Chapter 26- Contingency Contracting Flashcards
Behavioral contract
Another term used for “contingency contract”
Backup reinforcer
The reinforcer that can be purchased with tokens earned
Contingency contract
A document that specifies a contingent relationship between the completion of a specified behavior and access to, or delivery of, a specified reinforcer
Dependent group contingency
A reinforcer for the group is dependent on the performance of an individual student or small group
Group contingency
A common consequence is contingent on the behavior of an individual member of a group, the behavior of part of a group, or the behavior of everyone Ina group
Hero procedure
When an individual or small groups performance earns the rewards for the class
Independent group contingency
An arrangement in which a contingency is presented to all members of a group, but reinforcement is delivered only to those individuals who meet the criterion outlined in the contingency
Interdependent group contingency
All of the members of a group must meet the criterion of the contingency before a member earns reinforcement
Level system
A type of token economy in which participants move up (or down) a hierarchy of levels contingent on meeting specific performance criteria with respect to target behaviors
A contingency contract that an individual makes with herself/himself, incorporating a self-selected task and reward as well as personal monitoring of task completion and self-delivery of the reward
A generalized conditioned reinforcer fast can be paired with a wide variety of backup reinforcers
Token economy
A behavior change system consisting of three major components: a specified list of target behaviors to be reinforced; tokens or points that participants receive for emitting the target behaviors; and a menu of backup reinforcers to exchange the tokens for