Chapter 3 Diseases Flashcards
What is an abscess?
an open, infected wound on any part of the body surface
What is the basic cause of abscesses?
either in local injuries or in a defective blending
of blood and other bodily fluids, but generally both circumstances
unite in the development of an abscess.
How is an abscess effectively treated?
Start by cleansing the body as explained in Appendix B. Next apply
a poultice over the abscess area of three parts slippery elm bark
and one part lobelia herb. A poultice of hops or a poultice of hot onions,
hot pumpkin, or hot (not cooked) tomatoes is equally effective.
After the abscess has burst, cover it with a poultice or fomentation
of comfrey leaves or roots (powdered, or if fresh, finely chopped)
for fast healing.
What is acidosis and how may it be treated?
- Acidosis is the reduction of the alkali reserve, due to an excess of acid-forming foods which are incompletely oxidized or poorly eliminated. This leads to the cause of stomach disorders. 2. Aids to soothe and speed up the healing are slippery elm gruel,marshmallow root tea, and okra, carrot and spinach juice. Peppermint tea is also an excellent beverage for this condition. To assist in itsstimulating effect, add six to ten drops of tincture of lobelia, or Anti-Spasmodic Extract to each cup of tea. The use of potassium broth is
a great aid; spinach juice, mixed with carrot juice, is also excellent. The 3 day cleanse and mucusless diet for cure.
What are some of the sodium and magnesium foods?
Sodium and magnesium foods such as oranges (whole, not the
juice), beets, carrots, celery, cucumbers, okra, radishes, apples, cherries,
strawberries, coconuts, figs, prunes, string beans, and spinach,
should be eaten in abundance.
What causes acne?
As the teenagers grow up, they, like everybody else today, eat devitalized, dead, mucus-loaded junk materials that could only be called garbage food, and meals without energy and life building materials in them. The rapid change from childhood to adulthood requires foods rich in vitamins, minerals, etc, needed in the healthy
body. Processed foods are low or lacking in natural hormone and estrogen materials needed in the growth transition to adulthood. The young person’s body realizes the lack and the need, and tries to pull
the required materials from the body. If they are not there, the strain of trying to produce them causes irritation, a nasty emotional disposition,and a pimply complexion.
Name two herbal teas that supply the necessary hormones and estrogens during puberty.
During puberty, and preferably just before that time starts, it would
be wise to have the preteen boy and girl take a cup or more of red
raspberry leaf tea and/or (especially important) blessed (holy) thistle
tea each day-six days each week.
Where are the adenoids located and what is their function?
The adenoids are two swellings at the back of the nose, just above
the tonsils. They are made up of lymph nodes which form part of the
body’s defense against upper respiratory tract infections.
How can adenoiditis and nasal or laryngeal polyps be effectively remedied?
To shrink the swellings in the nose and throat areas, make a tea
of bayberry bark or oak bark and sniff it up the nose. Children can be
taught to drink it up the nose using one nostril at a time. It will also be
helpful to drink some of this tea two or three times a day. For some,
the easier way is to use an atomizer spray up the nose. The lymph tissue in the adenoids should be supported with 3
parts mullein and 1 part lobelia as a fomentation (see Appendix F)
around the neck and as a tea. The herbs Echinacea, Garlic and Onions
should be used liberally. Combine ¼ tsp of cayenne with 4 cloves
of crushed fresh garlic in 1 tbs. of honey. Consume ½ tsp. hourly,
let it coat the throat; do not wash down the preparation in the throat
after administration
What is the first step in clearing up allergies?
The first step in cleaning up the cause of allergies is to work on rebuilding the bowel area to a healthy cleansing action (see Appendix A). Clean the blood stream with a good herbal tea such as the Blood Stream Formula (Red Clover Combination) tea or capsules. A very fine herbal remedy for allergies,hay fever and sinus conditions is an herbal combination as follows: Brigham tea, marshmallow root, juniper berries, golden seal root,chaparral, burdock root, parsley root, cayenne, and lobelia. Adult dose: one cup morning and evening
What causes allergies?
The immune system is exposed to foreign protein either through
blood exchange in the digestive tract, vaccination, etc. The immune
system develops sensitivity to this protein and reacts as though it was
being invaded. This reaction is called an allergy.
Discuss the causes and treatments give for anemia.
