Chapter 24: Disorders of WBC and Lymphoid Tissue Flashcards
What elements form blood?
*Red Blood Cells
What makes up white blood cells?
*Monocyte and macrophage lineage
- The formation of blood cells
What is the lifespan of WBC?
13-20 Days
Where are hematopoiesis formed?
in the hematopoietic stem cells
RBCs and platelets are formed in the marrow and released into circulation
-Not enough WBC
- Increase Infection
Felty Syndrome includes :
-Rheumatoid arthritis
- A swollen spleen
-Decreased white blood cell count
-repeated infections
What are WBC controlled by?
Multiple hematopoietic growth factors or inducers
What causes neutropenia?
Bacterial or fungal infections
The Infectious Mononucleosis is Also known as the ___?
Kissing Disease
What are symptoms of neutropenia?
*Malaise (discomfort)
*Extreme weakness and Fatigue
Infectious Mononucleosis:
- a Self-limited lymphoproliferative disorder
What is a cause and characteristic of infectious Mononucleosis?
- the Epstein Barr Virus EBV
What represents the most important white blood cell disorders?
Neoplastic Disorder of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Origin
Epstein Barr Virus EBV is a member of what family
- The Herpes Virus Family
Epstein Barr Virus EBV is transmitted by ?
What is a neoplasm?
a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body, especially as a characteristic of cancer.
How does Hodgkin’s Disease Arise?
in a single node or chain of nodes
What is significant about Hodgkins disease and
Reed-Sternberg cells are present
What determines neoplasms?
*Their site of origin
*The progenitor cell (like stem cells) from which they originated
* The molecular events involved in their transformation into malignant neoplasm
What is leukemia?
Cancer of blood cells
Reed -Sternberg Cells are:
large and abnormal lymphocyte
Where do malignant neoplasms arise from?
The transformation of a single blood cell derived from hematopoietic stem cells
Where does Non-Hodgkin Disease Originate?
- At the extranodal sites and spreads to anatomically contiguous nodes
Reed-Sternberg cells are present in Non-Hodgkin disease
Where are Reed- Sternberg cells are derived ?
B lymphocytes
What are the Characteristics of Reed-Sternberg Cells?
- atypical
-mononuclear tumor cells
How is leukemia classified?
According to cell lineage ( developmental history of a cell) and rate of growth
What Stage of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma lacks Constitutional Symptoms ?
Stage A
What Stage of
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is causes significant weight loss, fevers, Pruritus, and night sweats.
Stage B
Which two leukemia types involve immature lymphocytes and their progenitors in the bone marrow, the spleen, lymph nodes, CNS, and other tissue.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia and Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Which two leukemia types involve pluripotent myeloid stem cells in the bone marrow and interfere with the maturation of all blood?
Acute myelogenous leukemia and Chronic myelogenous leukemia
What are the Stages of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ?
- Low- grade lymphomas
- Intermediate-grade Lymphomas
- High-grade Lymphomas a
Acute Leukemias Complications include:
- Tumor lysis syndrome
-Blast crisis
What are leukemic cells?
Abnormal white blood cells
Tumor lysis:
Large number of cancer cells die in a short amount of time & release their content in to the blood
elevated uric acid level blood
Blast Crisis:
Cells grow quickly and may have mutate in other cells
Multiple Myeloma
cancer that forms in a white blood cell
A plasmid cell is a TYPE of WBC
What are the functions of leukemic cells and where are they located?
*Proliferate rapidly and have a long life span
*circulate in the blood stem
What are sites involved in Multiple Myeloma?
- Bone and Bone Marrow
- Osteoclasts
What leads to bone resorption and destruction in Multiple Myeloma?
Increases calcium level
What does the blood-brain barrier allow?
It allows vessels to tightly regulate the movement of ions, molecules, and leukemic cells
Pts with Multiple Myeloma are at risks for Pathologic Fractures
What cells are common in Intermediate- grade and High -grade lymphoma?
B-cells and T-cells
Burkitt and Non burkitt lyphomas are a part of High grade lymphomas.