Chapter 1 Flashcards
aden /o
root word meaning gland
arthr /o
root word meaning joint
bi /o
root word meaning life
carcin /o
root word meaning cancer or cancerous
cardi /o
root word meaning heart
cerebr /o
root word meaning cerbrum
the largest part of the brain
cis /o
root word meaning to cut
crin /o
root word meaning to secrete
to form and to give off
cyst /o
root word meaning urinary bladder a sac or a a cyst
a sac containing fluid
cyt /o
root word meaning cell
derm /o
root word meaning skin
encephal /o
root word meaning brain
enter /o
root word meaning intestines
usually the small intestines
gastr /o
root word meaning stomach
glyc /o
root word meaning sugar
gnos /o
root word meaning knowledge
gynec /o
root word meaning woman or female
hemat /o
root word meaning blood
hem /o
root word meaning blood
hepat /o
root word meaning liver
leuk /o
root word meaning white
log /o
root word meaning study of
nephr /o
root word meaning kidney
neur /o
root word meaning nerve
onc /o
root word meaning tumor
opthalm /o
root word meaning eye
oste /o
root word meaning bone
path /o
root word meaning disease
ped /o
root word meaning child
pysch /o
root word meaning mind
radi /o
root word meaning x-rays
ren /o
root word meaning kidney
rhin /o
root word meaning nose
sarc /o
root word meaning flesh
sect /o
root word meaning to cut
thromb /o
root word meaning clot or clotting
ur /o
root word meaning urinary tract of urine
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pain
suffix meaning cell
suffix meaning excision or removal
suffix meaning blood condition
suffix meaning pertaining to producing, produced by, or produced in
suffix meaning protien
suffix meaning record
-ic or -ical
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning process
suffix meaning specialist
suffix meaning inflammation
suffix meaning the process of study
suffix meaning tumor, mass, or swelling
suffix meaning process of veiwing
suffix meaning condition, usually abnormal
a slight increase in numbers when used with blood cells
suffix meaning disease or condition
suffix meaning and instrument to visually examine
suffix meaning the process of visually examining
suffix meaning the state or condition
suffix meaning the process of cutting or incision
suffix meaning the process or condition
a- or an-
prefix meaning no, not or without
aut- or auto-
prefix meaning self or own
prefix meaning complete or through
prefix meaning within
prefix meaning above or upon
ex- or exo-
prefix meaning out, outside of, or outward
prefix meaning excessive above or more than normal
prefix meaning deficient, below, under, less than normal
prefix meaning into or in
prefix meaning surrounding or around
prefix meaning before or forward
prefix meaning back, backward, or again
prefix meaning behind
prefix meaning below or under
prefix meaning across or through
Erythr /o
Root word meaning red
Gnos /o
Root word meaning knowledge
Leuk /o
Root word meaning white