Chapter 3 : Conventional and Progressive Approaches Flashcards
What does social work theory focuses on ?
Social work theory focuses on explaining, understanding, and predicting human behavior in different social-economic and cultural contexts and on identifying patterns to guide interventions
Explain the difference between the “Fundational theories/perspectives” and the “Practice theories/ models “
Fundational theories/perspectives
They can focuse on personality and behavior, people in society, or social, politaical, and economic relationships.
Practice theories/ models They are based on theories but they are specifics to how social work is practice in real-world context.
what do the individual-level theories focus on?
and what do the structural-level theories focus on ?
Individual-level theories focus on individuals and their interactions with others
Structural-level theories emphasize social structures processes and systems and how they shape peoples experiences both positively and negatively
What is an ecological theory ?
Individuals exist in particular social environments,
Problems arise when there is a lack of “fit” between people and their environment.
social workers examine what might be causing problems in different areas of a person’s life, and then work clossely with the client to craft solutions to these problems at different levels.
What is a Cognitive theory ?
And what are the 3 goals of social work for that theory ?
Find a range of potentially effective intervention strategies
Ex: psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness, which have roots in the psychodynamic perspective of Freud work.
The goals of social work are
1. Understand the cognitive roots of anxiety 2. Use specific thechnique such as "talk therapy" to expose the souce of the problem 3. Use these understanding to resolve the issue,
What is a system theory ?
focuses more on the working of wider social systems or structures, such as family, community, school, place of worship, workplace and so on.
The key idea is that each part influence other parts of the whole.
What is a Structural theory?
Structural social work consider all dimensions of personal problems, while being aware of the less “visible” structural elements of these problems, such as race, gender, social class, and ability.
What is a Critical theory?
Which notion is establish through critical social work ?
Broader that structural theory. Including feminist theory, anti-racist theory and post-colinial theory.
Critical social work draws upon the notion of empowerment.
What is an Anti-oppressive theory and what they focus on?
Theory that share the goal of understanding and responding to oppressive social conditions and relationships.
Feminist and anti-racist social work are the 2 major types of anti-oppressive social work.
Anti-oppressive theory focuses on how systemic forms of discrimination affect the daily lives of individuals and families
Name and explain the 3 levels that Generalist social work practice take place. (3)
Micro-level : focuses on individual, families, or small groups
Meso-level: focuses on formal groups, oganizations, and service delivery networks
Macro-level: focuses on social problems in community, institutional, and policy-related contexts.
What is a generalist intervention model ?
And what interventions are based on ? (5)
Focus on the needs of the client
taking into account how differences in the personal backgrounds of the worker and client may also affect treatment outcomes.
This model involves deliberates and “planned change”.
Interventions are based on a careful assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation of goal attainment and termination, and follow up.
Explain what is a person-environment in the generalist intervention model
The focus is empowerment (the process of increasing hte capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transfirm thoses choices into desired and actions and outcomes) - the enhancement (renforment)
of personal power that enables individuals to take action to improve their situations.
What is a functional practice model ?
The functional approach emphasize the importance of the client’s role in directing change.
The client and the worker engage together in a “helping relationship” aimed at achieving goals.
What is a Client-centred practice model ?
Is based ibt the idea the clients are the experts in understanding and resolvinf their own problems.
Unconditional positive regard.
What is a Rational-emotive practice model ?
Interventions that it places less emphasis on exploring the hidden past and more emphasing on changing the client’s current emotional state of mind.
It encourages clients to exercise control over their owne throughts(thoughts??) and effect change in their own lives.
What is a task-centered practice model?
Social workers assess and clarify the target problem and desired outcome, and create a list of tasks that must be done in order to resolve the problem.
What is a strenghts-based practice model ?
This approach avoids pathologizing people and helps to create a foundation for future personal growth.
This approach begins by by encouraging the client to recognize his or her assests.
What is a Cognitive behavior therapy practice model?
A form of psychotherapy originally designed to treat depressionand now used for a number of mental disorders.
The goal is to help the client re-interpret eents in her or his environment and reshape the conditions that are sustaining the negative behaviors.
Its a treatment that emphasize the “ here and now” rather thant the past.
What is a mindfulness-based practice ?
Represent a shift from a “doing” mode to a “being” mode.
Involves purposefully payinf attention to the present moment with an attitude of openness, non-judgement, and acceptance.
Primary intervention is meditation. But could be transformation breathing, steam of consciousness, intuitive writing, yoga and tai chi
What is a solutions-focused practice model ?
The key to this approacj is encouraging people to visusalize the goals they would like to achieve - how they would like their lives to be - and what is needed to make that happen,
focusing on the present and the future rather than the past.
It focuses ont asking “how” to attain goals, rather than “why” problems have originated.
What is a narative-based practice model ?
Is a view that a person’s beliefs, skills, principles and knowledge can be the means to help them reclaim their lives in the face of the problems.
The therapist poses questions that help people externalize the problem and then investigate it s thoroughly and reflectively as possible.
The therapist attemp to understand the client’S intentions and goals rather than focusing on understanding the causes of life problems.
Name and describe the creative and arts-based tools in social work practice. (3)
Creative arts therapy
Art therapy involves the integration of art and psychotherapy, and has been defines as the “use of art media, the creatiec process, and the resulting artwork to explore clients’ feelings”.
Play therapy Play time can be an opportunity for adults to reach children on their own level. Is specialized area of social work practice and a way to relate to clients, especially young clients, who may be unable to verbalize their feelings. Photovoice therapy A form of participatory action research involving photography and narrative, used by practitioners to empower communities so as to include the voices of individuals who otherwise may be marginalizedé