Chapter 3 - Organizational Commitment Flashcards
Organizational Commitment
the desire on the part of the employee to remain a member of the organization.
withdrawal behavior
set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation
Three types of organizational commitment
Affective, Continuance, Normative
Affective Commitment
desire to stay at a company because of emotional attachment
Continuous Commitment
desire to remain a member because of awareness of the costs associated with leaving it.
Normative Commitment
Staying at a job because you feel like you ought to.
erosion model
employees with fewer bonds will most likely quit
social influence model
people who have direct linkages to quitters of the company will quit themselves
Employee’s links to their organization and community
active, destructive response by which an individual either ends or restricts organizational membership
active, constructive response in which individuals attempt to improve the situation
passive, constructive response that maintains public support for the situation while the individual privately hopes for improvement
passive, destructive response in which interest and effort in the job declines
Stars (Type of Employee)
High Task Performance and Org. Commitment
Citizens(Type of Employee)
High Commitment, Low Task Performance
Lone Wolves(Type of Employee)
High Task Performance, Low Commitment
Apathetics(Type of Employee)
Low Commitment, Low Task performance
Psychological Withdrawal
actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment
using work time and resources to complete something other than their job duties
missing an entire day of work
Independent Forms Model of Withdrawal
various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one another
compensatory forms model
various withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another (doing one thing means you’re less likely to do another)
progression model
various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated
psychological contracts
employees beliefs about what they owe the organization and what the org. owes them
transactional contracts
narrow set of specific monetary obligations
relational contracts
open-ended and subjective obligation (Ex. the employee owes loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond.)
Perceived Organizational Support
the degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions
4 ways to respond to negative work events
exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect