Chapter 2A Vocab. Flashcards
What does kinetic mean?
To move
Isotopes. What does iso mean? What does tope mean?
Iso- equal
Tope- place
Thermodynamics. What does thermo mean? What does dynamics mean?
Thermo- heat
Dynamics- power
Endothermic. What does endo mean? What does thermic mean?
Endo- within
Thermic- heat
Exothermic. What does exo mean? What does thermic mean?
Exo- outside of
Thermic- heat
Catalyst. What does cata mean? What does lyst mean?
Cata- down
Lyst- to loosen
Homogeneous. What does homo mean? What does geneous mean?
Homo- same
Geneous- stock, race, or kind
What does solute mean?
Diffusion. What does dif mean? What dies fusion mean?
Dif- apart
Fusion- to pour
Equilibrium. What does equi mean? What does librium mean?
Equi- equal
Librium- balance
Permeable. What does per mean? What dies meable mean?
Per- through
Meable-to pass
Semipermeable. What does semi mean? What does permiable mean?
Semi- half
Permiable- to pass through
What does osmosis mean?