Chapter 3 Training Delivery Flashcards
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the MBTI? (Choose the best response.)
It measures psychological preferences of how people perceive the world.
It conducts studies in modality by type inference that show a person’s preference to get information falls into three modalities.
It proves that intelligence is multifaceted, and traditional measures, such as IQ tests, don’t accurately measure all its facets.
It defines a learner’s perceptual modality and the preferred mode of learning as one of the following: print, visual, aural, interactive, tactile, kinesthetic, and olfactory.
It measures psychological preferences of how people perceive the world.
Response A is correct because the MBTI measures individual’s preferences for how they perceive the world on four scales: extroversion or introversion; perception by sensing or intuition; judgment by thinking or feeling; attitude of judgment or perception.
Which of the following best describes Ned Herrmann’s approach? (Choose the best response.)
Accelerated learning
Adult learning theory
Multiple intelligences
Whole-brain learning
Whole-brain learning
Response D is correct because whole-brain learning refers to Ned Herrmann’s classification of learners into four modes in terms of preferences for thinking: left brain, cerebral; left brain, limbic; right brain, limbic; and right brain, cerebral.
Which of the following best summarizes learning styles? (Choose the best response.)
There is no, or very weak, scientific support for learning styles.
Adults learn most effectively when learning is organized by cognitive, psychomotor, and affective outcomes starting from the simplest behavior and ranging to the most complex.
Adults are concerned with discovering the relationship between stimuli and responses to predict and control behavior.
Learning occurs primarily through exposure to logically presented information, and learners are interested in the organization of memory and thinking.
There is no, or very weak, scientific support for learning styles.
Response A is correct because many scientific studies have shown that there is no evidence that knowing a participant’s learning style leads to optimal learning.
Which of the following best describes Howard Gardner’s philosophy? (Choose the best response.)
He outlined four learning modes—concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation—and states that the key to effective learning is being competent in each mode when it is appropriate.
His studies in shaping instructional design showed that individuals’ preferences for getting information was more successful when one-on-one than in a group.
He believed that intelligence is multifaceted and that traditional measures, such as IQ tests, do not accurately measure all its facets. He defined intelligence as a measurable aptitude, an aptitude that can be used to create and solve problems, and an aptitude valued by the culture.
He defined a learner’s perceptual modality and the preferred mode of learning as one of the following: print, visual, aural, interactive, tactile, kinesthetic, and olfactory.
He believed that intelligence is multifaceted and that traditional measures, such as IQ tests, do not accurately measure all its facets. He defined intelligence as a measurable aptitude, an aptitude that can be used to create and solve problems, and an aptitude valued by the culture.
Response C is correct because it describes Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences. Intelligence refers to the way that people process information and, according to Gardner, varies by individual. Some examples of intelligences are interpersonal, logical/mathematical, and spatial/visual.
Modalities define how learners take in information. Modalities may include all the following EXCEPT _________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response D is correct because brain-based learning is not one of the seven preferred modes of learning.
The goal of producing a consistently positive learning experience that allows learners to acquire information and skills to more efficiently retrieve, recall, or respond with confidence, quickness, and accuracy best describes which approach? (Choose the best response.)
Characteristics of adult learners (CAL)
Instructional Design Systems
Multiple intelligences
Brain-based learning
Characteristics of adult learners (CAL)
Response A is correct because the statement describes Patricia Cross’s CAL framework, which describes some differences between adults and children so that alternative teaching methods can be developed.
Which of the following is NOT one of the key principles of accelerated learning? (Choose the best response.)
Beliefs about learning
Nonconscious learning
Intrinsic motivation
Learning readiness state
Intrinsic motivation
Response C is correct because the purpose of AL is to involve the brain’s right and left hemispheres as well as the cortex and limbic systems in learning. The principles of AL are brain-based.
Which researcher(s) adapted a learning-style inventory from the MBTI to create a spectrum of four distinct learning styles: sensing-thinking, intuitive-thinking, sensing-feeling, and intuitive-feeling? (Choose the best response.)
Silver and Hanson
Silver and Hanson
Response B is correct because Silver and Hanson adapted the MBTI to create a spectrum of four distinct learning styles: sensing-thinking, intuitive-thinking, sensing-feeling, and intuitive-feeling.
