Chapter 3: Project Management Foundations Flashcards
C3 Project Management Foundations: Terms and terminology
- 3 Cs - format in which user stories are written. The Cs are card, conversation, and confirmation
- A3 - a way of thinking and a systematic problem-solving process that collects the relevant information on a single A3-size sheet of paper
- Basis of Estimates (for schedule/cost) - artifact of estimating activity durations/cost. How estimates/cost are derived, assumptions, constraints, what risks were taken into consideration, confidence level of estimates (E.g. +-20%)
- Diagram/matrix - PMI uses D and M interchangeably. Быть готовым
- Just in time (JIT) manufacturing - ресурсы готовятся ровно к началу их использования. Требует и фокусируется высокой quality / schedule дисциплины в компании
- Iteration 0: detailed requirements are gathered in It 0
Assumption log
- An assumption is something that is believed to be true, not proven.
- Assumptions can become risks for the project. All identified project ASS and CONTSTRAINS are recorded in the assumption log for testing and analysis, and the outcomes are recorded.
- Updated throughout the project
Communication methods and concepts
- Active listening
- Appreciative inquiry - развивать strengths and successes that already exist (вместо фокусировки на проблемах и недостатках). Подходит для individuals/company
- Daily standup
- Feedback
- Presentations
- Meeting management
- Communication methods - отдельная карточка
- Communications technology - ?
Cost-Benefit Analysis
- В т.ч. при выборе проекта
- Больше единицы - хорошо.
- Benefit (выгода) = revenue (доход), BUT != profit (прибыль после вычета расходов)
Data Analysis methods
- Alternative analysis - смотрим альтернативы, анализируя главный project constraint, с которым сталкиваемся. Например можем зааутсорсить часть работ
- Assumptions and constraints
Business justification analysis
- Payback period
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Decision tree analysis - analyzed by calculating the value of each branch (есть связь с EMV), и дает a simple one на выходе. В вопросах costs can appear anywhere in the diagram, not just at the end. Читать внимательно вопрос
- Document analysis
- Earned value analysis (EVA) - отдельная карточка
- Expected monetary value - отдельная карточка
- Forecasting
- Performance reviews
Reserve analysis - анализ - нужны ли еще резервы под текущие риски (возможно митигировались)/нужно ли добавлять новые резервы. Для cost/time
- Contingency Reserves - for identified risks. Могут использоваться ТОЛЬКО на риски, под которые они были созданы
- Management Reserves - for unknown unknowns. Перевод в cost baseline requires approval through Change Control System! not part of the project cost baseline, but is included as part of the project budget !
Root cause analysis - ищем корень зла. Для этого помогают Cause-and-Effect diagrams
- Failure Analysis (подтип) - analyzes failed processes or components to determine what led to failure
Simulation -> Monte Carlo Simulation - знать принципы!
- Evaluates the overall risk in the proj
- Can be used to assess cost and schedule impacts
- Results in a probability distribution in the form of a chart
- Done with a cumputer app
- Determines the probability of completing the proj on any specific day or for specific cost
- Determines the probability of any activity being on the critical path
- Considers path convergence (сближение)
- Translates uncertainties into impacts to the proj
- Sensitivity Analysis - compares the potential impacts of identified risks. A Tornado Diagram (see pic) - графическое представление этого метода. Risks are represented by horizontal bars. The longest bar represents the greatest risk.
- Trend analysis
- Value stream mapping - a team visualizes, discusses and analyzes all steps in a product delivery process (in order to eleminate waste and gain efficiencies in that process?)
- Variance analysis
- What-if analysis
Data Gathering technics
- Benchmarking - придумали что измерять, и померяли у лидеров рынка
- Brainstorming (a) Quiet writing - все записывают, а потом вслух обсуждают (b) Round robin - все по очереди (c) Free for all
- Prompt lists - predetermined list
- Checksheets (подтип) - таблица, где трекаем показатель со временем (see pic)
- Cost of quality
- Interviews - 121?
- Market research
- Questionnaires and surveys
Data Representation methods
- Affinity diagrams - группируем по колонкам. группируем в collections. Т.е. использование size-categories позволяет лучше увидеть, действительно ли они схожего размера
- Cause-and-effect diagrams (Fishbone, Ishikawa, Why-Why)
- Control charts - отдельная карточка
- Flowcharts (process flow, process maps) - show how a process or system flows from beginning to end, how elements interrelate and alternative paths.
- Hierarchical charts
Histograms (Bar Charts, но это разные понятия)
- Pareto Chart (see pic) - в отличие от обычной гистограммы, сгруппирован от большего к меньшему. 80% of problems are due to 20% of root causes
- Logical data models
- Matrix / Prioritization Matrix (diagrams / charts) can be used to numerically rank available options (see pic.)
- Matrix / Probability and impact matrices
- Mind mapping - diagram of ideas or notes to help generate, classify or record info.
