Appendix G--Formulas Flashcards
What is a tonic?
Most Christopher formulas are tonics, which mean they may be
taken for extended periods of time for chronic problems.
What is the normal tonic dosage?
The normal
tonic dosage is two capsules three times a day or ten to thirty drops of
extract three times a day. However, when the need arises this amount
may be increased.
There are 2 considerations when using herbs as medicine. What are they?
- Be familiar with the herbs you are using.
2. The treatment or dosage should be more aggressive than the disease being treated.
What is black ointment used for?
Used externally on old ulcers, tumors, oils, warts, skin cancers, hemorrhoids, excellent for burns and as a healing agent.
Black Walnut Tincture has been used for centuries to treat ……..?………infections.
What formula helps to overcome incontinence?
The Blood Circulation Formula feeds stimulatng herbs into the _____________where they work from the _________. ___________together to ______________
Circulatory system…….bloodstream to the heart and arteries out to the vein…..The other herbs assist ……. equalize blood pressure.
The 2 main stimulating herbs are:
Cayenne and ginger
List the remaining herbs:
Siberian Ginseng
Parsley Root
What is the main function of the Blood Stream Formula?
Cleaning the blood.
Also….astringency, removing cholesterol, killing infection, building elasticity in the veins , and strengthening the vein and artery walls.
What ailment does the Chest Comfort Formula help correct?
colds, fevers, flu, hoarseness, sluggish circulation, colic, cramps
Five common herbs comprise the Cold Season Formula. Name them:
Garlic Parsley rot Watercress Rosemary Rose Hips
The Complete Tissue and Bone Formula is a specific aid for:
bone, flesh, and cartilage. Used for sprains, broken bones torn ligaments, scapes, cuts, wounds. varicose veins, calcium spurs, curvature of the spine, pulled muscles, blood clots, skin eruptions.
Name the main difference between the Complete Bone and Tissue Formula and the BF&C Bulk formula. Name 8 different ways these formulas can be administered.
Comfrey has been replaced with Lungwort, Slippery Elm, Plantain, and Aloe Vera. Teas, Fomentations, decoctions, oils, poultices, syrups, ointments, capsules
What is the herbal formula used to improve poor equilibrium, reverse hearing loss, and
heal malfunctioning nerves? How is it administered?
Ear and Nerve Formula (B & B)
Place 4 to 6 drops of oil of garlic and 4 to 6 drops of this formula in each ear before bed. Plug the ears overnight with cotton six days a week for four to six months, or as needed. On the seventh day, flush ears with a ear syringe using half warm apple cider vinegar and half distilled water. In cases of a ruptured ear drum, do not use apple cider vinegar. In cases of ruptured ear drum DO NOT put liquids in the ear.
What is the herbal formula for malfunctioning glands? In what 4 forms is it administered?
Glandular System Formula (MUllein and Lobelia Formula) capsules, ontment, oil, or as a fomentation. Use with lymph stimulating exercise to encourage lymph flow throughout the body.
Which formula is an excellent cardiac tonic?
Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup
The Heavy Mineral Bugleweed Formula is designed to draw out __________________,
___________________ and other _________________ trapped in the body.
Which formula clears toxins from the lymph system?
Glandular System Formula
Which herbal formula is recommended for cataracts?
Herbal Eyebright Formula (Herbal Eyewash Formula)
The herbal aid for eliminating parasites is:
Herbal Parasite Syrup (V)
How can the Herbal Tooth Powder be used in severe cases of pyorrhea?
Mix this powder with enough water to make a pie dough consistency and press round entire tooth area. Leave on all night 6 days a week, as well as brushing regularly until improvement is evident. Then continue on with regular brushing with this herbal formula.
When packing the gums overnight, mix powder with extra slipper elm.
What are the different stages of life that women experience hormone levels rising and
all ages
True or False: The Hormonal Changease Formula is designed just for women.
Describe the action of the Immucalm Formula on the body’s immune response.
It calms yet strengthens the body’s immune response.
The Joint Formula acts as a ______________ for the ___________ but not
______________ calcium deposits. It also _____________ pain; kills
__________________ and ___________________.
solvent….accepted…assimilated…relieves… fungus …infection
Which foods make up the Jurassic Green?
alfalfa, wheat grass, barley grass
We generally do not take the best care of our delicate urinary tract by asking our kidneys
to filter what irritating and clogging materials?
black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, hard water, and alcohol.
Which formula rebuilds the tissues of the colon and strengthens intestinal muscles?
Lower Bowel Formula
Which two herbs will relieve minor pain while soothing the nerves?
Which formula is used to cleanse, re-build and increase circulation in the brain?
Memory Plus Formula
Which formula aids mental fatigue, depression ADD, anxiety, etc?
Mind Trac, Kid-E-Trac
True or False: MindTrac effectively restores mental clarity.
Which herbal aid is indicated in both diabetes and hypoglycemia?
PancTea Pancreas Formula
When do you start using the Birth-Prep formula?
Only 6 weeks before giving birth.
Match the dosages to the week used for the Birth-Prep formula: 1 capsule per day/ 2 capsules per day/ 2 capsules 3 times a day
1 capsule a day=first week
2 capsules a day= second week
2 capsules 3 times a day=third week
What 3 herbs are in the Rash Formula Ointment?
comfrey, marshmallow root, calendula
Relax-Eze is designed to rebuild or feed the _______________ ______________ and
will also rebuild the _________________ ________________ ______________, the
__________________ itself and it’s _______________________________.
spinal cord….frayed nerve sheeth, nerve, capillaries.
Which formula is a great remedy for headaches, sinus pressure and sore muscles?
Sen Sei Menthol Rub Ointment
Which herbs are used in the formula that relieves babies that have colic and flatulence?
Stomach Comfort Formula or Kid-E-Col is made of catnip and fennel
Which formula was designed by Dr. Christopher to treat bacterial and viral plagues?
Super Garlic Immune Formula
Which formula supports the thyroid and parathyroid glands?
Thyroid Maintenance Formula or Kelp-T
Why are the herbs in the Vitalerbs Formula easy to assimilate?
Because they are whole foods…can be taken by all ages and if pregnant or nursing.
Which tincture belongs in every first aid kit to fight infection?
x-ceptic extract