Chapter 4 Flashcards
What are the FOUR qualities of motivation that provide a supervisor with a frame of reference for making officers more effective and productive ?
1)Motives are hierarchical in nature ( Some motive are perceived more important than others)
2) Motives may be unconscious
3)Inference ( Motives underlying some observable behaviors can only be inferred)
4) Variability (Motives are changeable and have limited stability)
What are motives
They are the why of human behavior
An individuals motivation to act depends on what two factors ?
1) The strength of the need
2) Believing a certain action will lead to need satisfaction
At one time in the police service, the primary and traditional motivating force was ?
What are the three parts of the motivation cycle ?
1)What do I want or need
2) Behavioral response
3) Goal
There should be an organizational norm of supervisory activities that ?
Stimulate the development and growth of every Officer
Above all a supervisor must show ______
(extremes of workplace is something not wanted in an organization, From authoritarian to laissez-faire )
A legitimate supervisory role is to create a work environment resulting in Officers satisfaction. two types of feelings come into play. The first is Global which describes an officers ……….
Expressed feelings about the total job
Global is the first feeling of the work place. The second is Facet. Which reveals an Officers …..
Feelings about one specific job element
The major finding of Leverings book, A great place to work, is that ______ between managers and employees is the primary defining characteristic of the very best work places
Motives for each member of the department are …..
Highly individualistic, based on needs, rewards and values
Five phrases of a good work place from Robert Levering
1)A pleasant place to work
2) Politics are minimal
3)Everyone is treated fairly
4)It is more than just a job
5)You really feel like its your family
Every supervisor must work with employees in developing their abilities, skills and knowledge. The supervisor must also provide conceptual skills training (HU-Tack). This is an ongoing process of developing employees who can relate their own performance to……
The mission and value structure of the organization
Everybody works with greater _____ when there is something in it for him or her
A key is to avoid what leading authority called __ ___ __ when it comes to
Kick in the pants
(approach to motivation as a process that was believed to be results oriented)
In order to become a excellent supervisor, a person must develop a plan that identifies obligations to both the officers being supervised and the immediate superiors. But the following technique should NOT be used to motivate officers
Establish a supervisory style that includes task-specific micromanagement
(Remember these authors never think micromanagement is a good thing)
When using KTP motivation results can be …..
Short term could be positive but its never has lasting impact on the behavior of an individual within an organization
Motivational theories are numerous and a supervisor should consider all of them, keeping in mind that __ ______ _______ based on our current knowledge of the motivational process is the best path to take
An eclectic approach
Who created the needs based motivation theory?
Abraham Maslow
According to Maslow, self actualized individuals are …..
risk prone and
posses a low threshold for self conflict
(Self actualized people are 1% of the population and are 60 years or older)
According to the Needs based motivation theory the strongest and most fundamental need is
These needs emerge when a persons basic needs are fulfilled- for example freedom from being anxious
What are something a supervisor can do to improve motivation ? (10)
1)improve communication process
2)correct a situation immediately when something goes wrong
3) demand high performance (Be aware they might say push for adequate performance) and no micromanagement.
4)Give prompt and specific feedback
5) listen to officers’ ideas and opinions
6)make sure every officer knows what is expected of him and her
7)be a role model
8) specify a time for assigned tasks.
9)Turn your workplace into a learning
10) when appropriate praise, be positive.
How would your recognize a supervisor fixated with security needs
The supervisor does everything possible to please and placate individuals who are higher in the chain of command
Rules and procedures dominate, and absolute adherence to time schedules is demanded, This is a supervisor fixated with _______ needs
What is the order of hierarchy of needs
2) Security
5) Self actualization
When this need is not filled by the organization the officer can respond by an excessive use of sick leave and inadequate productivity, It can lead to loneliness, boredom and poor self image
What is the dominant need for a person who primary need for reasonable order and stability and freedom from anxious and insecure
Maslow describes this need as having two categories. Officers who do not feel that this needs is being fulfilled can become discouraged (If not disgruntled) employees
What are the two categories for the Esteem need
1) Self Esteem (Including such factors as a need for independence, freedom, confidence and achievement)
2) Respect from others ( The concepts of recognition, prestige, acceptance, status and reputation)
The ____ motivated supervisor emphasizes the officers needs and will ignore organizational needs, If options are available, the decision is always made on the side of employees
How would a supervisor know their officers esteem needs are NOT being fulfilled ?
