***Chapter 3 - Interaction Of Radiation With Matter Flashcards
Amount of ionization per mass of air due to X-rays and gamma rays; SI UNIT: C kg-1 (formerly Roentgen (R))
Exposure (X)
Amount of energy imparted by radiation per mass; SI UNIT: Gray(Gy); (formerly rad)
1 Gy= J kg-1
1 rad=0.01 J kg-1
Absorbed dose (D)
Kinetic energy transferred to charged particles per unit mass; SI UNIT: Gray(Gy)
1 Gy= J kg-1
1 rad=0.01 J kg-1
Kerma (K)
Kinetic energy transferred to charged particles per unit mass of air; SI UNIT: Gray(Gy)
1 Gy= J kg-1
1 rad=0.01 J kg-1
Air Kerma (K air)
Total radiation energy imparted to matter; SI UNIT: Joule (J)
Imparted energy
A measure of ABSORBED DOSE weighted for the biological effectiveness of the type(s) of radiation (relative to LET photons and electrons) to produce stochastic health effects in humans; SI UNIT: Sievert (Sv) , formerly rem
Equivalent dose (H)
A measure of EQUIVALENT DOSE, weighted for the biological sensitivity of the exposed tissues and organs (relative to whole body exposure) to stochastic health effects in humans; SI UNIT: Sievert (Sv), formerly rem
Effective Dose (E)
Energetic charged particles interact with matter by electrical forces and lose kinetic energy via ______ (3)
- Excitation
- Ionization
- Radiative losses
Occur when charged particles lose energy by interacting with orbital electrons in the medium (2)
Excitation and ionization
Refer to the coulombic forces exerted in the charged particles when they pass in proximity to the electric field generated by the atom’s electron and protons
Interactions or collisional losses
The transfer of some of the incident particles’ energy to electrons in the absorbing material , promoting them to electron orbits farther from the nucleus
Electron returning to a lower energy level, with the emission of the excitation energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or Auger electrons
Result of an ionization
- consists of the ejected electron and the positively charged atom
Ion pair
Sometimes, the ejected electrons possess sufficient energy to produce further ionizations called the ______
Secondary ionization
*these electrons are called DELTA RAYS
Average number of primary and secondary ion pairs produce per unit length of the charged particle’s path
Specific ionization
*expressed in ion pairs (IP)/mm
As the alpha particle slows, the specific ionization increases to a maximum called the ____
Bragg peak
Defined as the distance the particle travels
Path length
Defined as the depth of penetration of the particle in matter
A measure of the average amount of energy deposited locally (near the incident particle track) in the absorber per unit path length
- expressed in units of keV or eV per um
- describes the local energy deposition density , which can have a substantial impact on the biological consequences of radiation exposure
Linear energy transfer (LET)
Refers to an interaction that deflects a particle or photo from its original trajectory
A scattering event in which the total kinetic energy of the colliding particles is unchanged is called _____
Type of interaction when scattering occurs with a loss of kinetic energy
Radiation emission accompanying electron deceleration
- “braking radiation”
The fate of positrons (B+) that ultimately become bound to atoms
Positron annihilation