Chapter 3 Flashcards
characteristics and conditions that change of have different values for different people, animals or objects.
a process through which the nature, quantity or intensity of something is determined.
process of measurement
1) define a construct
2) measurement instrumentation
why something is occurring, has occurred, or will occur
variables that are hypothetical factors, attributes, or mechanisms that cannot be observed DIRECTLY, but are inferred from some behaviour.
attributes of mechanisms that help explain and predict behaviour in a theory. You can study the behaviours that theoretically result from a construct.
Drawbacks of using operational definitions to measure the construct
not the same as the construct itself. an operational definition is only explained as observable traits, but a construct might be able to be defined via multiple traits, including cognitive and emotional aspects (for the construct of lonliness, introversion may be an emotional trait that cannot be operationally defined because it is not observable.)
how can you be sure that measurements obtained from an operational definition actually represents the construct?
by measuring validity
What is construct validity?
determines whether the measurements of a variable behave in exactly the same way as the variable itself, or whether the tool is the best for the construct, and accurately assesses it. How well does the measurement assess the construct?
Three types of construct validity
1) face validity; does it make sense?
2) content validity: degree to which the measured variable appears to have adequately samples frrom the potential domainds of questions that might relate to the construct of interest.
3) convergent and divergent validity.
convergent= creating 2 different methods to measure the SAME construct, then showing a strong relationship between values obtained from the 2 measures.
divergent= demonstrating that the measurements on one specific construct does not include a different construct in the measure.
criterion-related validity
validity used by some standard or criteria THAT IS KNOWN in order to indicate a construct accurately. verified by comparing with another measure of the same construct in which the research has confidence.
example of criterion-related validity
the SAT is valid to the extent that it distinguishes between students that do well in college versus those that do not.
two types of criterion-related validity
1) Concurrent Validity; a new measurement technique that is directly related to scores from another, better establish technique.
2) Predictive Validity; when measurements of a construct accurately predict behaviour according to a THEORY
a measurement procedure produces identical results when it is used repeatedly.
a measure is reliable if there is very little ______
measurement error, or little deviation
Name types of error that may effect reliability
1) observer error: person tracking the observations may be distracted, the equipment used to make measurements in the experience may be compromised
2) environmental changes: time of day, room temp chaned etc
3) participant changes: stress, transient mood, health, fatigue level, may change outcomes.
ways of measuring reliability?
1) test retest
2) inter-observer reliability; analyzes degree of agreement between 2 or more observers that simultaneously record measurements independently
3) internal consistancy: the extent to which scores on the test correlate with each other