All of the following factors may affect the speed at which adults learn EXCEPT ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response C is correct because analytical factors do not affect the speed at which adults learn.
Why is it important for facilitators and trainers to know their preferred presentation style? (Choose the best response.)
To focus on personal strengths and build that style and avoid other weaker styles
To help learners adjust to their presentation styles
To best match instructors to particular groups of learners
To adjust their presentation style to gain the attention of the learners
To adjust their presentation style to gain the attention of the learners
Response D is correct because awareness of their preferred presentation style and preferences enables trainers to remember that all learners have different preferences. Trainers need to be able to present content in ways that appeal to all learners.
Which of the following is an example of an accelerated learning technique? (Choose the best response.)
Incorporating technology into the learning environment
Mapping learning to eliminate redundancy in training
Creating a multisensory environment using music, color, and movement
Pacing facilitation to address the individual learner’s needs
Creating a multisensory environment using music, color, and movement
Response C is correct because AL is a holistic and whole-brain approach to learning. The purpose of AL is to involve the brain’s right and left hemispheres as well as the cortex and limbic systems in learning. A multisensory environment using music, color, and movement uses different parts of the brain and is an example of the AL technique.
A trainer observes a learner consistently struggling to follow verbal directions for an activity. Then realizes that she has focused on her preference to verbalize her directions. What can she do to help the learner? (Choose the best response.)
Write the directions on a flipchart
Speak louder and enunciate more clearly
Use more exaggerated body language
Create activities in which learners repeat the information or steps
Write the directions on a flipchart
Response A is correct because reading directions on a flipchart may help learners more than getting verbal directions. This is okay for this example; however, she should examine all of her techniques to determine if there are other ways to enable learners to receive the information in ways they prefer.
All of the following are examples of ways to facilitate informal learning EXCEPT ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Wikis and blogs
Response C is correct because workshops are a formal training technique, whereas the other choices are examples of informal learning opportunities.
All of the following are examples of ways that learners can create their personal learning networks EXCEPT _________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Meet for lunch with a group of co-workers to plan a retirement party for a peer
Join a professional social network
Select several blogs and follow them regularly
Tweet or comment on blogs
Meet for lunch with a group of co-workers to plan a retirement party for a peer
Response A is correct because personal learning networks are established for the purpose of collaborating with others with the specific intent of learning. The other answers are examples of how to foster a personal learning network.
A small federal organization recognizes a need to update its entire workforce on several issues the agency is facing. Many of the members of the organization travel more than 50 percent of the time. The agency director would like to encourage more cross-department discussion throughout the organization. How could the director use the elements of informal learning to inform the workforce about the issues of the future? (Choose the best response.)
Request that the HR department design and deploy a series of two-hour workshops that is presented to cross-department groups over the next few months.
Request that the communication department post new information on colorful posters each week in the break room including space for employees to add comments and questions. Ask senior leaders to discuss questions their staff may have.
Release a request for proposal asking consultants to submit a plan for training the agency.
Design and deploy an e-learning program that employees can download and take with them. Once employees complete the e-learning training, the agency will track the results of the final exam employees complete at the end of the session.
Request that the communication department post new information on colorful posters each week in the break room including space for employees to add comments and questions. Ask senior leaders to discuss questions their staff may have.
Response B is correct because the other three are examples of formal learning.
Which of the following seating arrangements is the LEAST conducive to stimulating group discussion? (Choose the best response.)
Circle and table
Theater style
U-shaped style
Theater style
Response C is correct because theater or auditorium seating is used when the planner wants to maximize the number of participants in the room. Large numbers of people are not conducive to stimulating group discussion.
When planning for a strategic marketing class, which of the following should be AVOIDED? (Choose the best response.)
Rooms that allow participants to connect to the Internet
A clear plan for an emergency exit
Rooms with stationary tables and chairs
Requesting participants to place cell phones on silent mode
Rooms with stationary tables and chairs
Response C is correct because the inability to move tables and chairs limits the facilitator’s flexibility to adjust the environment for optimal learning as required by the participants.
In which of the following examples is online learning the most effective mode of training? (Choose the best response.)
