Chapter 3 - Proteins and Enzymes Flashcards
Hazards when performing a chromatography
- Ninhydrin
- causes respiratory tract irritation
- harmful if swallowed
- harmful if absorbed through the skin
- cause eye and skin irritation - Propanol
- highly flammable
- damage to eyes
- drowsiness and dizziness - Ammonia
- irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract
How to calculate the Rf value
Distance travelled by amino acid / distance travelled by the solvent
What are cofactors?
A non-protein component that is needed by the enzyme to function.
Can be inorganic or organic.
Process of the clotting cascade
- Damage occurs and exposes collagen fibers
- Platelets go past and get activated. Adhere to the surfaces and fibrin fibers to form a plug.
- Leucocytes collect at the site of damage.
- Tissue beneath the endothelium releases thromboplastin.
- Activated platelets release thromboplastin
- Thromboplastin converts prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of Ca2+ ions.
- Thrombin with Ca2+ hydrolyses fibrinogen (large, soluble) into fibrin (insoluble, fibrous)
- Erythrocytes and platelets are trapped in the mesh and form a clot.
How does aspirin act as an anti-prostaglandin agent?
Adds an acetyl group to an amino acid serine, close to the active site of COX.
Prevents fatty acid being made = no prostoglandins
Used to reduce pain, inflammation and fevers
How does aspirin act as an anti-platelet agent?
Preventing the production of thromboxane A2 = no platelet plug is formed.
Where does LDH 1 found?
Heart and erythrocytes
Where does LDH 2 found?
White blood cells
Where does LDH 3 found?
Where does LDH 4 found?
Kidney, placenta, pancreas
Where does LDH 5 found?
Skeletal muscle and liver
Why is sodium chloride added to packed red blood cells?
Reduced viscosity = flows easier
Reduced damage to cell surface membrane.
Why is adenine added to packed red blood cells?
Prevents clotting
Why is glucose added to packed red blood cells?
Provides respiratory substrate for red blood cells to carry out glycolysis and produce ATP.
Why is mannitol added to packed red blood cells?
Free-radical scavenger to stabilize the cell surface membrane of the red blood cells.
What is whole blood used for?
Rarely used now
- severe blood loss
What is leuco-depleted blood used for?
- people who receive regular transfusions
What is packed red blood cells used for?
- severe anemia
- blood loss after child birth
- blood loss after surgery
- major blood loss from trauma
What are platelets used for?
- bone marrow failure patients
- following transplant
- following chemotherapy or leukemia treatments
- liver cirrhosis
What are clotting factors used for?
- various CF disorders
- to produce immunizations
What is plasma used for?
- Cardiac surgery
- excessive blood loss during child birth
- liver disease
What is serum used for?
- Snake bites
- source of antibodies
Functions of proteins
- transport roles
- hormones
- antibodies
- membranes
- enzymes
- structural role
What are the 3 main groups in an amino acid?
- Amino group
- Residual group
- Carboxylic group
Types of bonds found in primary structure?
- peptide
Types of bonds found in secondary structure?
- peptide
- hydrogen
Types of bonds found in tertiary structure?
- peptide
- hydrogen
- ionic
- disulfide
- hydrophobic interactions
Types of bonds found in quaternary structure?
- peptide
- hydrogen
- ionic
- disulphide
- hydrophobic interactions