- Release maps
- Scatter diagrams - tracks two variables to determine relationship. Can be used to estimating and forecasting
- Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Chart - method for SH engagement planning. Used to compare SH current and desired level of engagement (see pic)
- Stakeholder mapping/representation - отдельная карточка
- Text-oriented formats
Сам дописал:
- Cumulative Flow Diagrams - valuable tools for tracking and forecasting the delivery of value. Показывает total/In progress/Completed . Например в agile
Decision-Making approaches and methods
- Fist of five (change-driven) - пальцами от 1 до 5. If a team member holds up TWO or less fingers, they are allowed to share their objections. По кругу пока не будет THREE или больше
- Roman Voting - палец вверх/вниз/в сторону (=не уверен)
Plurality, Majority, Unanimity (plan-driven)
- Majority: 50+%. Для критичных решений
- Plurality: most voted. Для некритичных активностей
- Unanimity: everyone must agree. . Для критичных решений
- Dictatorship - one person decides
- Multicriteria decision analysis (=multicriteria weighted analysis) - matrix to list and scores various factors in relation to one another
- Prioritization diagram - scatter diagram, horizonal axis - efforts, vertical axis - value
Depreciation (аммортизация)
Расчитывать не надо! Знать только:
- Straight-line - the same amount of depreciation is taken each year
Accelerated . Знать:
- Подвиды:
- Double declining balance
- Sum of years’ digits
- Depreciates faster than straight-line
- Подвиды:
Economic Value Added (EVA)
- В т.ч. при выборе проекта
- Whether the project returns more value than it costs.
- Не путать с Earned Value Analysis из раздела “Cost”!
Enterprise environmental factors (EEF)
Conditions that affect how the PM may manage the project.
- Within the enterprise (e.g. orga cultural, political climates, team and physical resource availability)
- outside of the enterprise (e.g. law or regulation)
Estimating methods / ranges
Categories of estimation
Top-Down estimating
Быстро. Сложно если нет похожих проектов -
Bottom-up estimating
Точно. Долго. Дорого. Только если понятен скоуп. Риск padded estimates.
Estimate Ranges
Rough order of magnitude (ROM)
–25 to +75%. This rough estimate is used during the initiating processes and in top-down estimates. -
Budget estimate
-10 +25%. Более точная версия ROM. -
Definitive estimate
+-10% or –5 to +10%. It’s used late in the planning processes and is associated with bottom- up estimating. You need the WBS in order to create the definitive estimate..
Predictive estimating
Analogous estimating (также явное название top-down estimating)
An approach that relies on historical information to predict the cost of the current project. The least reliable of all the cost-estimating approaches. Сильно зависит от кол-ва исторической инфо -
Parametric estimating
Using a parametric model and analyzing the relationships between historical data and other variables to predict duration or cost (for example, cost per hour and cost per unit). Создаются с использованием:- Regression Analysis (Scatter Diagram). Diagram tracks two variables to see if they are related. Then is used to create a formula for future parametric estimating
- Learning curve the 100th room painted will take less time than the first room
Three-point estimate and PERT (version of multi point estimate)
An estimating technique for each activity that requires optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates to be created.- (1) Subtype - triangular (Simple Average): (O+M+P) / 3
- (2) Subtype - Beta / PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) (Weighted Average): (O+(Mx4)+P) / 6
- (!) Знать концепт Activity Standart Deviation. Start of the range: EAD (Expected Activity Duration) - Standart Deviation (SD), End of the Range: EAD+SD. Формула для Beta: (P-O)/6
Single-point estimate (One-point estimate)
Используем только одно число для оценки - экспертно, как правило. Много минусов, т.к. less reliable. Только для quick calculations. В экзамене используется со словами “simple”, “straight”, или если мало исторической информации (поэтому риски высоки, и их надо равнозначно использовать в формуле) -
Bottom-up estimating
Снизу вверх, Activity->Work package->WBS->Control account -> Project. most time-consuming and most reliable method.
Adaptive estimating
Общие правила
- Always degree of uncertainity (+-10%)
- Лучше делать в the last responsible moment
- TEAM MEMBERS estimate their own work
- Ideal time: as if NO INTERRUPTIONS
- Affinity (сходство) Estimating - группируем в collections. Т.е. использование size-categories позволяет лучше увидеть, действительно ли они схожего размера
- T-Shirt estimates - a form of affinity estimating. В самом начале проекта, high-level. ES->S->M->L->XL->XXL. Может применяться для Features / Stories в т.ч.
- Planning Poker - все оценивают каждый показатель, и потом одновременно кладут на стол. При необходимости - повторные раунды. Примеры для оценки: Story points для конкретной story, team velocity, story points per iteration etc.
