Chapter 3: Principles of Design Flashcards
What is balance and why is it important?
Balance is a principle of design in which the arrangement of elements in a composition to achieve visual equilibrium and comfortable environment; it’s important in interior design because every interior is composed of a wide variety of forms, shapes, colors, lines, patterns, textures, and light.
What are some ways that objects vary in visual weight?
- Large objects appear heavier
- Highly textured objects appear heavier
- Dark elements are heavier
- Bright colors carry more weight than neutral
- Complex or unusual shapes weigh more
- Several small objects can balance a single object with the same area
How does position play a part in balance?
All visual compositions have a balance point or axis or a field within which the balancing takes place; ie. when the center of the room coincides with the imaginary point of balance, the composition appears balanced.
What is symmetrical balance?
It consists of identical elements arranged equally about a common axis; it is very stable and typically connotes formality and a traditional aesthetic (can be too static or formal).
It can emphasize a focal point in the middle or at the ends of the axis.
The perception of symmetry is most likely to occur when elements are symmetrical about the vertical axis rather than the horizontal axis.
What is asymmetrical balance?
It depends on equalizing the visual or optical weights of non-similar elements in a composition within a visual field or about a common axis; considered informal and dynamic; no fixed rules.
What is radial balance?
A type of symmetrical balance in which elements are arranged uniformly about a central point; focuses attention on the center.
What is harmony and unity?
Harmony is a principle of design in which the agreement of the parts to each other and to the whole; all pieces seem to belong together and work to reinforce the overall design theme.
Why is harmony one of the most difficult design principles to apply?
Because there are no fixed rules and because it includes the opposing concepts of unity/variety and rhythm/emphasis.
What are the different ways harmony and unity are achieved?
- Elements have same basic scale and form
- Same colors
- Grouping elements close together
- Relating them to a common architectural element
- Organizing them around a shared design feature
- Using a common shape in varying sizes and textures
What is rhythm?
It’s a principle of design in which the repetition of elements in a regular pattern; elements follow a common baseline to which they are related either by physical connection or by an imaginary line that the eye and mind use to tie the elements together.
What are the different types of rhythm?
- Uniform repetition of identical objects
- Irregular spacing
- Emphasizing or changing elements and regular intervals
- Uniformly increasing or decreasing the size of the elements
What is gradation?
An important type of rhythm where the size, color, or value of design elements are gradually modified as the elements repeat.
Why is emphasis and focus important in design?
The designer needs to understand the various dominant and subordinate parts of a space to create a design that enhances hierarchies and provides focus on the important features. If everything is emphasized, nothing is emphasized.
How is emphasis achieved?
Elements can be centered, offset, given a unique size, color, shape or texture, lighting.
What is contrast?
The juxtaposition of dissimilar elements; it’s the way we perceive the difference between things, create importance, and add interest and variety to our environment.
What is proportion?
The relationship between one part of an object or composition and another part and to the whole, or between one element and another; it is relative - an object can appear out of proportion in one setting and perfectly correct in another.
What is the golden ratio / golden section?
When a single line is divided into two unequal segments such that the ratio of the smaller part is to the larger part as the larger part is to the whole; it is designated by the Greek letter phi or 1.618.
It is believed to the most pleasing proportion possible and has been found to occur repeatedly in nature and art.
What is the Fibonacci sequence?
Each successive number in the series is the sum of the previous two. When any number is divided by the previous term, the quotient approximates the golden ratio.
What is the Modulor system?
It was developed by Le Corbusier and is loosely based on the golden section by uses the human body as a starting point. It uses the distance from the floor to the navel and the distance from the navel to the end of the arm outstretched above the head (these are equidistant), and also the height of that same person.
His intention was to use these dimensions to maintain human scale in design and create unity with diversity or also in the prefabrication of building elements.