Appendix A--Bowel Cleansing and Nourishing Flashcards
What is the main cause of offensive body odors?
Most of us have a sewage line that is backed up or constipated,
and the horrible odor of halitosis comes out our front door (the
mouth) as it is opened.
How can we begin to clean the accumulated filth out of the body?
The first steps to having a smooth-running, happy, efficient bodybis to give it a primary three day juice cleanse, and then start the
Mucusless Diet (see Appendix B). This will start you working onbthe cause of the malfunctions in the body, renewing of the flesh, and
rebuilding of the body. By continuing with this program, you arebguaranteed of not having the problems of constipation and ill health
any more during your life.
What structures make up the first digestive mixing bowl and what is the function of this
area of the body?
The first digestive mixing bowl is the mouth, the teeth and the salivary glands. Here, the raw organic structures are, or should be, ground up fine with the teeth used as grinders and mixed well with the alkaline juices of saliva that are so necessary for preparing the starches for body use. The body’s three pairs of salivary glands are the parotid glands, (the largest), located in front of and below the ear, the ducts of which open into the mouth through the cheek just opposite the second molar teeth of the upper jaw; the submaxillary glands, which are about the size of a walnut and are located on each side beneath the lower jaw, their ducts opening into the mouth just under the tip of the tongue; and the sublingual glands located in the floor of the mouth, forming small ridges between the tongue and the gums of the lower jaw, having many ducts (some of which connect with the submaxillary glands).
Define ptyalin and discuss its function.
There are some 1-2 pints of saliva secreted daily into the mouth, containing, among other things, the important digestive ferment, ptyalin, which converts starches into grape sugar. Ptyalin’s alkaline action is important in neutralizing acids, and it moistens and softens the food for passage through the esophagus. The rate of secretion depends upon what is in the mouth, and although a button will stimulate it, there are certain savory and nonsavory agents called sialogogues which will stimulate a ready flow of salivary juices. (Some herbal sialogogues include, CAYENNE, GINGER, betel leaves, blue flag root, European elder bark, false sweet flag root, hydrangea root, jaborandi root, and snake root.
What occurs in the second digestive bowl of the body?
When food is swallowed it passes by the peristaltic action of the esophagus into the second digestive mixing bowl, where the gastric
juices of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, are added. These dissolve the proteins and form food into a semi fluid substance called chyme. The stomach is capable of considerable detention and the motions of its muscular action serve to knead and mix the gastric juices with the processing food. It has been estimated that there are some 10-20 pints of gastric juices secreted during a 24 hour period. These juices restrict the action of saliva upon the starches while in the stomach, and also the fats are little affected thereby. The stomach normally completes its digestive action and is emptied of its contents every 4-5 hours.
Name some stomachio herbs.
Those agents that are specific aids in giving strength and tone to the stomach are called stomachics (herbs such as, agrimony, all-spice,
angelica, avens, bay leaves, betel leaves, thistle, chamomile, caraway seed, cardamom seed, cascarilla, condurango, coriander, dandelion
root, fennel seed, gentian, horsemint, lovage, nutmeg, peppermint, pimento, quassia, sweet flag, true unicorn, and turkey rhubarb or white
cedar leaves). As the food is liquefied during the digestive processing by the stomach into chyme, gradually, in a very few minutes, this semi
fluid mass is expelled through the pylorus into the duodenum.
Name the healing agents that act upon the secretive functions of the liver. What are these
herbs called?
Almost immediately upon entering the duodenum, the chyme becomes mingled with pancreatic juices and bile.The bile is a golden-green fluid secreted by
the liver. The bile is an alkaline agent which aids pancreatic juices in digestion, prevents fermentation in the intestines and stimulates the peristaltic action. The healing agents that strengthen tone and act upon the secretive functions of the liver are hepatic tonics (herbs such as: barberry, balimony, Culver’s root, dandelion, liverwort, Indian apple root, mandrake, marsh watercress, wahoo, wild yam, and wormwood). Agents
that promote the flow of bile, by contracting the bile ducts, but not necessarily influencing or increasing the secretion of bile, are called cholagogues (herbs such as aloe gum, butternut bark, Culver’s root, and wahoo bark).
Discuss the peristaltic motion of the ascending colon.
The motions of the intestines are called peristaltic. They are wavelike. A peculiar feature of the motions of the ascending colon is that they are called anti peristaltic. This is because they pass both ways, i.e. away from the small intestines and toward them. This keeps the food moving back and
forth and delays its passage. This gives time for the absorption of materials from the food.
What causes diarrhea?
diarrhea is simply a bad condition in which the intestinal tract has
become badly clogged that all the fecal solids are being held back and
only the eliminative liquids are getting through
Why are colonics, irrigation, enemas and herbal laxatives only temporary reliefs from a
constipated condition?