Teaching prerequisite materials
Teaching psychomotor skills
Stimulating interpersonal exchanges
Teaching learners with low self-directedness
Teaching prerequisite materials
Response A is correct because online learning is excellent for teaching prerequisite material; it enables the trainer to start a class at a higher level, which can result in a more in-depth learning experience, a shorter experience, or both.
Which of the following types of tasks is NOT appropriate for job aids? (Choose the best response.)
A task performed with relatively low frequency
A task with strict time requirements, such as response or reaction time
A highly complex task
A task with a high consequence of error
A task with strict time requirements, such as response or reaction time
Response B is correct because some tasks need to be performed immediately without allowing time to find the right way to do them. For example, the response time of a pilot during an unusual flight situation must be immediate and cannot be guided by a job aid.
Of the following situations, when is self-directed learning NOT appropriate? (Choose the best response.)
The level of self-directedness in the learner profile is low
The learner audience is large, dispersed, or both
The subject matter is mostly cognitive
Learners have many individual needs
The level of self-directedness in the learner profile is low
Response A is correct because SDL requires learners to make some or all of the decisions in their learning and should not be used with people who aren’t prepared to make such decisions and follow through with them.
Which of the following is an advantage of asynchronous online learning? (Choose the best response.)
It addresses learning in a group context
It allows learners to communicate emotions in a safe environment
It provides greater flexibility for participants
It is most appropriate for training soft skills
It provides greater flexibility for participants
Response C is correct because with asynchronous learning, the trainer and learners don’t participate at the same time, allowing learners to participate when they can.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of asynchronous online learning? (Choose the best response.)
It requires excellent instructional design and production
It requires physical space
It is more likely to cause training and performance support to be approached as separate efforts
It moves at a pace set by the group
It requires excellent instructional design and production
Response A is correct because asynchronous online learning must have excellent design and production to keep learners engaged.
A TD professional has decided to design a class to provide ongoing performance support to the field sales staff. Is the selection of classroom training appropriate and why? (Choose the best response.)
Yes, because this training approach will allow learners to communicate emotions and the trainer to gauge participant reactions
Yes, because this training approach addresses learning in a group context
No, because of the long lead time needed to develop this type of training
No, because this training approach often causes training and performance support to be approached as separate efforts
No, because this training approach often causes training and performance support to be approached as separate efforts
Response D is correct because asynchronous learning facilitates seamless connection between training and performance support, whereas classroom training is limited to a time and a place and is thus more detached from performance support.
Which of the following is an advantage of classroom training? (Choose the best response.)
Some learners may be more comfortable with classroom training because it is a familiar learning environment
Classroom training provides greater flexibility for participants
Learners may have to use time from their regular schedules to attend training
Classroom training allows for training and performance support to be approached as separate efforts
Some learners may be more comfortable with classroom training because it is a familiar learning environment.
Response A is correct because classroom training is the most familiar learning environment for many people. An increased comfort level can enable learners to be most receptive to learning.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using games and simulations to deliver training? (Choose the best response.)
They permit trial and error
They allow for experimentation in a safe environment
They allow for feedback as a result of debriefing after the game or simulation
They are best used to train rote skills and provide baseline information prior to other formal training courses
They are best used to train rote skills and provide baseline information prior to other formal training courses
Answer D is correct because online learning, not games or simulations, is best for teaching rote skills and providing baseline information for learners prior to attending other formal training options. The key benefits of games and simulations include the ability for learners to experiment, practice with trial and error, and receive feedback during debriefing.
Which method is best for developing higher-order thinking skills and stimulating interpersonal exchanges? (Choose the best response.)
Electronic bulletin boards
Self-directed learning
Classroom training
Job aids
Classroom training
Response C is correct because the classroom will allow for premium interpersonal exchange and for multiple learning preferences to be accommodated.
Which of the following best describes the practice of using several media options in one curriculum and typically refers to the combination of classroom instruction and any type of training that includes self-directed use of technology-based learning? (Choose the best response.)
Distribution methods
Blended learning
Computer-based training
Distance learning
Blended learning
Response B is correct because blended learning combines the use of classroom techniques with the use of technology-based learning. In some cases, technology-based learning complements a classroom course and vice versa.
