Chapter 3 Flashcards
Power distance
extent to which a society accepts that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally
degree in which people prefer to act as individuals rather than as member of groups.
tight social framework in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them.
Extent to which culture favours traditional masculine work roles of achievement, power, and control.
Uncertainty avoidance
extent to which a society feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them.
Long-term orientation
emphasizes future, thrift, and persistence
Short-term orientation
emphasizes past/present, respect for tradition, and fulfillment of social obligations.
Affective commitment
individual’s emotional attachment to and identification with an organization, and a belief in its values.
normative commitment
obligation and individual feels to stay with an organization.
Continuance commitment
Individual’s calculation to stay with an organization based in the perceived costs of leaving.