Lack Of confidence
When Physiological needs are not met what behaviors can occur (5)
1) Uneasiness
3)Possible Injury
When Security needs are not met what behaviors can occur (5)
1) Anxiety
3) tentativeness
4) dismay
5) alarm
When Social Needs are not met what behaviors can occur (5)
1) Feelings of Loneliness
When Self esteem needs are not met what behaviors can occur (3)
2) Lack of firm belief in ones own power
3) Lack of Confidence
Who created the motivation- hygiene theory
Fredrick Herzberg
The motivation hygiene theory states that job satisfaction is based on ones motivation and hygiene factors being met. What would Herzberg say is a motivational factor ?
Work itself
When Self Actualization needs are not met what behaviors can occur (5)
1) Estranged
2 Acerbic ( Sharply or bitterly critical, sarcastic or ironic in temper mood or tone)
3) Controlled
5) Feeling or worthlessness
In Herzbergs study what 3 factors were identified as relating to workers happiness
1)Performance of tasks
2)Work events reflecting successful performance
3)Factors identified as growth
What are the factors, Hygiene, that were found to be related to unhappiness (8)
1) Supervision
2)interpersonal relations
3)physical work condition work conditions
5) Company policy
6) administrative practices
8) Job security
Both Motivators and Hygiene factors meet employee needs, but it is primarily the _____ that result in job satisfaction
Theory X- Theory Y is a straightforward theory based on the belief that managers conduct themselves according to assumptions, generalization and hypotheses they have about human behavior. What best defines theory X ?
Carrot and Stick
Who Developed Theory X- Theory Y
Douglas McGregor
What best defines Vroom’s expectancy theory ?
It is the internal state as well as external forces impinging on individuals that will cause them to act in a specific manner
Who created the Expectancy theory
Victor H. Vroom
The expectancy theory is predicated on the concept that :
It is the internal state as well as external forces impinging on individuals that will cause them to act in a specific manner
One aspect of expectancy theory is called effort performance (E-P) which refers to an individuals …..
Motivation to choose a specific performance objective and the relationship to the effort to that objective
It is believed that each individual seeks to increase his or her self esteem by searching for psychological success. One experiences psychological success when (3)
1) A personal, challenging goal is set
2) Methods of achieving that goal are set
3) The goal is relevant to ones self concept
What is the definition of Valence
The strength of an individuals desire for a particular outcome. Synonyms for valence include drive, incentive, desire
Supervisors seem to ______ the factors necessary for motivating employees
(They forget it is the officer perception not the supervisor perception that matters the most)
Who created the Equity theory
John Stacey Adams
Under the concept of equity, one expects acceptable job performance to be meaningfully rewarded. Within everyone there is a need to maintain a balance between inputs and outputs an maintain ______ _____, where employees believe other are getting what they deserve
Distributive fairness
What factors create inequality in a work place (6)
1) Pay differential
2) Diversity, racial, sexual orientation and social discrimination
3) Preferential assignment based on longevity
4)Political promotions
6) Lack of Resources
When a _______ inequality is perceived, there will be a decrease in performance, workload or other kinds of outputs
In Sensitivity theory human behavior can be separated into two categories based on the purpose of the behavior (2)
1) Means - this is indicated when someone performs an act for a useful purpose
2) End- this occurs when an individual performs a behavior for no evident reasons other than its own purpose
If behavior is to be modified, _______ must occur immediately after the behavior occurs not days or months afterward
Short term behavior changes may occur in response to an annual or semiannual _____ but the change in behavior seldom lasts more than a few months
In most instances ______ will have many numerous harmful side effects
When instituting a behavior modification program a supervisor should consider (5 of 9)
1) All employees need to know what is expected of them
2) If officers perform poorly because of a deficiency in knowledge, they should be coached, trained or mentored
3) Positive reinforcement should be consistent and unbroken
4) Punishment should be last resort
5) Reinforcement should be tied to positive behavior