Anemia is a deficiency in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both. The condition is marked by varying degrees of pallor and palpitation. This is brought about because there is not sufficient iron in the blood to carry
enough oxygen to the cells, to enable them to breathe, and throw off their waste products. New cells are not produced
fast enough to replace the decaying and dead ones. Pus is formed only when cells decay. Therefore, it requires no great
stretch of the imagination to see how vitally necessary it is to have enough iron in the blood stream to convey sufficient oxygen to all parts. the overall treatment should be sunshine, fresh air, deep breathing, and a well-balanced diet including a healthy quantity of fresh, green vegetables and the daily use of good tonic herbal supplements such as, Vitalerbs and Jurrasic Green. In pernicious anemia we should also take the Immucalm Formula. BARBERRY TEA for young; COMFREY tea for all
Discuss the causes and treatment of appendicitis.
It may be caused by a faulty digestion, intestinal catarrh, fecal concretions, and in comparatively rare cases, by foreign particles being lodged in the appendix.Cleanse the colon thoroughly with an enema, preferably herb,take as much water as possible, as hot as possible–use either spearmint, catnip,white oak bark, bayberry or wild alum root. When herbs are not available, use plain water. If the pain continues after the colon has been cleansed, then use a very warm enema of catnip alone. Then apply hot and cold fomentations to the region of the appendix and the full length of the spine. At night prepare apoultice as follows: Combine a tablespoon of granulated or powdered lobelia with a large handful of granulated or crushed mullein leaves, and sprinkle with ginger. Mix the herbs into apaste by adding powdered slippery elm or corn meal. Applythe poultice as warm as the patient can stand, leave on untilcool, then repeat.go on a liquid diet, drinking alkaline broths, fruit juices, anddrink several glasses of slippery elm (or comfrey) every day.After the attack, go immediately to the Mucusless diet..
What are the causes and treatment for asthma?
It is often called allergic asthma, characterized by dyspnea (labored breathing), dry painful cough, wheezing, mucoid sputum, bronchial spasm,
and a sense of constriction of the chest. Asthma is caused by malnutrition. Only by diligent and consistent effort to change embedded habits will one get permanent relief.
The cough is a result of nature’s effort to expectorate mucus from the lungs, after which breathing becomes easier. Often the cause of asthma is basically a nervous condition because the nerves are irritated.
What are some herbal aids that will relieve asthma?
When a person is in convulsion there are certain herbs that will give very fast relief. One of these is tincture of lobelia, and a valerian
decoction with a little cayenne added to relieve spasms. If such an attack comes after a meal, one should use an emetic, such as a large
dose of lobelia or use the yoga finger method. Drink several cups of warm water, then place the middle finger deep down the throat and
press the tongue until regurgitation starts. Mustard is also good to clean the stomach and lungs. Prior to the emetic, a peppermint or cayenne and spearmint tea should be used as a stimulant to soothe the area and alleviate the discomfort of continual vomiting. Hot fomentations of castor oil, comfrey,lobelia and mullein, may be placed over the stomach, spleen,liver and lung areas.Frequent hydrotherapy baths or lengthy sweat baths are beneficial, followed by a cold shower or sponging. Another helpful method is to take a vapor bath twice a week, inhaling steam
from a decoction of rag wort or wormwood
What causes bed wetting and how can this unfortunate condition be remedied?
Bed wetting or incontinence of urine is frequently due to the presence of inorganic oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys or bladder. Weak and undernourished children with a lack of wholesome food are most likely to have this habit.
Other causes are late suppers, constipation, worms, gas in bowels,
and general nervousness. Kidney Formula, Bladder Formula,You can also make a tea of plantain, black cohosh and parsleyroot, ½ or ¼ cup three times a day. Another excellent formula is the following: Thoroughly mix together buchu leaves, marshmallow root, black cohosh, yarrow, uva
ursi, white pond lily, juniper berries, golden seal, and ginger. Do not let the child eat late at night or eat any stimulating foods,
such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, white flour or white sugar products. It is best to give the child no food or liquids after four or five O’clock. Use a gentle olive oil massage daily over the kidney area. The child should not lie on its back; it should lie on its side or face.
How is comfrey healing paste made?
To equal parts of raw liquid
honey and wheat germ oil, blend in an equal part of finely chopped
or powdered fresh or dried comfrey leaf or root or Complete Tissue
and Bone Formula in powdered form. When the mixture is the
consistency of a heavy spreadable paste, it is ready to use.
If it is too thick to spread add a little more wheat germ oil.
Apply it a half inch thick or more over the entire area that has been burned, scalded, etc.
