Chapter 11 Global Mindset Flashcards
Which of the following is defined as, “a standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or expected of a group?” (Choose the best response.)
Response C is the correct answer because culture, ethnicity, and ethnocentric are not defined as the standards of behavior expected of a group. Norm is the best response.
Which of the following value dimensions best describes countries that usually accept hierarchical management structures? (Choose the best response.)
High power
High power
Response C is correct because high-power-distance countries accept that power is unequal, therefore hierarchical management structures are usually acceptable.
Countries that enact many rules are likely high in which of the following dimensions? (Choose the best response.)
Uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance
Response D is correct because countries often enact rules to help them avoid uncertainty.
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s model is based on the idea that all humans experience problems in their relationship to which of the following three areas? (Choose the best response.)
Others, time, and the environment
Physical, mental, and emotional
Conflict, happiness, and apathy
Individuals, groups, and nations
Others, time, and the environment
Response A is correct because the three universal problems that people face are relationships with others, time, and the environment.
Which of the following dimensions highlights the importance of close relationships in doing work well? (Choose the best response.)
Response C is correct because specific, achievement, and sequential do not promote the importance of close relationships to doing work well.
Which of the theoretical models evaluated whether groups actually practiced the beliefs they espoused in their current environment? (Choose the best response.)
Dilemma Theory
Dimensions of National Culture
Lewis Model
Response B is correct because GLOBE expanded upon the earlier work of Hofstede, including the evaluation of whether groups practiced what they espoused.
Which model is primarily focused on communication preferences? (Choose the best response.)
Lewis Model
Dilemma Theory
Dimensions of National Culture
Lewis Model
Response A is correct because Dilemma Theory, Dimensions of National Culture, and GLOBE are less focused on communication preferences than is the Lewis Model.
You are considering a visit to one of your overseas teams in China, generally a more collectivist culture, to thank the members for their great work on a recent project. Which of the following approaches would likely be most effective? (Choose the best response.)
Recognize the group as a whole
Recognize the members individually
Recognition is deemed unnecessary
Any form of recognition would be acceptable
Recognize the group as a whole
Response A is correct because collectivist cultures consider the needs of the group to be more important than the individual members.
A new manager from a culture that scores high in the sequential dimension will likely struggle with which of the following scenarios when he goes to work in a culture more strongly aligned with a synchronous value system? (Choose the best response.)
His team will be more punctual than he is used to being
His team may not be as comfortable working with project plans
His team may be more emotional than what he is comfortable with
The team may want him to make all of the decisions
His team may not be as comfortable working with project plans
Response B is correct because people from a synchronous culture tend to view time more fluidly and do less planning.
Countries that are growing in economic power and influence include which of the following? (Choose the best response.)
China, India, Brazil, and South Korea
Kenya, Nepal, and Singapore
Finland, Holland, and Norway
Spain, Greece, Belgium, and Morocco
China, India, Brazil, and South Korea
Response A is correct because China, India, Brazil, and South Korea are growing in their economic power and influence.
Which of the following is considered a subculture? (Choose the best response.)
The Kurdish people of Iraq
The French-speaking provinces of Canada
A local tribe in Afghanistan
All of the above
All of the above
Response D is correct because each of the examples defines a subculture of a larger culture.
Geert Hofstede believed that organizational cultures were more easily managed than national cultures because ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
National cultures frequently change without any outside influences
Organizational cultures are more concerned with practices than predominantly unconscious values
National cultures are not relevant enough to consider
Organizational cultures are easy to chan
National cultures frequently change without any outside influences
Answer A is correct because Hofstede said that changing the practices of organizational cultures is easier than changing the values of nations.
Tina is responsible for onboarding employees at the new factory that was just set up in a predominantly conservative Muslim country. One of the values of her American company is to “Have fun,” which is demonstrated by holding monthly meetings at the local bar and wearing casual clothing on Fridays. Regarding the various cultural dynamics, which of the following should Tina likely consider? (Choose the best response.)