However, injections or enemas are really not the permanent solution for this problem, as they only relieve the problem only temporarily, and the peristaltic muscles do not work when enemas are being used for eliminative purposes. Enemas are only a crutch in solving the problem. What is needed here is the Lower Bowel Formula, which is a corrective food for the intestinal tract….our Lower Bowel Formula wins, because it
is not a crutch. It cleans the liver, the gall bladder, starts the bowel flowing, and stimulates the peristaltic muscles to begin working and
kneading out waste. You can take colonics, irrigations, enemas, or herbal laxatives until they are running out your ears, but as long as
the peristaltic muscles are not functioning, no permanent healing can be accomplished.
How does a toxic sigmoid colon contribute to displacement of the sacroiliac?
A condition of sciatic rheumatism will always develop where the sigmoid (end) portion of the lower bowel becomes congested, and the toxic poisons from the bowel subsequently flow into the adjacent area, irritating the nerves controlling the sacroiliac and, in turn, throwing it out of place-and so goes the vicious cycle!
What percent of the total food intake does the “average” person (with a toxic colon)
old fecal matter encrusted on our intestinal walls prevents the food
from being assimilated. Instead of assimilating the nutrition from
undigested food, we utilize only ten percent of its real value, and the
rest is wasted on down the eliminative drain.
Why are posture and exercise aids to proper bowel function?
Exercise. Bodily activity is another way of mechanically stimulating the intestine. Vigorous exercise sets the diaphragm and abdominal
muscles at work in such a way that the intestines are, between the two, vigorously kneaded and squeezed and thus stimulated into action. Posture. A stooped or relaxed posture when sitting or standing tends strongly to induce constipation by weakening the abdominal muscles and causing congestion of the liver and all other abdominal organs. The viscus, overfilled with blood, and lacking the support of the abdominal muscles, becomes prolapsed. The colon falls with the rest; the intestinal contents stagnate; the bowel becomes distended; the ileocecal valve becomes incompetent; infection travels up the
small intestine, and a long list of ills result. An erect posture secures proper exercise of the muscles of the trunk, correct breathing, normal circulation of blood in the viscera, and promotes in a high degree normal bowel movement. A further cause of injury is the lowering of the diaphragm and diminished action of this important muscle, which when normally active applies to the colon and other active viscera a sort of rhythmic massage which is a valuable aid to bowel action.
Why are liquid foods almost always constipating?
There are certain foods and other agents that produce a decided slowing influence upon intestinal movements, either directly or indirectly,
through the suppression of the normal stimuli. Liquid foods, such as soups, gruels, porridges, and purees contain so little solid matter that
the bulk, considerable though it may be when the food is eaten, is soon reduced to a very small volume. On this account, liquid foods
are almost always constipating.
What does a well formed stool indicate?
Another common error which is held by most medical men, as well as by the laity, is that the stool should be “formed.” This is a false notion that has grown out of the constipation habit which prevails among “civilized” folk. The vegetarian Hindus of Amritsar, who live chiefly on ground wheat and vegetables, according to Dr. A. H. Browne, have “large, bulky, and not formed, but pultaceous” stools. A well-formed stool always means constipation. The significance is that the colon is packed full like a sausage and that the fecal matters have been so long retained that they have been compacted by
the absorption of water. The whole colon is filled, and the bowel movement is the result of the pressure of the incoming food residues at the other end.
Discuss the connection between meat-eating and paralysis of the colon.
undigested remnants of meat long retained in the body necessarily undergo putrefactive changes with the production of ptomaine and poisons. The digestion of meat leaves little residue, hence a person who lives chiefly on meat suffers from constipation, a condition which favors the putrefaction of undigested food remnants, and this, by creating an alkaline condition of the intestines, paralyzes the bowel and further increases the constipation. Meat also causes constipation through the fact that it encourages putrefaction of the colon both by introducing putrefactive organisms in great numbers and by providing material which is best calculated to encourage the growth of putrefactive organisms in the colon. Through the putrefaction of undigested remnants of the meat eaten, ammonia and other alkaline substances are formed which paralyze the bowel. The infection of the bowel which results from meat eating also gives
rise to colitis and causes a spastic or contracted condition of the descendingcolon, a condition found in the most obstinate forms of constipation.
What is the importance of including a sufficient amount of water in the diet?
Insufficient fluid. Most persons who suffer from constipation habitually drink too little water. It is difficult to account for this scanty
use of a necessity of life, which costs little and is of such inestimable value to the body. Water is far more immediately necessary for the
support of life than is food. A man may live six to eight weeks without tasting food in any form, but ten days at the most is the limit of
human life without water. The consequence of a scanty use of water is abnormal dryness of the feces, which delays their passage through
the lower colon, and often causes an actual stoppage in the pelvic colon or the rectum.
Name three exercises which will aid the constipated person.
