chapter 3 and 4 Flashcards
Katie knows she needs to be careful with what she eats and drinks during her first trimester of pregnancy because a key aspect of development called ________ takes place during this period.
What could be considered an evolutionary protective mechanism that occurs frequently during the germinal period?
During the process of differentiation, what is the focus of neural differentiation that occurs at the fetal period?
Where does the central nervous system of an embryo evolve from?
A mother of a two-year-old is aggravated by the child’s extraordinarily fussy behavior, which leads to tense interactions with the child. Which of the following best describes the child’s behavior?
intake of cocaine during the prenatal period
Which of the following best reflects the concept of fetal programming?
A woman experiences a hurricane while pregnant, and the child’s genes are marked to be highly sensitive to stress.
A woman who ingests recreational drugs while pregnant, causing decreased attention and intelligence in her child and her grandchild, demonstrates which of the following?
fetal programming
Relative to other substances, which of the following would be classified as a low-risk teratogen for pregnant women?
When the prenatal history of a child exhibiting impulsive behavior and attention deficit is taken, which of the following will best explain the reason behind the child’s impulsivity?
mother’s smoking habit during pregnancy
Which of the following women is in an age group that is most likely to give birth to healthy twins?
36 year old
A lesbian couple recently asked their friend Paul if he would donate sperm so they can conceive a child. Paul was honored by the request but declined because he was concerned about the child having an increased risk for developing schizophrenia later in life. How old is Paul?
The family members of a new mother find her moody, anxious, and depressed after delivery. What is this condition called?
baby blues
Which of the following is commonly used for painless delivery in the United States?
Which of the following is the adverse effect of extremely low birth weight on babies?
cognitive deficit
When comparing the cultural practices surrounding delivery, Western society tends to view childbirth as being a more ________ aspect of human experience.
Keyshawn’s friends have been teasing him about the weight he’s put on since his wife got pregnant. They tell him that his wife is supposed to be “eating for two,” not him! What is the real psychological condition Keyshawn is experiencing?