Chapter 4 Flashcards
feminist challenged the linear model in many ways
- Assert that each step there are more than two options
- The process as depicted can be disrupted because the sequence isn’t necessarily linear and straigthforward
- Regard the sex/gender binary as overly simplistic and exclusionary –> gender has multiple dimensions that can interact in a variety of ways
Gender bundle
suggests that aspects of sex/gender aren’t necessarily ordered or connected in a meaningful way
- they’re all part of the personal and social understanding of gender
Gender identity
one’s understanding of oneself as gendered
- based on fundamental sense of belonging to a sex/gender category regardless of assignment at birth
individuals whose gender identity and or gender expression do not conform to societal expectations for the sex they were assigned at birth
- umbrella term that encompasses a variety of self-a
Gender transitioning
the process of publicly demonstrating their gender identity in both appearance and behavior
use a pronoun that doesn’t accurately reflect the trans person’s gender identity
focuses on the social context rather than the individual
- highlights the reality that transgender indiviudals must continuously prove the authencity of their gender
Sex reassignment surgery
the surgical procedures involved in changing one’s sex
people who believe their bodies don’t represent their sex and who have a strong desire for body modification
Transitioning obstacles
impediments outside of a person’s control that influene when and if they’re able to transition
- money and time are notable obstacles
- Feared being seen as mentally ill or losing family
Gender dysphoria
a strong desire to be treated as the other gender or to want to change one’s sex characteristics
Minority stress theory
suggests that having a marginalized identity carries additional social stressors that can negatively affect mental and physical health outcomes
1. Transgenders are exposed to discrimination and prejudice
2. they may internalize negative messages about transgender people, resulting in internalized transphobia
3. It’s estimated that over half of transgender individuals experience violence at one time in their lives
stigma awareness
transgender individuals’ experiences with violence and discrimination may create a justifiably heightened fear of encountering future discrimination
Within group stress transgenders
- In order to express inclusion of transgender individuals, many trans people felt taht this was a shallow gesture
- The level of support a transgender person feels form an LGBTQ group is dependent on the willingness of gay and lesbian members to divide resources among different priorities
the process whereby chromosomes fail to disconnect when a cell divides
Kinefelter Syndrome
includes any chromosomal type that has more than one X chromosome plus one or two Y chromosomes
- Presence of Y chrom. –> penis and are assigned M
- Men with KS have lower levels of testosterone
Turner’s Syndrome
A chromosomal pattern of XO
- Only has 45 chromosomes
- Female-typical genitalia, without ovaries
- typically shorter
- Unable to produce estrogen –> prevents breast and pubic hear growth and menstruation
Sex differentitation
the process of developing sex-specific characteristics, begins during the sixth week of pregnancy
shape the development of the typical male body
specific androgen, promotes the growth of internal reproductive organs
Androgen-Intensitivity Syndrome
the production of testosterone isn’t enough to form a penis and testicles
- testosterone is present but can’t connect with the cell receptors
- have XY chromosomes
- No female typical internal organs
congentinal Adrenal Hyperplasia
causes the adrenal glands to over-produce androgens
- impacts fetal genetic development and can also affect development later on
- XX –> born with genitalia that do’t typically fit into the categories F or M
- Surgery is performed to change the appearance of genitalia to be more typically female
used to describe those with ambiguous genitalis
Kinsey scale
illustrates how people fall on a continuous scale of sexual orientation ranging from same sex attraction to other sex attraction
Kinsey scale
illustrates how people fall on a continuous scale of sexual orientation ranging from same sex attraction to other sex attraction
- assumption of sex binary
- assumption that all people experience both sexual and romantic attraction
Genderbread Person
helps conceptualize sex, gender identity, gender expression, and romantic and sexual attraction in more complex ways
sexual configurations theory
sexuality is multi-faceted, socially situated, and dynamic
Sexual fluidity
sexual and romantic attraction and desire can be fluid and changeable over time
experience little to no romantic attraction
Sexuality shift stress
the stressors associated with changes in sexual orientation as a function of gender transitioning
being sexually attracted to only one sex/gender
social stigma directed specificall at bisexual people
Three major stressors that impact transgender people
- Discrimination and prejudice
- Internalized transphobia
- Threat of violence
Factors that contribute to resiliency among trans individuals
- Social support and satisfying friendships
- Connecting with an LGBTQ community
- Participation in activism
5-alpha reductase deficiency
a condition in which individuals have XYchromosomes but lack sufficient quantities of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, so they’re unabe to convert testosterone into dihydrotesterone and, therefore cannot masculinize their external genitalia in utero
Disorders of sex development
a medical term to replace interzex
Medical gaze
a process of dehumanization that occurs when medical providers treat a person’s body separate from that person’s sense of self
the assumption that others are heterosexual and that it’s more desirable to be heterosexual
Trending queer
Emerging self-awareness of sexual orientation is a developmental process that takes place within an ecological reality of changing intra- and inter-personal, social and socio-political contexts