Exercise. The excellent effects that walking has upon bowel activity are well known. Riding is also of great advantage in the same
way. These exercises, and many others, mechanically stimulate the colon as well as all parts of the intestinal tract by communicating to
it a continued series of slight shocks, by which reflex movements are excited.Exercises which combat constipation. The exercises that are ofthe greatest value in cases of constipation are those which bring into strong action the muscles of the abdomen. The abdominal musclesare generally weak and relaxed, and the intra-abdominal pressure is consequently low. By appropriate exercises the weak muscles may be strengthened, the intra-abdominal pressure may be raised and the colon may bethus enabled to contract with sufficient impetus to expel its contents. Hill Climbing, Horseback riding, tennis, rowing, medicine ball, work exercises (chopping, digging, swinging a hammer, etc.)
What evils can result from “resisting the call of nature?”
It is unwise to put off defecation when once the desire has arisen. The small portion of feces which enter the rectum bringing the desire to defecate will, when held there, become harder. Moreover, the presence of this in the rectum causes a dulling of the sensory nerves, thereby blunting the desire to defecate. This no doubt has much to do with causing constipation in many cases. Always respond to the call of nature as soon as possible. The results are most disastrous. The majority of chronic human ills are the results of this neglect.There is ample opportunity for the putrefactive process to get well under way.
Putrefaction is the source of the foul odor and gases which originate in the colon, and which are not only most offensive to the sense of smell, but as is well known, are also highly poisonous, and may give rise to nausea, biliousness, loss of appetite, bad breath, dingy skin, headache, Bright’s disease, and a host of other grave disorders.
What is the difference between organic elements in food? How do we turn organic
substances into inorganic ones?
When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice, every atom in such food is vital organic. Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is organic, and is not only beneficial, but essential for physiological functions of the body. The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is definitely dead, or inorganic, and as such is positively both pernicious and destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are both organic, the result is a beneficial constructive combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the latter, at the same time stimulating
the peristaltic functions of the body. When the oxalic acid becomes inorganic by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with the calcium, even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has even been known to cause decomposition of the bones (osteoporosis).As to the oxalic acid itself, when converted into an inorganic acid by cooking or processing the food, it often results in causing inorganic oxalic acid crystals to form in the kidneys.
It is worthy of notice that the minerals in our foods, iron, for example, frequently cannot be assimilated and used completely if they have become inorganic through cooking, and often prevent the utilizing of other elements through chemical and other action.The most abundant supply of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh raw spinach and rhubarb.
When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice, every atom in such food is vital organic. Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is organic, and is not only beneficial, but essential for physiological functions of the body. The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is definitely dead, or inorganic, and as such is positively both pernicious and destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are both organic, the result is a beneficial constructive combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the latter, at the same time stimulating
the peristaltic functions of the body. When the oxalic acid becomes inorganic by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with the calcium, even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has even been known to cause decomposition of the bones (osteoporosis).As to the oxalic acid itself, when converted into an inorganic acid by cooking or processing the food, it often results in causing inorganic oxalic acid crystals to form in the kidneys.
It is worthy of notice that the minerals in our foods, iron, for example, frequently cannot be assimilated and used completely if they have become inorganic through cooking, and often prevent the utilizing of other elements through chemical and other action.The most abundant supply of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh raw spinach and rhubarb
What are the herbs used in laxative gruel?
Laxative Gruel. If you desire additional assistance to the bowel, prepare flaxseed and/or psyllium seed, licorice root, marshmallow root, and comfrey root, each in 3 parts, and add 1 part lobelia herb. Sweeten with honey if desired. Use as little or as much as you require for assisting in free, easy bowel movements. The flaxseed and the psyllium seed give bulk; licorice root is a mild aperient (mildest of laxatives); marshmallow root is to assist clearance where hard stools
are prevalent, comfrey root is the healer and rebuilder of weak areas and gives lubrication; and lobelia is the accentuating herb.
How is the confectionary type bowel aid prepared?
Confectionery Type Bowel Aid. Make these delicious candies using the following instructions as a basic guide and vary as you wish. To each pint of chopped or ground up dried fruit (raisins, prunes, apricots, peaches, apples, dates, or figs), mix in one ounce powdered flaxseed, one ounce powdered licorice root, one ounce powdered slippery elm bark, and add enough sorghum or blackstrap molasses to shape into small balls. Roll these in half powdered carob and half
slippery elm bark so the confection is not sticky. Use these as needed. The ingredients and amounts can be adjusted to your desire.
Why has ginger been included in the lower bowel formula?
One Part Ginger
Its common name is Jamaica ginger. This herb is excellent for
correcting flatulence (gas in the stomach). We need this herb to alleviate
gas that is accumulated as the bile starts flowing into this area,
mixing with old fecal matter and forming this condition. It is also an
aid for relieving cramps and pains.