Chapter 25 Vocab Flashcards
Napoleon III encouraged public works, rail roads, and economic progress in general to ease tensions in his _____________
Second Empire
Napoleon III
Napoleons nephew. Tough ruler against socialism. Believed government should represent the people
Napoleon lost support of Frances most dissatisfied group in the 1860s
Urban workers
Universal Male Suffrage
Voting right for all adult males in a political system. Napoleon III granted it in France
Congress of Vienna
Reorganized Italy in 1815.
Radical patriot who believed Italy should be organized under a centralized democratic republic based on universal manhood suffrage and the will of the people
Catholic priest who thought Italy should be a federation of states under the pope
Sardinia Piedmont
Kingdom in Italy. Ruled by Victor Emmanuel. Ideal to help unite Italy
Super patriot who wanted to liberate the kingdom of Two Sicilies
Customs union in Germany founded in 1834. Meant to stimulate trade and increase income for member states. Successful. Excluded Austria
William I of Prussia
Replaced Fred IV. Wanted to reform the army by doubling it. Tough minded king
Strong and conservative. Wanted power and a better Prussian nation, not better German nation. Exemplified Realpolitik. Head of ministry in Prussia
System of politics based on power and the situation of the country.
Blood and Iron
Bismarcks way of ruling. Not liberal, but more about “might makes right”
Danish War
Austria and Prussia VS Denmark. Brought Prussia to the position where they could beat Austria by war if needed
Austro-Prussian War
War in 1866. Prussia defeated Austria, resulting in the North German Confederation.
North German Confederation
States north of the Main River in Germany. Led by Prussia
Franco-Prussian War
War crafted by Bismarck to get support of South German states. Prussia easily won, forming a strong nationalism towards Germany
Alexander II
Russian Tsar. Instigator of many reforms for Russia. Assassinated in 1881.
Minister of Finance in Russia. Wanted industrialization and pushed for high tariffs and railroads. Also wanted foreign investment
Revolution of 1905.
Revolution in Russia caused by much discontent. Everyone wanted more political power. Caused new constitution and elective assembly, the Duma.
The Russian parliament or elective assembly. They were the deciding factor for laws
Bloody Sunday
Gathering at St.Petersburg where troops opened fire on the crowd. Produced indignation towards the tsar
October Manifesto
Russian governments reaction to a strike in Oct, 1905. Granted civil rights and promised parliament with legislative power
Chief minister in Russia. Pushed for agrarian reforms to encourage enterprising and free economy
Popularly elected lower house in Germany
Bismarcks attack on the Catholic Church. Backed my liberalists. Withdrawn for economic reasons in 1878
William II
Emperor or Kaiser of Germany in 1890. Wanted his own power and forced Bismarck to resign.
Dreyfus Affairs
False accusation of Alfred Dreyfus committing treason. Split France. Catholics vs civil libertarians and radical republicans
Dual Monarchy
Austrian Hungarian setup. Helped nationalism and conflicts.
Violent government attacks on the Jewish people
Attempt to update Marxian doctrines to reflect current time