Chapter 36 Flashcards
What are sealants?
Organic polymer resin that flows into the pits and fissures and bonds to the enamel surface by mechanical means (etch first)
What is the purpose of sealants?
Provide a barrier to seal off the pit or fissure. Prevent oral bacteria.
Classification of types of sealant material?
What is the retention of sealants?
What are some of the factors that affect retention?
What is the maintenance of sealants?
Definition of acid etchant
enamel surface is prepared by the application of phosphoric acid, which etches the surface to provide mechanical retention for the sealant
Definition of articulating paper
inked ribbon held between teeth to determine tooth contacts
Definition of bibulous
absorbent; flat bibulous pad, placed in the cheek over the opening of the Stensen’s duct, is used to aid in the maintaining a dry field while placing sealants
Definition of biocompatibility
ability of things to exist together without harm
Definition of Bis-GMA
bisphenol A-glycidyl methylacrylate; plastic material used for dental sealants
Definition of bonding (mechanical)
physical adherence of one substance to another
Definition of bond strength
expression of the degree of adherence between the tooth surface and the sealant
Definition of conditioner
a substance added to another substance to increase its usability; in sealant placement, the acid etchant is added to the enamel to prepare it for bonding with the sealant
Definition of curing
process b which plastic becomes rigid
Definition of incipient caries
beginning caries, caries limited to the enamel
Definition of in vitro
under laboratory conditions
Definition of in vivo
within the living body
Definition of micropores
tiny openings
Definition of polymer
compound of high molecular weight formed by a combination of a chain of simpler molecules
Definition of polymerization
reaction in which a high-molecular-weight product is produced by successive additions of a simpler compound
Definition of sealant
organic polymer that bonds to an enamel surface by mechanical retention accommodated by projections of the sealant into micropores created in the enamel by etching
Definition of viscosity
resistance to flow or alteration of shape by any substance as a result of molecular cohesion