Keep the events scheduled, as people would probably enjoy a change and a chance to try American customs
Adapt the traditions to something that represents fun in a way that is more acceptable to the country’s culture
Remove the “Have Fun” value from the company’s mission statement
Quickly read over the values section of her onboarding program
Adapt the traditions to something that represents fun in a way that is more acceptable to the country’s culture
Response B is correct because company values can be consistent, but may need to be adapted to be meaningful as they are practiced in the new country.
You are asked to do an environmental scan of a newly acquired global subsidiary. One of the things that your leaders most want to look at is the potential impact that unions might have on recruitment, retention, and turnover issues. Which aspect of the scan best evaluates these issues? (Choose the best response.)
Political factors
Sociological factors
Employment factors
Technological factors
Employment factors
Response C is correct because employment factors include recruitment, retention, and turnover issues.
When someone recognizes that others can have different cultural backgrounds, but believes these cultures as not as good as their own, they are likely in which stage of Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity? (Choose the best response.)
Denial of differences
Defense against differences
Minimization of differences
Adaptation to differences
Defense against differences
Response B is correct because someone who does not believe another culture is as good as theirs is likely to defend their own, meaning they are in the “defense against differences” stage of sensitivity.
Ethnorelativism can best be defined as ____________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Evaluating others according to the standards of one’s own culture
Observing the interaction of two cultures
Experiencing one’s own standards as just one organization of reality among many viable possibilities
Being unaware that other cultures exist
Experiencing one’s own standards as just one organization of reality among many viable possibilities
Response C is correct because ethnorelative means that a person views their standards as only one among many ways to organize reality.
Each of the following statements are consistent with the premises of Social Cognitive Theory except for _______________________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
The learner is an active participant in the learning process
Children are more likely to model nurturant and/or socially powerful models
The environment plays an insignificant role in learning
Learning does not always lead to performance
The environment plays an insignificant role in learning
Response C is correct because the environment having an insignificant role in learning is the only answer that was inconsistent with the premises of social cognitive theory.
According to the study of semiotics, the concept of a bridge as a connection of people or ideas would be considered the ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response A is the correct answer because the secondary meaning of a sign, such as a bridge representing the connection of ideas, is considered the signified.
You are training a group in Iran. One of the participants answers a question really well, and you automatically give a thumbs-up sign, to which he frowns in response. You have miscommunicated using which of the following? (Choose the best response.)
Response D is the correct answer because a thumbs-up sign is an example of a gesture.
A colleague you work with is about to take her first training assignment in another country. She knows that she will need to adjust her usual teaching style to better meet the needs of these learners. She is nervous about not knowing anything about their culture, but is excited to learn new information that will help her interact more effectively. In which of Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity stages is she?
Minimization of difference
Acceptance of difference
Adaption to difference
Integration of difference
Acceptance of difference
Response B is correct because acceptance of difference is the stage where someone is aware of different cultures and is open to learning more about them.
From the study of American and Puerto Rican mothers, which of the following groups of teaching methods is most reflective of the approach the Puerto Rican mothers would take with their children?
Modeling, suggesting, choice
Early toileting, feeding and sleeping alone
Direct instruction, co-sleeping, taking turns in games
Modeling, limits on environmental exploration, co-sleeping
Direct instruction, co-sleeping, taking turns in games
Response C is the correct answer because the Puerto Rican culture is more directive with children, practices co-sleeping for longer, and teaches them to take turns in games.
All of the following are considered to be cultural universals EXCEPT for ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Using age and gender to classify people
Having a concept of privacy
Raising children in some sort of family situation
Classifying people based on skin color
Classifying people based on skin color
Response D is the correct answer because classifying people based on skin color is not a cultural universal.
Which of the following statements best summarizes the findings in a study by Kim?
