Chapter 3 Flashcards
abdomin / o
root word meaning abdomen
acr \ o
root word meaning extremities, top, extreme point
acu / o
root word meaning sharp, severe or sudden
aden / o
root word meaning gland
adip / o
root word meaning fat
amni / o
root word meaning amnion (sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus)
angi / o
root word meaning vessel
arteri / o
root word meaning artery
arthr / o
root word meaning joint
axill / o
root word meaning armpit
bi / o
root word meaning life
blephar / o
root word meaning eye lid
bronch / o
root word meaning bronchial tubes
carcin / o
root word meaning cancer
cardi / o
root word meaning heart
chem / o
root word meaning drug or chemical
chondr / o
root word meaning cartilage
chron / o
root word meaning time
col / o
root word meaning colon
cyst / o
root word meaning urinary bladder
encephal / o
root word meaning brain
erythr / o
root word meaning read
hem / o
root word meaning blood
hepat / o
root word meaning liver
hydr / o
root word meaning water
inguin / o
root word meaning groin
isch / o
root word meaning to hold back
lapar / o
root word meaning abdomen or abdominal wall
laryng / o
root word meaning larynx
leuk / o
root word meaning white
lymph / o
root word meaning lymph
mamm / o
root word meaning breast
mast / o
root word meaning breast
morph / o
root word meaning shape or form
muc / o
root word meaning mucus
my / o
root word meaning muscle
myel / o
root word meaning spinal cord or bone marrow
necr / o
root word meaning death
nephr / o
root word meaning kidney
neur / o
root word meaning nerve
neutr / o
root word meaning neutrophil, a white blood cell
nucle / o
root word meaning nucleus
opthalm / o
root word meaning eye
opi / o
root word meaning opium
oste / o
root word meaning bone
ot / o
root word meaning ear
path / o
root word meaning disease
peritone /o
root word meaning peritoneum
phag /o
to eat or swallow
phleb / o
root word meaning vein
plas / o
root word meaning formation of development
pleur / o
root word meaning pleura (membrane surrounding the lungs)
pneumon / o
root word meaning lungs
pulmon / o
root word meaning lungs
radi / o
root word meaning x-rays
rect / o
root word meaning rectum
ren /o
root word meaning kidney
rhin / o
root word meaning nose
sacr / o
root word meaning sacrum
splen / o
root word meaning spleen
staphyl / o
root word meaning clusters
strept / o
root word meaning chains
thorac / o
root word meaning chest
thromb / o
root word meaning clot
tonsill / o
root word meaning tonsils
trache / o
root word meaning trachea
ven / o
root word meaning vein
suffix meaning pain
suffix meaning hernia
suffix meaning puncture to remove fluid
suffix meaning berry shaped bacteria
suffix meaning cell
suffix meaning pain
suffix meaning excision or removal
suffix meaning blood condition
suffix meaning condition of producing or forming
suffix meaning record
suffix meaning instrument for recording
suffix meaning the process of recording
suffix meaning inflammation
suffix meaning the study of
suffix meaning breakdown, destruction or separation
suffix meaning softening
suffix meaning enlargement
suffix meaning tumor or mass
suffix meaning to view
suffix meaning condition, usually abnormal
suffix meaning disease condition
suffix meaning deficiency
suffix meaning fear
suffix meaning development, formation or growth
- plasty
suffix meaning surgical repair
suffix meaning drooping, falling or prolapsed
suffix meaning flow or discharge
suffix meaning hardening
suffix meaning tool for visual examination
suffix meaning the process of visually examining
suffix meaning controlling or stopping
suffix meaning opening to form a mouth
suffix meaning treatment
suffix meaning cutting into or incision
suffix meaning development or nourishment
suffix meaning “one who”
suffix meaning condition
suffix meaning specialist
suffix meaning derived from
suffix meaning small or little
suffix meaning little or small
-um -ium
suffix meaning structure or tissue
suffix meaning structure or substances
suffix meaning condition or process
-ac, -iac
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to producing, produced by or in
-ic, -ical
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to, full of
suffix meaning pertaining to
suffix meaning pertaining to