Cover with something that won’t stick such as clean fresh blanched
(submerge in boiled water for one minute, remove and cool) burdock
leaves, or red lettuce, or spinach, or any soft pliable leaves and then
gently wrap with gauze, or cloth. Observe the burned area from day
to day. If paste has been absorbed, add more on top of the original
application. Do not remove original paste application; just add to
it as it is absorbed into the skin. This paste will keep well for many
months at room temperature if kept in a tightly closed jar.
What can be done to
aid in healing burns if the comfrey paste were unavailable?
If the paste is not available, submerge the burned area in cold water
and leave it there as long as possible to take the heat out, or keep
cold wet compresses over the burned area. If honey, wheat germ oil,
or olive oil are available, use them to saturate the area completely,
keeping it well soaked in the honey or oil until healed. The gel from
the aloe vera plant promotes the healing of burns. These are all good,
but nothing can compare to the burn comfrey paste.
Which herbal preparations help broken bones to heal properly?
After the doctor has set the bone, drink three or more cups of comfrey tea each day-the more the better. With each cup of tea take
the Herbal Calcium Formula. For children old enough to take capsules, use three capsules or more, three times in a day. As suggested, take these capsules with the comfrey tea. Mix the powder with blackstrap molasses, if it is hard to swallow the capsules. This formula is also available in a children’s extract called Kid-E-Calc.For fast healing use the Complete Tissue and Bone Formula
(BF&C). We have had people take large amounts 25-100 capsules per day. It is also recommended to apply liberally fomentations of
the BF&C Bulk formula. These procedures can produce miraculous results.
What causes canker sores and how can they be eliminated from the system?
Cankers are generally caused by toxicity in the body which does not allow wounds in the mouth to heal. It is a condition not only in
the mouth, but all through the entire system. Keep the patient on juices, distilled water and red raspberry-leaf tea for three days (they will not starve), and you will see the general
improvement of the condition. If they want more to eat, give him comfrey green drink, slippery elm bark tea, or marshmallow root tea.
Other Treatment
The patient should follow the Mucusless Diet and keep the bowels clean and free moving so that there will be no recurrence.
Discuss the basic cause and treatment of chicken pox.
Actually, as long as the child has been exposed, the conditionis there. A good break-out of chicken pox, as with most childhood
diseases, is a blessing. This is the indication that the body has toxic materials in it that must be removed. Give the child a warm catnip tea enema. Herbal teas such ascatnip and peppermint, pleurisy root and catnip, red raspberry leaf,
and yarrow or pennyroyal, elder flowers and peppermint with vinegar and water will relieve the itching. Also, bathe or sponge skin
with tea made of burdock root, golden seal and yellow dock root in case of severe itching. Other aids would include the Dr. Christopher
formulas: CSR, Kid-E-Well and Kid-E-Mune. Treatment During an outbreak of Chicken Pox, the body is sending toxic impurities out through the pores. We can aid this by giving the child warm yarrow tea, one cup every hour or two. As a diaphoretic, yarrow opens the pores, causing the body to perspire, and aids in quicklyremoving the toxins from the system. Itching is generally very mild when this method is used, and the duration of the virus is much shorter.
What causes colic? How can it be alleviated?
In all cases, this is due to improper diet, digestive disorder and poor elimination. This often relates to the nursing mother. The
consumption of cow’s milk by the baby or the nursing mother is the number one cause of colic.Use the composition powder as follows: four parts bayberry bark powder, two parts ginger powder, one part white pine bark, one
eighth part clove powder, and one eighth part cayenne powder. Preparation Mix and strain through a fine sieve at least twice. Use one teaspoon in one cup of boiling water, sweeten, cover and allow to stand a few minutes. Dosage: Drink the clear liquid as needed according
to age. For example, only part of a teaspoon every hour or two for a very small child. Additional Treatments
In addition to taking teas orally, give a rectal injection of teas,two ounces at a time, of catnip, catnip and pleurisy root, garden sage
and catnip, or catnip and peppermint. It is an advantage to add three to ten drops of tincture of lobelia to the teas per cup and ½ teaspoon
or more of the tincture of lobelia to the rectal injection or massaged over the abdomen
What are the causes and symptoms of a cold?
Common cold, coryza, cold in the head, etc. are evidenced by an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, marked by an acute
catarrhal condition of the nasal mucous membrane, a slight rise in the temperature, chilly sensations and general discomfort. It is caused by viral or bacterial infection feeding on excessive or copious secretions of mucus (waste materials) often due to the body’s inability to properly assimilate milk and concentrated starches. When a cold or fever just gets started, it can be cleared up very easily, if the following procedures are started immediately.