Chapter 3 Flashcards
Patient assessment
What color is yellow sputum indicative of1 ? What
does it contain?
Infection; WBCs and purulent sputum
What bacterial organism should be suspected if
your sputum is green and foul smelling?
Pseudomonas infection
List nine causes of dyspnea?
- Increase airway resistance
- Upper airway obstruction
- Asthma and other chronic lung diseases
- Decreased lung compliance
- Pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
- Abnormal chest wall
- Anxiety state, when there is no physiologic
explanation - Pulmonary fibrosis
What does orthopnea mean, and in which
patients is it normally found.
Dyspnea while lying down
Seen in patients with heart failure caused
by increased congestion in lungs while
lying down
Also found in patients with emphysema,
because of diaphragmatic movement
during ventilation
Define Kussmals breathing and identify which
patient’s most often exhibit the breathing
An increase rate and depth of breathing affects
patients with severe metabolic acidosis (diabetic
List 3 conditions in which asymmetric chest
movement may be observed?
Chest deformities
Describe paradoxical respirations and name one
condition in which it is most commonly
Chest moves in on inspiration and out on
Flail chest
Fractured sternum or ribs
Define pedal edema and it’s cause?
Fluid in the ankles
Chronic pulmonary disease
Cor pulmonale
Name a condition that the trachea shifts to the
affected side.
Name one condition that causes the trachea to
shift to the unaffected side.
Tension pneumothorax
Which muscles are used for normal ventilation?
Diaphragm & external intercostals
What causes barrel chest appearance in patients
with COPD?
Increased tone and development of accessory
Name 2 conditions in which a hyperresonant
note would be heard?
Emphysema & Pneumothorax
Name 2 conditions in which a dull percussion
note would be heard?
Atelectasis & Pleural effusion
List 4 conditions that result in heart murmurs?
- Aortic valve disease
- Mitral valve disease
- Pulmonic valve stenosis
- Tricuspid valve insufficiency
List normal values for the following electrolytes:
sodium, potassium, chloride.
Sodium: 135-145 mEqL
Potassium: 3.5-5 mEqL
Calcium: 98-107 mEqL
Why would decreased sodium and potassium
levels make weaning a patient from a vent more
Because patient may not have adequate muscle
strength to wean correctly.
What does an elevated BUN level indicate?
Renal failure
How does the respiratory system compensate
when glucose levels increase in a diabetic
With alveolar hyperventilation
List normal values for RBCs, HB, HCT, & WBCs?
RBC: 4-6 million mm³
HB: 14-18 g/dL (males), 12-15g/dL
HCT: 40-54% (males), 35-49% (females)
WBC: 4,500-11,000 mm³
What does a decrease in HB, HCT, & RBC count
Inadequate 02 capacity
Name 2 conditions that cause a decrease in
platelet count?
Bone marrow diseases & disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Patients with a decrease platelet count and
increased prothrombin time (PT) are at greater
risk of what occurrence?
What information should you obtain for the
patient interview?
Chief complaint
Symptoms that the patient has had and
when they started
Past medical problems
Medications currently prescribed
Exercise tolerance and daily activities
Living environment
Nutritional status
Social support systems available
Smoking history
Alcohol or drug use
Non-productive cough is caused by:
Irritation of the airway
Acute inflammation of the respiratory
mucosal membrane
Presence of a growth
Irritation of the pleura
What does white sputum indicate?
Normal mucous
What does green sputum indicate?
Old retained secretions
What does brown sputum indicate?
Presence of blood
What does red sputum indicate?
Fresh blood
When a cough is productive what should you
Sputum changes over how many hours?
What are the steps in sputum collection?
- Explain to the patient the intent to collect a
sample - Good oral hygiene prevents the collection
from being contaminated by oral
secretions - The sputum sample must be from a deep
cough - Aerosolized hypertonic saline may help
facilitate coughing and secretion removal
Barlike cough indicates what?
Harsh dry cough indicates what?
Upper airway problems
Wheezing type cough indicates what?
Lower airway pathology
Chronic productive cough indicates what?
Chronic bronchitis
Frequent hacking cough and throat clearing
indicates what?
smoking or sinus viral infection
What is paroxsymal nocturnal dyspnea?
Sudden onset of shortness of breath after being
in bed for several hours.
Seen in cardiac patients
What is exertional dyspnea?
Shortness of breath on exertion
Seen in patients with cardiopulmonary
Severity depends on amount of exertion
Determine what point patient experiences
What is massive hemoptysis?
400 mL of blood tinged sputum in 3 hours or
more than 600 mL in 24 hours
What are some causes of hemoptysis?
Lung abscess
Fungal lung infection: histoplamosis
Neoplasms: bronchogenic carcinoma
Pulmonary embolism
Valvular heart diseases
Mitral valve stenosis
What is eupnea?
Normal rate of breathing
Adults 12-20
Children 15-25
Neonates 35-45 (as high as 70 with
How long does apnea last?
at least 10 seconds
What is hypopnea?
Shallow respirations with slow RR.
Accompanied by slow pulse rate, weak rapid
pulse, and patient with OSA.
What is hyperpnea?
Deep, rapid, labored breathing
Associated with conditions with inadequate 02
What is Biots breathing?
irregular breathing pattern characterized by short
periods of deep consistent volumes with periods
of apnea.
Apneic period may last 10-30 sec
Associated with elevated ICP or meningitis
What is Cheyne Stokes respiration?
Deep rapid breathing followed by apnea. The
breaths begin slowly and shallowly and
gradually increase to above normal rate.
Apnea will take 10-20 seconds
Barrel chest is indicative of what?
Chronic lung disease
to of all clubbing is the result of
pulmonary disease.
Digital clubbing is the result of?
Chronic hypoxemia