Chapter 26 Part 2 Flashcards
True or false: the stomach is the most elastic part of the GI tract?
Area of stomach that surrounds the superior opening?
The superior portion of the stomach, left of its opening is known as?
The large central portion of the stomach is called?
The narrow, inferior region of the stomach is known as? Contains sphincter
Nerve impulses trigger gentle, rippling peristaltic movements of the muscularis inside the stomach when stomach is full. What are these movements called?
Mixing waves
Each of the movements of the previous question pushes a small amount of chyme through the pyloric sphincter into duedenum, this process is called?
Gastric emptying
This accessory digestive organ lies posterior to the stomach and secrets digestive enzymes into the duodenum to aid digestion in the small intestine.
Secretions of precious question organ pass into the duodenum via the pancreatic duct. Where the pancreatic and common bile ducts unite is called?
Hepatopancrestic ampulla
Most of the small clusters of glandular epithelial cells, tasked with exocrine function of the pancreas, are called?
The secondary largest organ in the body is also an accessory organ of digestion. It lies inferior to the diaphragm and secrets bile. What is this organ?
This pear- shaped accessory organ hangs inferiorly to the previous question organ and is tasked with storing bile before its released into small intestine.
The principal bile pigment is?
Crystallized components of bile that can cause intermittent or complete obstruction of bile flow from gallbladder to the duodenum are?
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Which type causes severe liver damage?
Hepatitis D
In which digestive organ does most of the digestion and absorption occur?
Small intestine
Which portion of the small intestine is in the left upper quadrant?
The last portion of the small intestine joins with the large intestine, is mostly in the right lower quadrant.
The sphincter between the small and large intestine is?
Illeocecal sphincter
About how long does chyme remain in the small intestine?
3-5 hours
What percentage of digestive absorption occurs in the small intestine?
The large major part of the GI tract is? It’s four regions are the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal.
Large intestine
Attached to the cecum of the large intestine is a cooked tube, which controls bacteria entering large intestine via immune responses, is called?
Vermiform appendix
The longest portion of the large intestine is? Divided into ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid.
The longitudinal outer bands of the large intestine are called?
Teniae coli
The colon is gathered into series of pouches called?
Name the phase of digestion charaterized by the smell, sight, sound, or thought of food activating neural centers in the brain.
Cephalic phase
Name the phase of digestion where food hits the stomach, thereby starting digestion.
Gastric phase
Name the phase of digestion when food chyme enters the small intestine.
Intestinal phase
True or false: the incidence of colon cancer decreases with age.