————- НЕ БЫЛО У РИТЫ ———–
* Wide-Band Delphi Estimating An estimation technique for user stories or product roadmap. Anonymous estimates, далее разные варианты принятия решения, например Highest-paid person’s opinion (HIPPO)
- Relative Sizing for Story Points - assigns on a relative scale
- The Fibonacci Sequence - также сравниваем относительные размеры Stories. The traditional Fibonacci sequence is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on. In Agile projects, this series is modified. The modified Fibonacci series is 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100 – a sequence that is used to estimate the relative size of User Stories in terms of Story Points.
p.233 Rita
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- В т.ч. при выборе проекта
- Выражается в процентах. Чем выше, тем лучше. Детали знать не надо
Interpersonal and Team Skills
- Conflict management
- Cultural awareness
- Decision-making
- Emotional intelligence
- Facilitation
- Influencing - gathering the relevant and critical information to address important issues and reach agreements while maintaining mutual trust. Sometimes we need to get our way across to others but do it in a way so that everybody feels good about it, and that’s not often easy to do.
- Leadership
- Meeting management
- Motivation
- Negotiation
- Networking
- Observation / conversation
- Political awareness
- Team building
Law of Diminishing Returs
Невозможно ускорять процесс пропорционально? постоянно добавляя ресурсы
Net present value (NPV)
- В т.ч. при выборе проекта
- value of total benefits minus the costs over many time periods.
- Знать только:
- If NPV is positive - the investment is a good choice.
- you should always pick the project with the highest Net Present Value (NPV)
- Срок не важен
Opportunity cost
The potential return of the second best project that was not selected.
For example, if Project X has a potential return of $25,000 and Project Y has a potential return of $20,000, then selecting Project X for completion over Project Y will result in an opportunity cost of $20,000. That is the “loss” of not completing Project Y.
Organizational process assets (OPA)
1) Processes, Procedures and Policies
2) Organizational Knowledge Repositories (WBSs, Baselines, Plans, Budgets, Costs etc.
Organizational Project Management (OPM)
- Framework for keeping the orga focused on overall strategy
- Provides direction for how port, prog, project and oper work should be prioritized, managed, executed and measured to best achieve business objectives and value for the orga and its SH
Payback period
- В т.ч. при выборе проекта
- Сколько времени займет to recover its investment in a project before it starts accumulating profit
- Чем меньше, тем лучше
Present value (PV) / Future value (FV)
В т.ч. при выборе проекта
Present value (PV)
A benefit comparison model to determine the present value of a future amount of money.
PV = FV ÷ (1 + i)n, where
- FV is future value,
- I is the given interest rate
- n is the number of periods
Future value (FV)
A benefit comparison model to determine a future value of money.
FV = PV(1 + I)n, where
- PV is present value
- I is the given interest rate
- n is the number of periods.
Project management office (PMO)
- Supportive - provides the policies, methodologies, templates and lessons learned for projects. Low level of control over projects
- Controlling - provides support and guidance on how to manage projects, trains others in PM software and other tools, and ensures compliance with orga policies. Moderate level of control over projects
- Directive - provides PM for projects and is responsible for the results of those projects. All projects are managed by the office. High level of control over projects
Sunk Costs
what you already spent. SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED when deciding whether to continue with a troubled project
Value Delivery Office (VDO) or Agile Center of Excellence (ACoE)
Помогает enable project management in Agile environment
Work performance data / information / reports
- Work performance data includes the initial measurements and details about activities gathered during the Direct and Manage Project Work process in executing. When M&C project, work performance data is analyzed to make sure it conforms to the project management plan. It is also assessed to determine what the data means for the project as a whole. The result is known as work performance information.
- Work performance information can then be organized into work performance reports, which are distributed to the various SH
Working capital
- Orga’s current assets minus its current liabilities.
- =amount of money the company has available to invest (including investing in projects)
Resource Optimization methods
Для сглаживания ресурсной картины, when overallocated
- Resource Leveling - Любые стримы сглаживаем.
- Resource Smoothing - любые за исключением Critical path, а точнее любые, где есть float
Continuous Improvement Approaches
- Kaizen (синоним “continuous improvement”) - Small changes to processes and products on a steady, continuous basis to save costs and improve quality. Plan Do Check Act, or Plan, Develop, Evaluate, Learn
- Total Quality Management (TQM) - business philosophy to find methods to continuously improve products, services, and business practices at every level of the orga.
- Sigma (“standart deviation”) - indicates how much variance от среднего получили в результате измерений/является допустимым. В т.ч. помогает померять, является ли процесс или выхлоп стабильным.
Management Powers
- Expert-experienced - expert PM or technical
- Reward-incentive - can reward a project team
- Formal-positional (authoritative, and legitimate) - power is because of the position as the project manager.
- Coercive - threatened (punitive) - manager can punish
- Referent-references - Option 1: team personally knows the project manager. Option 2: the project manager refers to the person who assigned him the position.
- Avoiding power - refuses to act, get involved or make decisions or just give up on some point
- Guilt-based power - The project manager can make the team and stakeholders feel guilty to gain compliance in the project
- Informational power The individual has power and control of the data gathering and distribution of information.
- Ingratiating (льстивый) power - through flattery (лесть)
- Personal - Warm personality
- Persuasive (убедительный) power- убеждает
- Pressure-based power - The project manager can restrict choices to get the project team to perform and do the project work.
- Situational power - The project manager has power because of certain situations in the organization.