A TD professional is preparing to conduct a highly interactive program to an audience of 16 people. The program involves some lecture and individual work, as well as frequent, sometimes lengthy, small group exercises. Which room setup is best for this type of program? (Choose the best response.)
Conference style
Response B is correct because a U-shaped arrangement facilitate interactive, small-group exercises while allowing for the effectiveness of lecture. Conference and theater arrangements tend to put the focus solely on the presenter as the imparter of information and one round table would not allow for lecture.
A TD professional is looking for a technology-based solution where employees with common areas of expertise and interests can join an Internet group of professionals that will allow them to post questions, increase their knowledge, create new insights, enhance their performance in a particular area of expertise, and serve as informal knowledge sources. Which of the following is the most appropriate technology to meet this need? (Choose the best response.)
Communities of practice
Electronic bulletin boards
Communities of practice
Response B is correct because CoPs often serve as organizing structures and platforms for workplace-based learning. CoPs are trusting groups of professionals united by a common concern or purpose, dedicated to supporting each other in increasing knowledge, creating new insights, and enhancing performance in a particular domain. Much more than chat rooms or discussion threads, CoPs are fully integrated into actual work.
A TD professional is creating a blended learning program in which he wants to leverage mobile learning technologies to provide training to learners when they have downtime in the field or when traveling in their territories. All of the following are examples of mobile learning technologies EXCEPT __________________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response D is correct because an EPSS is not an example of mobile learning technology, which includes wireless devices such as cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, tablets, and MP3 players that play podcasts (audio) and vodcasts (video).
A TD professional is developing a business case for delivering training for an international system deployment for sales professionals by using asynchronous online learning. When describing the rationale for using technology-based training versus traditional classroom instruction, one benefit she could NOT list is _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Cost-effectiveness in the future
Access for learners anytime and anywhere—especially those geographically dispersed
Self-directed learning
Immediate feedback from a facilitator
Immediate feedback from a facilitator
Response D is correct because asynchronous online learning means that the facilitator provides course materials that learners access at any time without the facilitator’s presence
A TD professional is selecting delivery technologies as part of a blended learning program. In particular, the professional wants an application that links directly to another application that can train and guide learners who are trying to perform specific tasks in the target application while on the job. The most appropriate technology would be _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Collaborative software
Synchronous online learning
Response C is correct because an EPSS links directly with another application and enables learners to view the steps (and often a simulation) of how to complete a task while they are trying to complete the task within the target application.
A TD professional has decided to design an asynchronous online learning program to provide ongoing performance support to the field sales staff. Is the selection of asynchronous online learning appropriate and why? (Choose the best response.)
Yes, because this training approach will allow learners to access the training as needed
Yes, because this training approach addresses learning in a group context
No, because of the long lead time needed to develop this type of training
No, because salespeople require a more personal training approach
Yes, because this training approach will allow learners to access the training as needed
Response A is correct because with asynchronous learning, the trainer and the learner do not have to be online at the same time.
A facilitator professing ignorance on a topic and proceeding to ask learners questions to explore the issue is using what type of questioning technique? (Choose the best response.)
Response D is correct because the Socratic method involves acting as if ignorant about a topic and engaging participants in thoughtful dialogue by asking questions.
Which questioning technique do facilitators use to check for understanding or to check for consensus? (Choose the best response.)
Five whys
Response B is correct because this technique uses questions that are designed to find specific facts or information and are therefore useful for checking for understanding or determining consensus.
Which of the following is NOT a key item that trainers must do when they prepare to deliver training? (Choose the best response.)
Gain an understanding of the course objectives
Prepare a game to create competition
Practice the delivery
Prepare questions to stimulate learning
Prepare a game to create competition
Response B is correct because although it may be a good idea, it is not one of the key ways to prepare for training.
Which of the following is NOT an active training technique used to keep participants involved during training delivery? (Choose the best response.)
Role plays
Case studies
Response C is correct because learners are passive during lectures. When trainers use active techniques, learners participate in the lesson and are able to construct personal meaning from the presentation.
All of the following are examples of basic classroom management EXCEPT ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Using a variety of strategies during a training session
Taking attendance and recordkeeping
Managing difficult participants in the classroom
Creating competition
Creating competion
Response D is correct because it is not an example of a basic classroom management technique.
