Chapter 29 & 30 :Bowel & Urinary Flashcards
Which act is appropriate while transferring a client w a indwelling catheter from stretcher to bed?
Hang the drainage bag over the end of stretcher.
Constipation is:
Passage of hard dry stool
Positing for defacation?
Sitting or squatting
A female client has a catheter, the support worker should do the following
Secure cath. Drainage tube to clients inner thigh.
Which describes how a sw can promote the maintenance of a normal urinary elimination during bladder training.
Make sure clients catheter is clamped to prevent drainage.
The following foods are needed in a diet for normal bowel elimination.
Fruits and vegetables
A colostomy is a surgically created opening between which of the following areas
The colon & abdominal wall.
Why does privacy effect elimination?
Bowel movements and sounds can be embarrassing.
When a client has a cath. And is in bed where should the drainage bag be attached?
Bed frame
How much urine does a healthy adult produce in a day?
1500 ml a day.
How often are osteomy pouches usually changed?
Every 3-7 days
Frequent urination at night.
What is a correct guideline for condom catheter application?
Wash and dry clients penis before applying
Blood in urine
Reflex incontinence
Loss of urine at predictable intervals when the bladder is full.
After a suppository has been administered how long
Does it usually take to work?
30 mins
Bowel movement every 2-3 days…
Not to worry it is a normal pattern for bowel movements
A SW is emptying the urinary drainage bag. Which of the following indicates the SW correctly understands the procedure?
Support worker measures the urine in the drainage bag.
Client c/o constipation, what would you expect the clients stool to look like?
Hard and dry.
When does bowel elimination commonly occur?
After breakfast.
What does a support worker need to observe about a clients stool?
Colour Amount Consistency Odour Shape Size
How often is catheter care provided to a client with an indwelling catheter?
Once or twice a day
What does the term flatulence mean?
The excessive formation of gas or air in the stomach and intestines
When a patient receives a permanent ureterostomy the support worker needs to report which observations?
Changes to patients skin around the stoma