Chapter 11 Flashcards
Pressure controlled ventilation is used for adults
with what lung condition?
on delivered VT in a neonate receiving pressure-
limited ventilation?
Decrease VT
for weaning so that airway resistance is
As the oxygenation status of a patient worsens
while using an oxygen mask at what point
Patient who cannot maintain normal limits
using a 50 to 60% oxygen mask and has normal
should CPAP be started?
or low CO2 levels.
How is minute volume calculated?
On the initial ventilator set up at what range
should the ventilator rate be?
10 to 16
How should the appropriate ventilator title
volume be determined?
6 to 8 mL/kg of IBW
List indications for the use of PEEP?
Decreased FRC
List 4 hazards of PEEP?
Decreased venous return
Decrease cardiac output
Define optimal PEEP?
The level of peep that improves compliance
without cardiac compromise
determined that cardiac output has been
Decreased PVO2 < 35 and drop in BP
How may the ventilator low pressure alarm be
Ruptured ET tube cuff
Inadequate cuff pressure
List ways that the vent high pressure alarm may
be activated?
Decreased compliance
Increased airway resistance
How should the high pressure alarm be set?
10 above PIP
List some factors that affect airway resistance?
Condensation in the vent circuit
What is normal PeTCO2?
List four conditions that result in decreased
Total airway obstruction
List 2 conditions that result in increased
List criteria that indicate mechanical ventilatory
assistance is necessary?
VC < 10-15 (normal 65-75)
A-a gradient > 450 with use of 100% FiO2
(normal 25-65)
List complications of mechanical ventilation?
Pulmonary O2 toxicity
List some conditions that result in decreased
What is indicated if PIP pressures are increased
but Pplat is not?
Increased static compliance
List 3 advantages of high frequency ventilation?
Reduced risk of cardiac side effects
On a volume time waveform, if tracing does not
return to baseline, what does this indicate?
Air-trapping (auto PEEP)
What are some indications for mechanical
Acute ventilatory failure
Impending acute ventilatory failure
What is acute ventilatory failure?
PaCO2 > 50 mmHg and pH < 7.30
What might the rate be for impending acute
ventilatory failure?
In a patient with neuromuscular disease what
should be monitored?
Muscle involvement
How do we do parameters?
We measure the MIP and the VC to help
determine muscle strength
A patient who’s on an O2 mask of 50-60% but is
not oxygenated enough is experiencing what?
Large intrapulmonary shunt
What are some common criteria for initiation of
mechanical ventilation?
VC < 10-15
P(A-a)O2 > 450 with the use of 100% O2;
(normal 25-65)
normal for ambient conditions and the patient’s
When the PaO2 is low and the P(A-a)O2 is high
for ambient conditions and the patient’s age,
hypoxemia is most likely the result of…
ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
diffusion defect
In this situation, the patient may be
hyperventilating to compensate for the
What is dead space normal ratio?
60% (25-35)
What is the formula for VD?
PaCO2 -PeCO2/PaCO2