Which of the following is NOT an effective mannerism when delivering training? (Choose the best response.)
Walk toward participants when they answer a question
Use quick, positive, and energetic movements of hands, arms, and head
Hold on to the lectern and stand up very straight
Use positive facial expressions
Hold on to the lectern and stand up very straight
Response C is correct because standing behind a lectern during training delivery establishes a barrier between the trainer and participants and is thus an ineffective mannerism.
Which of the following is best described as activities conducted at the beginning of training programs that introduce participants to one another, may introduce content, and help participants ease into the program? (Choose the best response.)
Setting expectations
Learning objectives
Response A is correct because icebreakers are a way to immediately involve participants in the training program and convey that participants need to be actively involved in their own learning.
Trainers should use eye contact to scan the class for learners’ reactions during classroom delivery to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Detect comprehension
Assess lack of understanding
Focus on quiet participants
Identify boredom
Focus on quiet participants
Response C is correct because being quiet is not an example of a learner’s reaction. Trainers should not focus on quiet participants but should instead give them opportunities to participate while not forcing them to do so.
Which of the following best describes the role of the person or trainer who guides or makes learning easier, both in content and in application of the content on the job? (Choose the best response.)
Response A is correct because facilitators involve participants and help members of a group learn from one another through the open sharing of thoughts, opinions, and ideas. A facilitator uses techniques such as questioning, silence, paraphrasing, and various nonverbal cues to encourage learners to participate in the learning experience.
Which type of question, often starting with the words “what if . . .,” is used to get learners to think freely in situations where many answers may be valid? (Choose the best response.)
Response C is correct because hypothetical questions are used to get people to think freely in situations where many answers may be valid and often start with the phrase, “What if . . . ?” Hypothetical questions are excellent discussion starters because they allow participants to discuss different ways of handling an issue or a problem.
Facilitators primarily use all of the following techniques to get participants to learn from each other EXCEPT _____________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Rephrasing questions and paraphrasing
Response A is correct because lecturing is not a technique to get participants to learn from each other.
Which of the following adjustments will a trainer need to make when moving from a classroom session on return-on-investment strategies to an online presentation of the material? (Choose the best response.)
Leverage technology to speed up interactions
Schedule less time for interactions
Schedule more time for interactions
Ask learners if there are any questions
Schedule more time for interactions
Response C is correct because online facilitators do not have the eye contact, facial expression, or body language to gauge learners’ reactions. To overcome these challenges, online facilitators need to constantly communicate with learners and plan questions about the lesson to get each learner to respond in some manner. Note that the time required for interaction expands in a synchronous web-based training environment, so facilitators need to pause more often and allow more time to achieve the hoped-for level of interaction.
Which of the following is an advantage of flipcharts? (Choose the best response.)
Good for large groups
Good for large rooms
Inexpensive and flexible
Long lasting and durable
Inexpensive and flexible
Response C is correct because flipcharts are inexpensive and provide the facilitator with flexibility on site for discussion, unexpected questions, brainstorming, or other in the moment needs.
Which of the following might NOT necessarily enhance a presentation? (Choose the best response.)
Flipcharts to create visual aids instantaneously for small groups
Slides for presentations that are repeated frequently
Whiteboards to prioritize a list
High-tech visual aids
High-tech visual aids
Response D is correct because although technology can enhance a presentation, it will not do so if it overpowers and overshadows the message.
A TD professional is concerned about the lack of participation in her classroom. She is very aware that she began her class the wrong way by delivering information rather than facilitating discussion, but this was new content, and she didn’t have enough time to prepare! It is 90 minutes into the day-long session, and she wants to increase learner involvement. She calls a break and believes that she can change the situation if she _____________ .(Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Spends time talking to participants during break to learn about their needs and thoughts about the material so far
Implements small break-out groups to address one or more of the topics she uncovers during the break to overcome any reluctance to share ideas and to begin a healthy dialogue in the group
Learns participants’ names during break and uses them during the session
All of the above
All of the above
Response D is correct because all of these are techniques to encourage participation.
