Chapter 25 Respiratory System Flashcards
The entire process of gas exchange in body is known as?
This is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatments of lung diseases.
Branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of ears, nose, throat. ( hurts the throat to say, ironically)
The flow of air into and out of lungs is known as? (Breathing)
Pulmonary ventilation
Exchange of gases between air spaces of lungs (alveoli) and the blood in pulmonary capillaries is called? ( blood gains o2, loses co2)
External respiration
The exchange of gases between blood in systemic capillaries and tissue cells is? ( blood loses o2, gains co2)
Internal respiration
Name the organs/ structures of upper respiratory system.
Nose, pharynx
Name the organs/ structure of lower respiratory system.
Larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
The the series interconnecting cavities/tubes ( nose, trachea, bronchioles, etc.) that conduct air into the lungs is known as? (Zone)
Conduction Zone
Which zone consist of the tissues within lungs (aveoli) where gas exchange occurs?
Respiratory zone
Two openings of the nose are known as? Also known as nostrils
External nares
Name the anterior portion of the nasal cavity just inside the nostrils.
Nasal vestibule
Name the vertical partition that divides nasal cavity to right and left sides, includes perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer, and cartilage.
Nasal septum
The internal structures of the nose do what 3 basic functions?
- Filter, warm incoming air
- Detect olfactory stimuli
- Modifies speech sounds
After flowing through nasal vestibule, what 3 shelves does air flow over next?
Superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae
The 3 groove-like passageways of the nasal cavity are?
Superior, middle, inferior meatuses
True or false: there is a high degree of vascularity in the nasal cavity that is deep.
False: there is a high degree of vascularity, but it’s superficial. Why nose bleeds are possible
This funnel shaped tube extends partway down the neck, functions as a pathway for both food and air, and is a resonating chamber for speech sounds. Also known as the throat.
What do you call a pony with a sore throat?
A little horse
The upper part of the throat is known as? Exchanged a small amount of air with auditory tubes to equalize pressure with the middle ear.
What is the middle portion of the pharynx known as? Opens mouth with nasopharynx
Lower portion of the pharynx is? Connects esophagus with voice box.
Of the three portions of the throat , which contains tonsils?
Upper two: nasopharynx and Oropharynx
Name this short tube of cartilage that connects the pharynx with trachea. Located anterior to C4-C6 vertebrae, also known as voice box
What part of the voice box is also known as the “ Adam’s apple”?
Thyroid cartilage
This leaf shaped elastic cartilage functions like a trap door that closes when swallowing to keep anything but air out of larynx.
What landmark/ part on the larynx do emergency tracheotomies occur?
Cricoid cartilage
Which feature of the larynx do not produce sound but hold breath against thoracic pressure when lifting heavy objects?
False vocal cords
Which feature of larynx produce sound while speaking/ singing. Function almost like instrument strings when muscles in area contract to move these against moving air.
True vocal cords
Name the long tubular passageway for air that extends from larynx to T5, divides into two bronchi. AKa windpipe, located anterior to esophagus.
Where do pulmonary blood vessels (also lymphatic vessels) enter and exit lungs?
Two primary bronchi
The airways run through lungs resembles an upside-down tree, what then is the arrangement known as?
Bronchial tree
List the order of airway branching, starting from trachea and ending with terminal bronchioles.
Trachea, primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
What happens when bronchiolar smooth muscle goes into spasm, reducing or even closing off airways? Can be caused by allergen, smoking, stress, pollen. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, anxiety, can be treated with Epi pen.
Asthma attack
These two large/ main con-shaped organs, located in thoracic cavity, are considered “ lightweights” because they “float”.
Which lung has a cardiac notch? What does this mean for that lung size?
Left lung, it’s 10% smaller than right