Asian Americans experienced more stress about asking for support from their in-group
Asian Americans experienced less stress about asking for support from their in-group
Asian Americans experienced the same amount of stress when asking for support whether it was their in-group or outside of their group
Asian Americans experienced less stress than other groups
Asian Americans experienced more stress about asking for support from their in-group
Response A is the correct answer because as a more collectivist culture, Asian Americans value being part of a group and do not want to admit stress, which could risk group harmony.
Tiene más lana que un Borrego” is a Spanish phrase that means, “He has more wool than a lamb.” The English equivalent is “He has lots of cash.” This is an example of ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response B is correct because this type of figurative phrase is an idiom.
A manager from a Latin American country that is typically accepting of high-power-distance values is herself more personally aligned with the value of employee input into decision making. The manager works for a company whose headquarters are in Australia. The company reflects the lower power-distance values that are typically found in Australia. According to what Bandura found in his 2002 study about the values of managers, which of the following would you expect to see in this scenario? (Choose the best response.)
The manager would likely struggle with the differences in values between the two cultures
The manager would likely do well because the company’s values reflect her own individual values
The manager would not really care if her work and personal values were aligned
The manager would promote the company’s values regardless of what personal values she holds
The manager would likely do well because the company’s values reflect her own individual values
Response B is the correct answer because Bandura’s study showed that managers achieved high productivity when their work and personal values were aligned.
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner suggest viewing values as dilemmas that exist ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
At opposite ends of a line
Along the arc of a circle
As points on a graph
As a spatial, three-dimensional concept
Along the arc of a circle
Response B is correct because Trompennaars and Hampden-Turner describe dilemmas as existing along the arc of a circle.
According to Javidan and his colleagues, which of the following groupings best fit the category of global intellectual capital?
Expressing empathy
Exhibiting confidence
Having an IQ that is above average
Recognizing multiple viewpoints
Recognizing multiple viewpoints
Response D is the correct answer because global intellectual capital is about recognizing there are multiple viewpoints.
Exhibiting passion and willingness are examples of global ___________ capital. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response C is correct because the emotional characteristics of passion and willingness are examples of global psychological capital.
Joseph was facilitating a conflict between two of his employees about the new office space they were moving into. One believed the space should be open with unassigned desks. The other believed that they should have separate offices. From his training in mediation, Joseph realized they were focused on ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response A is the correct answer because mediation addresses solutions.
During the facilitation, Joseph helped the first employee identify he was hoping the new office would provide better collaboration and innovation, while the second one felt individual offices allowed for privacy and independence. The mediation process had helped the parties identify their ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response B is the correct answer because mediation helps people identify their interests, which are the underlying values they hold.
The limited use of signage in Tokyo would suggest it is a ___________ culture. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Response B is correct because in high-context cultures both the receiver and the sender are familiar with what is being stated and do not require as many clues such as signage.
Which of the following is NOT culturally determined?
The value a society places on talking
The interaction styles used by those communicating
The sequence by which language develops
The topics deemed acceptable or not
The sequence by which language develops
Response C is correct because language development is biological, not cultural.
According to Ting-Toomey, the three ways that culture can interfere with effective cross-cultural communication include all EXCEPT for ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
Cognitive constraints
Behavior constraints
Emotional constraints
Perception constraints
Perception constraints
Response D is correct because perception constraints is not one of the three ways Ting-Toomey identified that culture can interfere with cross-cultural communication.
Jane was training a group of learners for whom English was a second language. She made sure to ask for questions after she completed each section. She would look around the room, and hearing none, would move on to the next topic. After the class she was surprised to see that the participants had given a rating of 2 out of 4 for the question “Did the instructor allow for questions?” It is likely that Jane did not ___________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.)
enunciate clearly so that people could understand
speak loudly enough to be heard
allow sufficient time for learners to translate their questions into English
did not use enough visuals to make her points
allow sufficient time for learners to translate their questions into English
Response C is correct because hesitation by non-native speakers can occur when people are taking time to translate the question into English.