A former bank employee has just landed his dream job as a TD professional. He has been assigned his first training opportunity to deliver a half-day time management session to employees. His supervisor will be observing him, and he wants to impress him. To prepare himself, he intends to _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Interview the participants before the session to learn what they need with regard to time management
Read several books about time management to be sure he really understands the topic
Practice the delivery of the training notes aloud in the same room he will deliver the training as one way to master the content
Redesign the opening to include resolution of a key time management problem
Practice the delivery of the training notes aloud in the same room he will deliver the training as one way to master the content
Response C is correct because the best way to prepare is to practice aloud to check for timing, to experience saying difficult words, and to work through any mechanics such as providing handouts or telling a story.
A TD professional has been asked to reduce a typical two-day training session to six hours. Which of the following adjustments will save time and still ensure the content will be beneficial to learners? (Choose the best response.)
Eliminate the hour opening and immediately begin the content
Eliminate the experiential learning activities and deliver the content accompanied by an inclusive checklist
Review all of the content, asking the learners’ supervisors to prioritize the most important aspects of the content
All of the above
Review all of the content, asking the learners’ supervisors to prioritize the most important aspects of the content
Response C is correct. Although choices A and B could offer some time savings, these changes may not create a climate conducive to learning and will likely reduce learner participation. Both of these will likely inhibit transfer of knowledge to the workplace and be a waste of time for everyone involved.
A TD professional has just completed a one-day classroom session for the company’s U.S. marketing department and receives very high evaluation scores. The marketing director requests that the PowerPoint slides and the handouts from this training session be put on the company intranet for the marketing department in Europe so that they too can have the same exciting and enlightening experience. As the training department director, you _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Assign the task to the TD professional who completed the training because he will know the content best
Explain to the marketing director that design and delivery of online learning is different, so you will need time to revise it to be as successful as the experience the U.S. marketing department just had
Ask the graphics department to redesign the certificate for successful completion of the course to ensure it is something the online learners will value
Help the marketing director establish firm deadlines and milestones to ensure progress of course completion for the European marketing department
Explain to the marketing director that design and delivery of online learning is different, so you will need time to revise it to be as successful as the experience the U.S. marketing department just had
Response B is correct because the course has little chance of success if the TD professional does not make changes to the design and consider online delivery requirements. In fact, it may be a detriment to the training department’s reputation for results-oriented delivery. There is little chance that the role plays, small group activities, and visuals used in the classroom transfer to the online course. The training director and staff need to determine how much time and what changes need to occur to ensure the success of creating an online course.
Two groups who don’t have a similar mastery of a language may experience mild distinctions in meanings that lead to misunderstandings. This type of barrier to communication is referred to as _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Gross translation error
Nuance error
Nuance error
Response B is correct because mild distinctions in words can lead to misunderstandings between people. This is referred to as a nuance error. An example is the nuance between the words “misunderstand” and “misinterpret.”
All of the following are barriers to listening that originate with the learner EXCEPT _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Being distracted by reactions to the trainer’s clothing or hairstyle
Lack of vocabulary or understanding of nonverbal communication needed to interpret the message
Physical disabilities, such as impaired hearing
Failure to immediately identify why the message is of interest to the learner
Failure to immediately identify why the message is of interest to the learner
Response D is correct because failing to state why the message is of interest to the learner is a barrier to communication that originates with the speaker.
When examining models used in communication theory, noise is often defined as: _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Something that is communicated
Something that hinders the flow of information between a source and a receiver
Conditions or circumstances in which a system operates
Something that reduces uncertainty
Something that hinders the flow of information between a source and a receiver
Response B is correct because communication theory defines noise as something that hinders the flow of information between a source and a receiver. Other concepts and terms used in communication theory are environment, information, message, source, receiver, and feedback.
An American manager is relocated to the company’s Japanese office and is offended when not provided a private office. This is an example of what common barrier to communication? (Choose the best response.)
Language and speech
Nonverbal behavior
Response B is correct because the example of an American manager’s offense at not getting a private office illustrates an environment-related cultural difference known as personal space.
Which of the following is a nonverbal signal that can be translated directly into words, but may not have universal meanings for all cultures? (Choose the best response.)
Affect displays
Response A is correct because emblems, a form of body language, are nonverbal signals that can be translated directly into words. An example is the U.S. OK sign, which is an obscene gesture to a Greek person. This is an example of the danger of emblems, which lies in assuming they can be translated the same in different cultures.
