Chapter 33: Arson, Criminal Mischief and Other Property Descruction Flashcards
- Intentionally, recklessly, or negligently damages property of another in the employment of fire, explosives or other means [listed in 3302(a) casuing a catastrophe]
- Intentionally, or recklessly tampers w/ property of another so as to endanger person/property
- Intentionally, or recklessly causes pecuniary loss by deception/threat
- Intentionally defaces public/private propert w/ graffiti
- Intentionally damages real/personal property of another
- Intentionally damages personal, private, or public property by discharging a paintball gun
3304: Criminal Mischief
M.3= intentionally/recklessly causes loss in excess of $500 (in cases of graffiti… in excess of $150)
M.2= intentionally causes loss in excess of $1,000
F.3= intentionally causes loss is excess of $5,000; or causes a substantial interruption/impairment of public communication, transportation, supply of water, gas, power, or other public service
**there is NO M.1 criminal mischief
- person who knows that a fire is endangering the life/property of another
- fails to take reasonable measures to put out/control fire when he/she can do w/o substantial risk to themselves, or
- fails to give prompt fire alarm, IF:
- he/she knows they’re under official, contractual, or legal duty to control/combat fire
- fire was started (lawfully) by him, w/ his consent, or on property that is in his custody/control
3301: Arson (Failure to Control/Report Dangerous Fire)
- intentionally/recklessly starts a fire to endanger any person or property of another
- whether or not any damage occurs
3301: Arson (Dangerous Burning)
-recklessly causes a catastrophe by:
- explosion, fire, flood, avalanche
- collapse of a building
- release of poison gas, radioactive material
- other destructive force/substance
- or any other means of causing potential widespread injury or dmage
3302(a) Causing a Catastrophe (Recklessly)
-knowingly desecrates, vandalizes, defaces, or damages:
- place used for religious worship/religious purposes
- place used for burial/memorializing the dead
- school, educational facility, comm. center, municipal building, court facility, state/local gov’t building or vehicle
- grounds adjacent to, owned, or occupied by above
- any personal property located inside any of the above
-carrying an aerosol spray-paint can, broad tipped indelible marker or similar device onto property w/ intent to commit vandalism
3307: Institutional Vandalism
F.3= loss in excess of $5,000; or any act of desecration
Act of Desecration= defacing, damaging, polluting, or otherwise physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the action
- intentionally starts a fire/causes an explosion
- aids, counsels,pays, or agrees to pay another to start a fire/cause explosion on his property or anothers; AND
- recklessly places another in danger of death/Bodily Injury (includes personnel fighting the fire); OR
- w/ purpose of destroying/damaging an inhabited building or occupied structure of another
3301(a) Arson (Arson Endangering Persons)
Murder 2= if death of any person occurs
Murder 1= if death was intended
- possesses, manuf., or transports
- any incendiary or explosive material
- w/ intent to use/to provide for use; to commit:
- Arson endangering persons [3301(a)]
- Arson endangering property [3301(c)]
- Reckless burning/exploding [3301(d)]
3301(f): Possession of Explosive/Incendiary Material/Devices
-intentionally starts a fire/causes an explosion, on his property or anothers; or aid, counsels, pays/agrees to pay another to start a fire/cause an explosion, AND
- commits the act w/ intent of damaging/destroying a building/unoccupied structure of another
- thereby recklessly places an inhabited buidling/occupied structure of another in danger of damage/destruction, OR
- commits the act w/ intent of destroying/damaging any property (his or anothers) to collect insurance for such loss
3301(c): Arson endangering property
-intentionally starts a fire/causes an explosion, or aids, counsels, pays or agrees to pay another to start a fire/cause an explosion (his property or another) and thereby recklessly:
- places uninhabited building/unoccupied structure of another in danger of damage/destruction
- places personal property that exceeds $5,000 value, or auto, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, motorpropelled vehicle in danger of damage/destruction
3301: Arson (Reckless Burning/Exploding)
- knowingly or recklessly
- fails to take reasonable measures to prevent/mitigate a catastrophe
- when he/she can do so w/o substantial risk; IF:
- he knows he is under official, contractual, or other legal obligation to take such measures; OR
- he did or assented to the act causing/threatening the catastrophe
3303: Failure to prevent a catastrophe
-Intentionally defaces, or otherwise damages:
- public property/property of another
- w/ graffiti
- by use of aerosol spray-paint can, broad tipped indelible marker, or similar marking device
Graffiti= unauthorized inscription, word, figure, mark, or design which is written, marked, etched, scratched, drawn or painted
3304: Criminal Mischief
M.3= intentionally/recklessly causes loss in excess of $500 (LOSS IN EXCESS OF $150 IN CASES OF GRAFFITI)
M.2= intentionally causes loss in excess of $1,000
F.3= intentionally causes loss in excess of $5,000, or causes a substantial interruption or impairment of public communication, transportation, supply of water, gas, power, or other public service
-intentionally/knowingly, causes a catastrophe by:
- explosion, fire, flood, avalanche
- collapse of a building
- release of poison gas, radioactive material
- or other harmful/destructive force/substance
- or, by any other means of causing potentially widespread injury/damage
Includes: selling, dealing, providing, licenses/permits for hazmat in violation of MVC 75 Ch 83
3302(a): Causing a Catastrophe (intentionally/knowingly)
-recklessly creates a risk of a catastrophe in the employment of fire, explosives, or other means listed in 3302(a)
3302(b): Risking a Catastrophe
-opens, for private use, any fire hydrant w/o authorization from water authority
3306: Unauthorized use or opening of fire hydrants
- willfully and maliciously
- cuts, injures, damages, destroys, or defaces
- any fire hydrant, fire hose, fire engine, or other public/private fire equipment
- or any apparatus pertaining to the same
3305: Injuring or Tampering w/ Fire Apparatus
3308: Additional Fine for Arson Committed for Profit
- any person convicted under section 3301 (arson and related offenses)
- where any consideration was paid or payable
- in addition to any sentence of imprisonment, shall be fined an amount DOUBLE the amount of the consideration, or the maximum lawful fine, whichever is greater
Diposition: Fines collected/bail deposits forfeited shall be provided to PEMA for Pa State Firemen’s School
- intentionally or recklessly
- defaces, marks or otherwise damages the real or tangible personal property of another
- where the property damaged is used in agricultural activity or farming
3309: Agricultural Vandalism
M.2= loss in excess of $500
M.1= loss in excess of $1,000
F.3= loss in excess of $5,000
*loss includes the cost of repair or replacement of the property affected
- intentionally and knowingly:
- damages any field crop, vegetable or fruit plant or tree that is
- grown, stored or raised for scientific or commercial purposes or for any testing or research purpose in conjunction with a public or private research facility or a university or any Federal, State or local government agency.
3310: Agricultural Crop Destruction
**In addition to any sentence; order for restitution equal to the cost of the financial damages
Intentionally/knowingly/recklessly stores/disposes on any property chemical waste resulting from or used in the manuf. of methamphetamine
**does not apply to licensed pharmaceutical company
3313: Illegal dumping of methamphetamine waste