Chapter 28 Generalization Flashcards
Contrived contingency
Any contingency of reinforcement (or punishment) designed and implemented by a behavior analyst to achieve the acquisition, maintenance and/or generalization of a targeted behavior change
Behavior trap
An interrelated community of contingencies of reinforcement that can be especially powerful, producing substantial and long-lasting behavior changes
Contrived mediating stimulus
Any stimulus made functional for the target behavior in the instructional setting that later prompts or aids the learner in performing the target behavior in a generalization setting
General case analysis
A systematic process for identifying and selecting teaching examples that represent the full range of stimulus variations and response requirements in the generalization setting (s)
A generic term for a variety of behavioral processes and behavior change outcomes, including generalized behavior change, response and stimulus generalization, and others
Generalization across subjects
Changes in behavior of people not directly treated by an intervention ad a function of treatment contingencies applied to other people
Generalization probe
Any measurement of a learner’s performance of a target behavior in a setting and/or stimulus situation in which direct training has not been provided
Generalization setting
Any place or stimulus situation that differs in some meaningful way from the instructional setting and in which performance of the target behavior is desired
Indiscriminable contingency
A contingency that makes it difficult for a learner to discriminate whether the next response will produce reinforcement. Used to promote generalized behavior change
Instructional setting
The environment where instruction occurs; includes all aspects of the environment, planned and unplanned
Lag reinforcement schedule
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is contingent on a response being different in some specified way from the previous response or a specified number of previous responses
Multiple exemplar training
Instruction that provokes the learner with practice with a variety of stimulus conditions, response variations, and response topographies to ensure the acquisition of desired response forms
Naturally existing contingency
Any contingency of reinforcement (or punishment) that operates independent of the behavior analyst’s efforts
Programming common stimuli
A tactic for promoting setting/situation generalization by making the instructional setting similar to the generalization setting
Response generalization
The extent to which a learner emits untrained responses that are functionally equivalent to the trained target behavior
Response maintenance
The extent to which a learner continues to perform the target behavior after a portion or all of the intervention responsible for the behavior’s initial appearance in the learner’s repertoire had been terminated
Setting/situation generalization
The extent to which a learner emits the target behavior in a setting or stimulus situation that is different from the instructional setting
Teaching sufficient examples
A strategy for promoting generalized behavior change that consists of teaching the learner to respond to a subset of all the relevant stimulus and response examples and then assessing the learner’s performance on untrained examples
Teaching loosely
Randomly varying functionally irrelevant stimuli within and across teaching sessions to promote setting/situation generalization