Chapter 4 Flashcards
carp / o
root word meaning wrist bones
cis /o
root word meaning cut
cost / o
root word meaning rib
cutane / o
root word meaning skin
dactyl / o
root word meaning fingers or toes
duct / o
root word meaning lead or carry
flex / o
root word meaning bend
furc / o
root word meaning branching
gloss / o
root word meaning tongue
glyc / o
root word meaning sugar
immun / o
root word meaning protection
morph / o
root word meaning shape or form
mort / o
root word meaning death
nat / i
root word meaning birth
norm / o
root word meaning rule, order
ox / o
root word meaning oxygen
pub / o
root word meaning pubis
seps / o
root word meaning infection
somn / o
root word meaning sleep
son / o
root word meaning sound
tens / o
root word meaning force strain or stretch
the / o
root word meaning put or place
thel /o, theli / o
root word meaning nipple
thyr / o
root word meaning thyroid gland
top / o
root word meaning place, position or location
tox / o
root word meaning poison
trache / o
root word meaning trachea
urethr / o
root word meaning urethra
suffix meaning secrete
suffix meaning run
suffix meaning come together or pour
suffix meaning substance that produces
suffix meaning slide fall or sag
suffix meaning breakdown, destruction, separation
suffix meaning measure
suffix meaning send
suffix meaning “one who”
suffix meaning oxygen
suffix meaning birth or labor