Chapter 3: Social Beliefs and Judgements Flashcards
Brain Systems: Involuntary (Rabbit) System
- Effortless
- Fast
- Intuition
- Involuntary Control
- Many of our judgements come from this one
- Occasionally makes errors in perception
Brain Systems: Voluntary (Turtle) System
- Analytical
- Constructed Thoughts
- Concentration
- Effort
- Reason
- Patience
- System 1
- Activating specific memory associations
- Influence certain thoughts and actions
- Bells that only “subconscious butlers” can hear
Embodied Cognition
- The 3-way street of body sensation, cognitive preferences, and social judgements
- Wobbly chair = unstable relationship
Intuitive Judgements
- We have innate trust in our system 1
- Most of our behavior is unconscious (system 1)
- Unconscious intuitions are not better than thought out conclusions
Power of Intuition: Automatic Processing
Subconscious thoughts that are effortless and habitual - correlates to our intuition (System 1) (driving etc.)
Power of Intuition: Controlled Processing
Conscious thoughts that are deliberate (System 2)
Automatic Processing: Schemas
Mental templates formed over time that guide our perceptions
Automatic Processing: Emotional Reactions
Instant reactions from our thalamus (sense switchboard) to our amygdala (emotional control) before the cortex can process events
Automatic Processing: Blindsight
Functionally blind people may implicitly comprehend visual info
Automatic Processing: Subliminal Perception
Seeing something negative makes us feel ashamed without realizing it
Intuition Limits
- Subliminal stimuli barely effect our feelings
- We have error-prone hindsight
- Low capacity for illusions
- We create reasons for our intuitive actions
Overconfidence Phenomenon
- We tend to be more confident in our beliefs than correct
- This is true of facts, judgments of others and their behavior, and our own behavior
- Result of incompetence and underestimation of situational forces
Kahneman and Tversky: Optimal Challenge
- We want a challenge, but not too difficult
- This is fueled by our overconfidence
- Incompetence feeds overcondifence
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to seek info that confirms our beliefs (system 1)
Confirmation Bias: Ideological Echo Chambers
Surrounding yourself with opinions that align with your own
Confirmation Bias: Seeking Feedback
- We seek feedback that affirms our self-beliefs (positive or negative)
- People like others who see them as they see themselves
Confidence in Intuition VS Statistical Prediction
- Trust our decisions more than data
- Intuition is less reliable than stats
- Even when experts are given data, they still can’t use it to make more accurate predictions
Remedies for Overconfidence
- Prompt Feedback on behaviour
- Consider Disconfirming Info
Thinking strategies that enable quicker judgements