert Bourassa? /6
Leader of the Parti Libéral
Premier of Québec from 1970-1976
Imposed the Health insurance act
Charter of Human rights and Freedoms
Ore hydroelectricity development
What is the Health Insurance Act of 1970? /3
All Quebecers can now access medical services
Medicare card is introduced
How is labour under Bourassa’s rule as premier? /6
Unions take more social and political action
Strikes are common in public sectors
Common Front (1972)- employees are ordered back to work
Workers demand fairer distribution of wealth and equality
Government workers can now unionize
Can not try to unionize the government
Indicate a change between immigration policies between Lévesque time as premier and that of Duplessis? /2
Immigration applications are now MERIT-BASED
Immigration policy is no longer racist/as discriminatory
What does merit-based mean? /6
Work experience
Family/ Dependence
What are corruption reforms? How? /4(6)
A continuity
Using their power to benefit themselves through the use of others
How? (Patronage)
- Money from a company given to a political party
- That party wins the elections
- The party returns the favour and gives special treatment to the company (I.e contracts)
Ends in 1977
What is the Pacific Scandal? /2
John A. MacDonald asks for extra cash (bribed) from a construction company
John A. MacDonald loses the following election
What are anti-corruption reforms? /4
A change
Lévesque introduces a bill that limits donations to parties
Companies can no longer donate to a political party
Individuals can only donate (max. $3000)
How was agriculture under Lévesque’s rule in the 1970s? /4
Growing outcry due to urban sprawl
Increase of urban sprawl in the Saint-Laurent lowlands (problem)
Decrease of farm land in the Saint-Laurent lowlands (problem)
The Act of Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural land is established (solution)
What is the Saint-Laurent lowlands? /2
Most fertile lands in Québec
Where most cities are found
How did labour CHANGE under Lévesque’s rule as premier in the 1970s? /3
Unions tend to support Parti Quebecois
Rand formula is adopted in 1977
Act Respecting Labour Standards adopted in 1980
What is the Rand Formula pf 1977?
Employers are required to collect sums paid by union members from employee wages and give them to the union.
What is the Act Respecting Labour Standards of 1980? /2
Established rules and conditions ALL EMPLOYERS MUST RESPECT
Maternity leave is introduced