All of the following are examples of considerations trainers need to balance with the effect of culture on learning preferences EXCEPT _________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Levels of self-confidence
Rate of speech and enunciation
Instructional design approach
Instructional design approach
Response D is correct because instructional design approach is not one of the considerations when balancing the effect of culture with learning preferences.
A training specialist gives instructions to an employee about an exercise that he needs to complete. The employee smiles agreeably and nods. When the trainer approaches the employee later, she discovers that he has not completed the exercise. This is an example of what common barrier to communication? (Choose the best response.)
Language and speech
Nonverbal behavior
Nonverbal behavior
Response D is the correct response because it refers to behaviors that communicate a message. In the example, the trainer and the employee have different understandings of body language.
A TD professional always receives high scores on his Level 1 evaluations. This trainer’s U.S. company has recently acquired a smaller multinational company that has offices in Japan, Brazil, and New Zealand. Because the training department views this TD professional as one of the best trainers in the company, they select him to deliver a large portion of the orientation training that is being offered to the new employees from the acquired company. The trainer has just completed his first two days of discussing corporate values, brand criticality, right-sizing departments, goal achievement, and leadership development opportunities. He is sure no one else in the department could have presented this wide variety of topics in two days. As the trainer examines his evaluations, however, he begins to doubt his ability. His scores are lower than usual and include comments such as, “pushy,” “imposing,” and “aggressive.” What is most likely the cause of this trainer’s poor evaluations? (Choose the best response.)
He failed to consider differences in intercultural communication, nonverbal behavior, and concept of time
He tried to include too many varied and high-level topics into a short amount of time
He failed to consider the emotional state of the acquired company’s employees
He used too much contexting
He failed to consider differences in intercultural communication, nonverbal behavior, and concept of time
Response A is the most likely cause for the lower evaluation scores. The way that the participants viewed the event was probably culturally based. Their reactions could have been avoided. What appears to be efficient, concise, practical, and candid to a U.S. trainer may come across as abrasive, inconsiderate, and forceful to others. By failing to consider the values that might be different (ethnocentrism) from the cultures of those in the classroom, the trainer failed to understand how the learners might perceive the delivery.
To prepare mentally and emotionally for a presentation, which of the following is good advice to follow? (Choose the best response.)
Drink a caffeinated beverage before the presentation to help your enthusiasm
If making the same presentation multiple times, practice how to imitate enthusiasm
Forget the training subject, and focus on your feelings prior to presenting
Dress for a rehearsal in the actual clothes you plan to wear for the presentation
Dress for a rehearsal in the actual clothes you plan to wear for the presentation
Response D is correct because dressing for a rehearsal in the clothes you plan to wear for the presentation is a good way to practice for a session. Some other tips for preparation are to practice the complete presentation and continue if a mistake happens, reduce reliance on notes, practice with a tape recorder, video the rehearsal, rehearse in front of people, and practice speaking spontaneously.
Which of the following is a good tip for preparing notes for a large conference speech? (Choose the best response.)
Keep margins clean of notes and other clutter
Put six periods at the end of sentences, so that they do not run together
Staple note pages together so that they stay in order
Use proper punctuation so that the notes read correctly
Put six periods at the end of sentences, so that they do not run together
Response B is correct because putting six periods at the end of a sentence helps to keep sentences from running together, which makes the presenter’s notes easier to follow.
You just completed your first presentation at the ATD International Conference & Exposition. You really think you succeeded. Several of your colleagues approach you after the presentation to congratulate you. They ask you what you think you did that created the dynamic interactive presentation. You think for a moment and then state with confidence _______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
I used notes that have everything I wanted to say, so that if I forgot something I could refer to my notes
I told myself that no one knows this content better than I know it, and that gave me the confidence I needed
I knew my audience, over-prepared my content, and practiced, practiced, practiced
I think starting off with a joke and hearing everyone’s laughter immediately helped me
I knew my audience, over-prepared my content, and practiced, practiced, practiced
Response C is correct. It takes time to be well prepared—at least a 7:1 ratio, that is 7 hours of preparation for 1 hour of delivery. All of this practice will ensure that you will naturally appear confident.