Chapter 25-Risk identification and classification Flashcards
- Explain why identifying all the risks in an organisation is a difficult task.
Identifying all the risks in an organisation is a difficult task and requires good knowledge of:
* the circumstances of the organisation concerned
* the features of the business environment in which it operates
* the general business and regulatory environment.
Not all risks are immediately obvious.
- Explain who from within the business should be involved in the risk identification process.
To complete a full identification of risks requires gaining input from everyone involved in the business, at all levels. Senior management may not be aware of a weakness in an operational process that is a risk to the business, which the more junior operators of the process could readily identify.
- Outline four techniques that can be used to ensure that all relevant risks have been identified, including an explanation of why one of them might not be ideal.
There are some techniques available to ensure that all relevant risks have been identified:
* Use risk classification to ensure that all types of risk have been considered.
* Use techniques from project management.
* Where there is a risk-based capital requirement regime, such as Solvency II in Europe, there may be lists of risks that regulators believe are relevant to the business. For example, the standard formula for calculating capital requirements covers many risks relevant to financial product providers. Such lists may not be exhaustive. For example, the Solvency II standard formula does not include equity volatility as a risk, which could be highly relevant to a business offering equity-backed products with point guarantees.
* Use the experience of staff who have joined from similar organisations, and of consultants with broad experience of the industry concerned.
- Describe the steps necessary to achieve an effective identification of the risks facing a project.
The steps necessary to achieve an effective identification and analysis of the risks facing a project can be summarised as follows:
* Make a high-level preliminary risk analysis to confirm that the project does not have such a high-risk profile that it is not worth analysing further, in which case the project should not proceed.
* Hold a brainstorming session of project experts and senior internal and external people who are used to thinking strategically about the long term.The aim will be to:
○ identify project risks, both likely and unlikely, and their upsides and downsides
○ discuss these risks and their interdependency
○ attempt to place a broad initial evaluation on each risk, considering both frequency of occurrence and probable consequences if it does occur
○ generate initial mitigation options
○ discuss these options briefly.
* Carry out a desktop analysis to supplement the results from the brainstorming session, by identifying further risks and mitigation options, eg by researching similar projects undertaken by the sponsor or others in the past (including overseas experiences).
* Obtain the considered opinions of experts who are familiar with the details of the project and the outline plans for financing it.
* Carefully set out all the identified risks in a risk register or a risk matrix, with cross-references to other risks where there is interdependency.
- Explain why a clear understanding of the business undertaken by a provider and its organisational structure is important for risk management.
A clear understanding of the business undertaken by a provider and the organisational structure is a prerequisite to assessing the significance of each risk and how the outcome of that risk translates
into a financial impact on the balance sheet and cashflow requirements. The main effort in the analysis can then be directed to the key risks.
- Define market risk and state three types into which it can be divided.
Essentially market risks are the risks related to changes in investment market values or other features correlated with investment markets, such as interest and inflation rates.
The risk can be divided into:
* the consequences of changes on asset values - this is the most obvious implication
* the consequence of investment market value changes on liabilities
* the consequences of a provider not matching asset and liability cashflows
- Give two examples of asset value changes.
Asset value changes can result from:
* Changes in the market values of equities and property. These risks can be systematic if they occur across the whole market under consideration, or may be specific to particular markets and can therefore be diversified by holding a range of assets and asset classes.
* Changes in interest and inflation rates. These primarily affect the value of fixed-interest and index-linked securities, although there is usually some effect on equities and property too.
- Describe how market risk can arise through the impact of investment markets on liability values.
Liability value changes might arise because promises to stakeholders, policyholders or benefit scheme members are directly related to investment market values or interest rates. Alternatively a change in interest or inflation rates might affect the level of provisions a provider needs to establish for future liabilities. For example, a reduction in interest rates may reduce the discount rate used to assess the liabilities and therefore increase the provisions that a benefit scheme is required to hold to meet its liabilities.
- Suggest ways in which market risk can be mitigated?
- Choose investments that match the (guaranteed) benefits as closely as possible.
- Manage policyholders’ expectations as to the level of bonuses, eg by:
○ disclosing information on investment strategy
○ making sure that illustrations/ projections are not too optimistic. - Don’t deviate too much from what competitors are investing in.
- Regularly monitor actual investment returns against expected and take corrective action if necessary, eg review premium rates.
- State six reasons why choosing assets to perfectly match the liabilities may be impossible.
In practice a perfect match may be impossible because:
* there may not be a wide enough range of assets available
* in particular it is unusual to find assets of long enough duration
* liabilities may be uncertain in amount and timing
* liabilities may include options and hence have uncertain cashflows after the option date
* liabilities may include discretionary benefits
* the cost of maintaining a fully-matched portfolio is likely to be prohibitive
- What does an investor typically require in order to be able to take an unmatched position?
The existence of additional capital gives freedom to intentionally take an unmatched position in the hope of achieving an additional return. The capital will be used to cover the cost of the risk taken.
- Define credit risk and give examples.
Credit risk is the risk of failure of third parties to meet their obligations. Particular examples are:
* The issuer of a corporate bond defaulting on the interest or capital payments.
* A corporate bond’s credit rating being downgraded
* Counterparty risk or settlement risk, which arises when a party pays away cash or delivers assets before the counterparty is known to have performed their part of the deal.
* General debtors - the purchaser of goods and services fails to pay for them.
- Outline ways in which the bank might be able to reduce credit risk.
- require to set up a liquidity account containing a minimum of 6 or 12 months’ interest
- require to transfer risk relating to the completion of the project eg using insurance
- require a loan guarantee from the sponsor require
- restrict the term of the loan to a sensible period of time
- restrict any further borrowings
- set a principal repayment schedule
- take a fixed security over all of the assets of the owner
- ensure that these assets are readily realisable in a cost-effective manner
- check the creditworthiness of the company to which the loan is being given
- take a higher margin to allow for that proportion of customers who default
- allow some flexibility of mortgage repayments if this would help avoid defaulting
- Discuss the aim of requiring security for lending.
If a borrower can provide security, providing finance to that borrower will be more attractive to a lender. However, the existence of security is not an excuse for otherwise bad lending.
The decision as to what security is taken is dependent on:
* the nature of the transaction underlying the borrowing
* the covenant of the borrower
* market circumstances and the comparative negotiating strength of lender and borrower
* what security is available.
- State a desirable feature of the security for a loan.
It must be within the ability of the lender to realise the security if necessary in a cost-effective manner.