Chapter 3: Personal & Social Development Flashcards
personal development
Development, with age, of distinctive behavioral patterns and increasingly complex self-understandings.
social development
Development, with age, of increasingly sophisticated understandings of other people and of society as a whole, as well as increasingly effective interpersonal skills and more internalized standards for behavior.
Characteristic ways in which a particular individual behaves, thinks, and feels in a wide range of circumstances.
Genetic predisposition to respond in particular ways to one’s physical and social environments.
effortful control
One’s general ability to inhibit immediate impulses in order to think and act productively; believed to be a distinct aspect of temperament that has a biological basis in the brain.
Strong, affectionate bond formed between a child and a caregiver.
authoritative parenting
Parenting style characterized by emotional warmth, high standards for behavior, explanation and consistent enforcement of rules, and inclusion of children in decision making.
authoritarian parenting
Parenting style characterized by rigid rules and expectations for behavior that children are asked to obey without question.
child maltreatment
Consistent neglect or abuse of a child that jeopardizes the child’s physical and psychological well-being
Process of molding a child’s behavior and beliefs to be appropriate for his or her cultural group.
culture shock
Sense of confusion when a student encounters a new environment with behavioral expectations very different from those previously learned
goodness of fit
Situation in which classroom conditions and expectations are compatible with students’ temperaments and personality characteristics.
sense of self
Perceptions, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about oneself as a person; includes self-concept and self-esteem.
self efficacy
Belief that one is capable of executing certain behaviors or reaching certain goals
imaginary audience
Belief that one is the center of attention in any social situation.
personal fable
Belief that one is completely unlike anyone else and so cannot be understood by others.
Self-constructed definition of who one is and what things are important to accomplish in life.
ethnic identity
Awareness of one’s membership in a particular ethnic or cultural group and willingness to adopt behaviors characteristic of the group.
peer contaigon
Phenomenon in which certain behaviors, attitudes, and/or values spread from one child or adolescent to another, perhaps through modeling, peer reinforcement, social sanctions, or self-socialization.
Tendency to integrate personal observations and others’ input into self-constructed standards for behavior and to choose actions consistent with those standards.
Moderately stable friendship group of perhaps 3 to 10 members.
Group that resists the ways of the dominant culture and adopts its own norms for behavior.
Cohesive social group characterized by initiation rites, distinctive colors and symbols, territorial orientation, and feuds with rival groups.
popular students
Students whom many peers like and perceive to be kind and trustworthy
rejected students
Students whom many peers identify as being an undesirable social companion
controversial students
Student whom some peers strongly like and other peers strongly dislike.
neglected students
Student about whom most peers have no strong feelings, either positive or negative.
social cognition
Process of thinking about how other people are likely to think, act, and react.
perspective taking
Ability to look at a situation from someone else’s viewpoint.
mirror neurons
Neuron in the brain that fires either when a person is performing a particular behavior or when the person sees someone else perform the behavior.
theory of mind
Self-constructed understanding of one’s own and other people’s mental and psychological states (thoughts, feelings, etc.).
recursive thinking
Thinking about what other people may be thinking about oneself, possibly through multiple iterations.
social information processing
Mental processes involved in making sense of and responding to social events.
action intentionally taken to hurt another either physically or psychological
physical aggression
Action that can potentially cause bodily injury.
psychological aggression
Action intended to cause mental anguish or reduce self-esteem.
relational aggression
Action that can adversely affect interpersonal relationships; a form of psychological aggression.
proactive aggression
Deliberate aggression against another as a means of obtaining a desired goal.
reactive aggression
Aggressive response to frustration or provocation.
person who frequently threatens, harasses or causes injury to particular peers
hostile attributional bias
Tendency to interpret others’ behaviors as reflecting hostile or aggressive intentions.
Engaging in psychological aggression via wireless technologies or the Internet
prosocial behavior
Behavior directed toward promoting the wellbeing of people other than oneself.
One’s general standards regarding right and wrong behaviors.
Feeling of discomfort about having caused someone else pain and distress
Feeling of embarrassment or humiliation after failing to meet certain standards for moral behavior.
Experience of sharing the same feelings as someone in unfortunate circumstances.
Feeling of sorrow for another person’s distress, accompanied by concern for the person’s well-being.
moral transgressions
Action that causes harm or infringes on the needs or rights others
conventional transgressions
action that violates a culture’s general expectations regarding socially appropriate behaviors
moral dilemmas
Situation in which two or more people’s rights or needs may be at odds and the morally correct action is not clear cut
preconventional morality
Lack of internalized standards about right and wrong behaviors; decision making based primarily on what seems best for oneself.
conventional morality
Uncritical acceptance of society’s conventions regarding right and wrong behaviors
postconventional morality
Thinking in accordance with self-constructed, abstract principles regarding right and wrong behaviors.
Explanation of why a certain behavior is unacceptable, often with a focus on the pain or distress that someone has caused another.
service learning
Activity that promotes learning and development through contributing to the general betterment of other people and the outside community.