Chapter 2B Vocab. Flashcards
Monosaccharide. What is mono? What is saccharide?
Mono- one
Saccharide- sugar
Biosynthesis. What is bio? What is syn? What is thesis?
Bio- life
Syn- together
Thesis- to put
Disaccharide. What is di? What is saccharide?
Di- two
Saccharide- sugar
Sucrose. What is sucr? What is ose?
Sucr- sugar
Ose- sugar
Hydrolysis. What is hydro? What is lysis?
Hydro- water
Lysis- a loosening
Polysaccharide. What is poly? What is saccharide?
Poly- many
Saccharide- sugar
What is lipid?
Hydrophilic. What is hydro? What is philic?
Hydro- water
Philic- loving
Hydrophobic. What is hydro? What is phobic?
Hydro- water
Phobic- fear
Monomer. What is mono? What is mer?
Mono- one
Mer- part
Polymer. What is poly? What is mer?
Poly- many
mer- part
What is peptide?
To digest
Polypeptide. What is poly? What is peptide?
Poly- many
Peptide- to digest
What is nucleus?
Central part
Replication. What is re? What is plication?
Re- back
Plication- to fold
Transcription. What is trans? What is scription?
Trans- across
Scription- to write