Chapter 3- Ethical and Legal Issues Flashcards
right to make decisions
one’s duty to benefit or promote the good of others (advocacy)
do no harm
equal and fair treatment for everyone
actions are right to the degree that they tend to promote happiness and wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness
our actions are bound by a sense of duty (out of respect for moral law)
Christian ethics
do unto others as you would like done to you
Natural law theory
as rational human beings, we inherently know the difference between good and evil. this directs our decision making
ethical dilemma
a situation that requires an individual to make a choice between two equally unfavorable alternatives
Patient Rights
- Right to treatment
- Right to refuse treatment
- Right to least restrictive treatment
RN role in informed consent
ensure the pt has been addressed on…
Free will
Involuntary committment
- pt is in immediate danger to oneself
- pt is a danger to others
- pt is unable to take care of basic personal needs (gravely disabled)
failure to exercise the care toward others that a reasonable or prudent person would do in the circumstances, or taking action that such a reasonable person would not
an act or continuing conduct of a professional that does not meet the standard of professional competence and results in provable damages to the pt
verbal defamation of character
written defamation of character
avoiding liability
- Effective communication
- Accurate documentation
- Complying w standards of care
- Knowing the client
- Practicing w/in scope of practice