Chapter 3 Flashcards
MSRB Rule G-17
must engage fairly with all persons. No corrupt or unfair practices
MSRB Rule G-28
Employee Account disclosure
MSRB Municipal Firm Registration
Requires all Municipal Securities dealers to register with the MSRB in addition to the SEC.
MSRB registration form is A-12
Definition of a Municipal Firm
Engaged in the business of buying and selling municipal securities for their own accounts. Also includes separately identifiable department or division of a bank.
Sec Requirement for Municipal Securities Dealers
All such dealers that do business through interstate commerce or mail must register with the SEC.
A-12 registration uses
- Registration for dealer before engaging in municipal securities activities
- Registration for dealer before engaging in municipal advisory activity
- Update info within 30 days for relevant changes
- Affirm registration info annually
- Notifying MSRB that the firm ceased functioning, has been barred or suspended by a regulatory body./
A-12 contact uses
All contacts on the A-12 must be a series 53. Primary regulatory contact a master account administrator a billing contact a compliance contact a primary data quality contact
A-12 Info
Name SEC Dealer ID SEC Muni Adviser ID CRD Number Legal Entity Identifier Address Website Organization type city and state Written notice to Securities association or regulatory agency
Form A-12
Business Activities Info
All that apply Broker Dealer - Municipal Fund Securities Activities Broker Dealer - Sales/Trading Activities Broker Dealer - Other Activities Municipal Advisor Activities
SEC registration time frame
The sec will either grant the registration or start proceedings to deny registration within 45 days of receiving the application.
If a bank is transacting in municipal securities the transacting department must be
A Separately identifiable department.
Rule G-27
Requires Municipal Dealers to supervise there municipal business and associated persons.
U4 or MSD -4 for banks
Name, Address, SSN
ten years of employment
last five years of residence.
Any denial revocation or disciplinary action by a stat or regulatory agency
Record of permanent or temporary injunctions for bribery burglary forgery or counterfeiting.
Ten year history of securities related convictions
Criminal Disclosures including charges
Record of Bankruptcies
Record of fidelity bond refusal
Record of any aliases
3 Years from termination.
update time frame
30 days from change
Employer verification of U4
an employer is expected to check the previous three years of info for accuracy. If they reach out to another firm to verify info the other firm has 10 days to respond.
Rule G-44
System Rule
Requires a system be established implemented and maintained to supervise advisory activities.
Principal Responsibility
Firms must designate at least on principal to make sure compliance processes are in place and principals not only review but test them.
Term Municipal Adviser
Does not include
does not include a BD or MD serving as an underwriter nor does it include Investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
CCO Requirement
Every firm must also designate a CCO.
Required Compliance Procedures
Dealer compliance with applicable rules
Supervision of all associated persons
Handling of customer complaints
Regular and frequent review and approval of customer accounts
Periodic review of each office conducting municipal business
Supervision of processing, clearing and safekeeping
Prompt review and written approval of account opening
Prompt review and written approval for each municipal transaction (daily)
Review of correspondence
Written Procedures and systems
Must define the dealers supervisory systems and record each supervisory designation and the designated principals supervisory responsibilities
Rule G-27
Correspondence pre-use review
IF correspondence is allowed to be disseminated without prior review training is required for employees about procedures and policies to maintain records. Dealer must document how and when employees are educated/trained
Number of required principals
Each firm must have 2 principals unless
To have only 1 principal one of the following situations has to occur
1. They have a general securities business and are registered with finra and have two general securities principals
2. a BD that has 11 or fewer persons performing municipal security activities or bank municipal dealer
A person may act as a MSP without have the 53 if
they have a series 52, series 7, 24 or 9/10 for 90 days.
Supervision Activities that require a Series 53
- Underwriting, Trading or sales of municipals
- Financial advisory or consultant services for issuers
- Processing, clearance, and (for non bank dealers) safekeeping of municipals
- Research or investment advice related to munis
- Activities that involve communication direct or indirect with public investors in munis
- Maintenance of muni records
- Training of muni principals, muni limited principals or muni securities representatives
Supervision 9/10
May supervise sales activities
opening of customer accounts and transactions in customer accounts.
actions to be taken following a complaint
May be a branch manager
Licenses for a municipal securities sales principal
Municipal Fund Securities Limited Principal
Series 51.
FIrms registered with FINRA don’t have series 53 principals. Can supervise municipal fund only accounts with a 24 or 26 and a 51
Series 24
general securities principal
series 26
Investment company/variable contracts principal
Municipal Securities Firms Principal Requirement
they can count series 51 towards the requirement instead of series 53.
Rule G-27
Series 53 supervisors are responsible for all activities in a branch including those supervised by a 9/10.
Series 27/28
Required of firms registered with FINRA not required by the MSRB
FINOP Responsibilities
- Prepare Financial Reports
- Maintain books and records
- are involved in processing and clearing functions of the firm and
- are involved in the safekeeping functions of the firm.
Municipal Advisors
Registration Form
Must be registered using form MA
Note: MA-1 is for the employees not the firm
Municipal Advisers
Firms that advise states, governments, plans non profits etc on munis or investments related to munis offering. They also solicit these same entities for investment banking, financial advisory and investment advisory work.
Municipal Advisers Principal
Must have at least one municipal adviser principal
Both the principal and supervised advisers currently take the series 50. A principal test is in development.
Municipal Securities representative
series 52 or series 7
Municipal Securities representative
allowed duties
- Underwriting, trading or sale of municipal securities
- Financial Advisory or consultant services connected with issuance of munis
- Research or investment advice with respect to munis
- Other activities that involve direct or indirect communication with the public regarding munis
Municipal Securities representative
exam period
180 days to pass the exam.
Waivers for the exam are rare and you must demonstrate an exceptionally strong background in municipal financing
Selling repackaged munis like municipal bond funds and UIT’s
Must be a 6 or 7.
A 53 can’t sell these
Series 6
can not sell munis only repackaged products
Failed Exam time table
30 day wait the first time
six months after the third fail
Rule G-4
Statutory Disqualification
Statutory Disqualifications
- Has been suspended/expelled from any other SRO
- Subject of an SEC order suspending or revoking registration
- Caused the suspension or expulsion of a firm due to individual conduct
- Has willfully filed false or misleading application or omitted material facts
- Denied registration by an SRO
- Convicted of any securities or money related offense in the last 10 years.
- Temporarily or permanently enjoined from engaging in securities business.
Rule G-5
If the SEC or SRO has placed restrictions on a BD or person they can’t in any way attempt to circumvent the restriction.
Any felony must be disclosed regardless of type
Firm Element
annual training for
- regulatory developments
- performance of personnel related to regulatory element
- supervisory needs
Prices and commissions
Provide the OS or stickered OS
G-37 or G-37x
Political contributions