Chapter 4 Flashcards
Pork barrel spending
Legislation that directly funds projects in states/distircts
trading votes with other members to get thier own earmarks passed though
a way for congress to make sure officals are not doing any wrong through their actions and congressional goals
a body of voters in a certain place that elect a rep. or a senator
the process of figuring out how many represenatives for each state with the
results of a census
redrawing the boudaries of an electoral district,
also using a cencus
using redistricting to
benifit voters or speatic groups of people
Partisan gerrymandering
drawing boundaries in a cool way to win over citizens to a political party
Majority-minority district
voters of a minority ethnicity have an electoral majority in the electoral district
being in office already, also can be going for re-election
population in a legslative district that is uneveny divided
Incumbency Advantage
advantages for those already in office have trying to fend off opponents
Speaker of the House
Leader of the house that is chosen buy a vote of the members
Political action commitee
A committee that raises money for campaigns and that of the members candidates can use
A member from congress that is chosen to help party unity& disipline in the political party
Minority leader
Head of the political party chosen by their party members