Appendix B--The Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet Flashcards
What are the four eliminative channels of the body?
The natural eliminative channels are the lungs, the pores of
the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels
What is the function of prune juice in the detoxification procedure?
First thing in the morning we drink sixteen ounces of prune juice.
The purpose of this prune juice is not primarily to empty the bowels,
which, however, it will do anyway, but rather to draw into the intestines
from every part of the body such toxic matter or body waste as
may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels.
Why is apple juice an invaluable therapeutic agent?
There is no other remedial agent or herb in the whole
range of known therapeutic agents, that can compare with the
apple tree and, although it would be difficult to say which of
its many virtues is the greatest, we suggest that its abundance
of nascent oxygen compound is probably the main reason
why it is such a precious food, blood purifier, and unfailing
remedy for so many forms of diseases.
How can we lubricate the bile and liver ducts during the 3 day cleanse?
During the three-day cleanse, take one or two tablespoons of olive
oil three times a day, to aid in lubricating bile and liver ducts, etc.
Why do we often experience discomfort during the cleansing procedure?
As the cleansing begins the housecleaning process throughout the entire system, it will be accompanied by periodic aches and pains in
the areas where the cleaning action is most acute and the wastage is loading the elimination system. There are times when you will feel
very rough! Do not panic on your days after cleansing or during your periods of healing. In fact, the cleansing action may produce all the
symptoms and effects of severe illness, but the patient should here act with knowledge and not blame the temporary problem condition onto
the cleansing solution that is taking place-for patience is required here, and much comfort should be derived in the realization that the healing process is well under way, and the sooner such discomforts come and are felt, the better.
Discuss the cleansing cycles of seven.
This will all take time. You will have high days and low days, and these will take place in cycles. These “cleansing sicknesses” come in cycles of seven days, seven weeks, seven months, and seven years in most cases, and on each of these cyclic periods there will be healing and cleansing
crises. As the toxic poisons break loose and are dumped into the blood stream so they can be eliminated from the physical body, you
will feel pretty rough and quite frequently during a crisis you may feel worse than you ever did before starting the program-but again,
do not panic! These crises are, again, merely toxic poisons trying to get from your body
What foods should be avoided in the mucusless diet?
Harmful or Mucus-Forming Foods
Secondary, denaturalized, or inorganic food substances are to be eliminated from the patient’s diet. Salt, eggs, sugar, meat, milk (dairy), flour
Discuss the 5 supplemental revitalizing and healing aids included in the mucusless diet.
Cayenne: Take one teaspoon of cayenne three times a day
Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar: Place one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of vinegar in warm water, so that the honey will liquefy. Sip this amount three times a day
Kelp: If there is any indication of a thyroid problem, you should use between ten and fifteen kelp tablets daily. Otherwise, two or more
Molasses: Take one tablespoon three times a day of either sorghum or blacks strap molasses
Wheat Germ Oil: Take one tablespoon of good, fresh wheat germ oil three times a day.
During what time of day should nuts be ingested if a person has a tendency toward a
cancerous condition? Why?
If a person has cancer or is inclined toward cancer, do not overdo eating protein, such as nuts. This is one thing
that does damage to the pancreas and, in these cases, eat the nuts only in the morning.
What is the danger in using commercially concocted protein powders?
Let’s get our protein fresh and natural, not secondhand
as from animals flesh or from something in its dead state concocted
by man. Commercial protein will work on the effect and give quick
relief from certain ailments, but overuse of commercial types will
overwork the pancreas and other glands, causing low blood sugar
(hypoglycemia) and/or diabetes (high blood sugar). The natural live
protein in foods on the mucusless program will be used as needed and
the surplus discarded from the body naturally when not needed. The
sedimentation of the commercial type of protein of lower vibration
remains in the gland of the body and causes future trouble.